123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170 |
- var IScrollPullUpDown = function (wrapperName,iScrollConfig,pullDownActionHandler,pullUpActionHandler) {
- var iScrollConfig,pullDownActionHandler,pullUpActionHandler,pullDownEl,pullDownOffset,pullUpEl,scrollStartPos;
- var pullThreshold=5;
- var me=this;
- function showPullDownElNow(className) {
- // Shows pullDownEl with a given className
- pullDownEl.style.transitionDuration='';
- pullDownEl.style.marginTop='';
- pullDownEl.className = 'pullDown '+className;
- }
- var hidePullDownEl = function (time,refresh) {
- // Hides pullDownEl
- pullDownEl.style.transitionDuration=(time>0?time+'ms':'');
- pullDownEl.style.marginTop='';
- pullDownEl.className = 'pullDown scrolledUp';
- // If refresh==true, refresh again after time+10 ms to update iScroll's "scroller.offsetHeight" after the pull-down-bar is really hidden...
- // Don't refresh when the user is still dragging, as this will cause the content to jump (i.e. don't refresh while dragging)
- if (refresh) setTimeout(function(){me.myScroll.refresh();},time+10);
- }
- function init() {
- var wrapperObj = document.querySelector('#'+wrapperName);
- var scrollerObj = wrapperObj.children[0];
- if (pullDownActionHandler) {
- // If a pullDownActionHandler-function is supplied, add a pull-down bar at the top and enable pull-down-to-refresh.
- // (if pullDownActionHandler==null this iScroll will have no pull-down-functionality)
- pullDownEl=document.createElement('div');
- pullDownEl.className='pullDown scrolledUp';
- pullDownEl.innerHTML='<span class="pullDownIcon"></span><span class="pullDownLabel">下拉刷新</span>';
- scrollerObj.insertBefore(pullDownEl, scrollerObj.firstChild);
- pullDownOffset = pullDownEl.offsetHeight;
- }
- if (pullUpActionHandler) {
- // If a pullUpActionHandler-function is supplied, add a pull-up bar in the bottom and enable pull-up-to-load.
- // (if pullUpActionHandler==null this iScroll will have no pull-up-functionality)
- pullUpEl=document.createElement('div');
- pullUpEl.className='pullUp';
- pullUpEl.innerHTML='<span class="pullUpIcon"></span><span class="pullUpLabel">上拉加载更多</span>';
- scrollerObj.appendChild(pullUpEl);
- }
- // TODO 尝试解决 华为P10等多款手机型号上下滑动的页面都会卡顿现象,比如管理员端的所有界面,以及代预约的页面问题
- iScrollConfig = iScrollConfig || {}
- iScrollConfig.disablePointer = true
- iScrollConfig.disableTouch = false
- iScrollConfig.disableMouse = false
- me.myScroll = new IScroll(wrapperObj,iScrollConfig);
- me.myScroll.on('refresh',function() {
- if ((pullDownEl)&&(pullDownEl.className.match('loading'))) {
- pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = '下拉刷新';
- if (this.y>=0) {
- // The pull-down-bar is fully visible:
- // Hide it with a simple 250ms animation
- hidePullDownEl(250,true);
- } else if (this.y>-pullDownOffset) {
- // The pull-down-bar is PARTLY visible:
- // Set up a shorter animation to hide it
- // Firt calculate a new margin-top for pullDownEl that matches the current scroll position
- pullDownEl.style.marginTop=this.y+'px';
- // CSS-trick to force webkit to render/update any CSS-changes immediately: Access the offsetHeight property...
- pullDownEl.offsetHeight;
- // Calculate the animation time (shorter, dependant on the new distance to animate) from here to completely 'scrolledUp' (hidden)
- // Needs to be done before adjusting the scroll-positon (if we want to read this.y)
- var animTime=(250*(pullDownOffset+this.y)/pullDownOffset);
- // Set scroll positon to top
- // (this is the same as adjusting the scroll postition to match the exact movement pullDownEl made due to the change of margin-top above, so the content will not "jump")
- this.scrollTo(0,0,0);
- // Hide pullDownEl with the new (shorter) animation (and reset the inline style again).
- setTimeout(function() { // Do this in a new thread to avoid glitches in iOS webkit (will make sure the immediate margin-top change above is rendered)...
- hidePullDownEl(animTime,true);
- },0);
- } else {
- // The pull-down-bar is completely off screen:
- // Hide it immediately
- hidePullDownEl(0,true);
- // And adjust the scroll postition to match the exact movement pullDownEl made due to change of margin-top above, so the content will not "jump"
- this.scrollBy(0,pullDownOffset,0);
- }
- }
- if ((pullUpEl)&&(pullUpEl.className.match('loading'))) {
- pullUpEl.className = 'pullUp';
- pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = '上拉加载更多';
- }
- });
- me.myScroll.on('scrollStart',function() {
- scrollStartPos=this.y; // Store the scroll starting point to be able to track movement in 'scroll' below
- });
- me.myScroll.on('scroll',function() {
- if (pullDownEl||pullUpEl) {
- if((scrollStartPos==0)&&(this.y==0)) {
- // 'scroll' called, but scroller is not moving!
- // Probably because the content inside wrapper is small and fits the screen, so drag/scroll is disabled by iScroll
- // Fix this by a hack: Setting "myScroll.hasVerticalScroll=true" tricks iScroll to believe
- // that there is a vertical scrollbar, and iScroll will enable dragging/scrolling again...
- this.hasVerticalScroll=true;
- // Set scrollStartPos to -1000 to be able to detect this state later...
- scrollStartPos=-1000;
- } else if ((scrollStartPos==-1000) &&
- (((!pullUpEl)&&(!pullDownEl.className.match('flip'))&&(this.y<0)) ||
- ((!pullDownEl)&&(!pullUpEl.className.match('flip'))&&(this.y>0)))) {
- // Scroller was not moving at first (and the trick above was applied), but now it's moving in the wrong direction.
- // I.e. the user is either scrolling up while having no "pull-up-bar",
- // or scrolling down while having no "pull-down-bar" => Disable the trick again and reset values...
- this.hasVerticalScroll=false;
- scrollStartPos=0;
- this.scrollBy(0,-this.y, 0); // Adjust scrolling position to undo this "invalid" movement
- }
- }
- if (pullDownEl) {
- if (this.y > pullDownOffset+pullThreshold && !pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) {
- showPullDownElNow('flip');
- this.scrollBy(0,-pullDownOffset, 0); // Adjust scrolling position to match the change in pullDownEl's margin-top
- pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = '刷新数据中...';
- } else if (this.y < 0 && pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) { // User changes his mind...
- hidePullDownEl(0,false);
- this.scrollBy(0,pullDownOffset, 0); // Adjust scrolling position to match the change in pullDownEl's margin-top
- pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = '下拉刷新';
- }
- }
- if (pullUpEl) {
- if (this.y < (this.maxScrollY - pullThreshold) && !pullUpEl.className.match('flip')) {
- pullUpEl.className = 'pullUp flip';
- pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = '正在加载...';
- } else if (this.y > (this.maxScrollY + pullThreshold) && pullUpEl.className.match('flip')) {
- pullUpEl.className = 'pullUp';
- pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = '上拉加载更多';
- }
- }
- });
- me.myScroll.on('scrollEnd',function() {
- if ((pullDownEl)&&(pullDownEl.className.match('flip'))) {
- showPullDownElNow('loading');
- pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = '刷新数据中...';
- pullDownActionHandler(this); // Execute custom function (ajax call?)
- }
- if ((pullUpEl)&&(pullUpEl.className.match('flip'))) {
- pullUpEl.className = 'pullUp loading';
- pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = '正在加载...';
- pullUpActionHandler(this); // Execute custom function (ajax call?)
- }
- if (scrollStartPos=-1000) {
- // If scrollStartPos=-1000: Recalculate the true value of "hasVerticalScroll" as it may have been
- // altered in 'scroll' to enable pull-to-refresh/load when the content fits the screen...
- this.hasVerticalScroll = this.options.scrollY && this.maxScrollY < 0;
- }
- });
- }
- // window.addEventListener('load', function() {init()}, false);
- init();
- return me.myScroll;
- };