/** * IosSelect * @param {number} level 选择的层级 1 2 3 4 5 最多支持5层 * @param {...Array} data [oneLevelArray[, twoLevelArray[, threeLevelArray]]] * @param {Object} options * @param {string=} options.container 组件插入到该元素下 可选 * @param {Function} options.callback 选择完毕后的回调函数 * @param {string=} options.title 选择框title * @param {number=} options.itemHeight 每一项的高度,默认 35 * @param {number=} options.itemShowCount 组件展示的项数,默认 7,可选3,5,7,9,不过不是3,5,7,9则展示7项 * @param {number=} options.headerHeight 组件标题栏高度 默认 44 * @param {css=} options.cssUnit px或者rem 默认是px * @param {string=} options.addClassName 组件额外类名 用于自定义样式 * @param {...Array=} options.relation 数组 [oneTwoRelation, twoThreeRelation, threeFourRelation, fourFiveRelation] 默认值:[0, 0, 0, 0] * @param {number=} options.relation.oneTwoRelation 第一列和第二列是否通过parentId关联 * @param {number=} options.relation.twoThreeRelation 第二列和第三列是否通过parentId关联 * @param {number=} options.relation.threeFourRelation 第三列和第四列是否通过parentId关联 * @param {number=} options.relation.fourFiveRelation 第四列和第五列是否通过parentId关联 * @param {string=} options.oneLevelId 第一级选中id * @param {string=} options.twoLevelId 第二级选中id * @param {string=} options.threeLevelId 第三级选中id * @param {string=} options.fourLevelId 第四级选中id * @param {string=} options.fiveLevelId 第五级选中id * @param {boolean=} options.showLoading 如果你的数据是异步加载的,可以使用该参数设置为true,下拉菜单会有加载中的效果 */ (function() { iosSelectUtil = { isArray: function(arg1) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg1) === '[object Array]'; }, isFunction: function(arg1) { return typeof arg1 === 'function'; }, attrToData: function(dom, index) { var obj = {}; for (var p in dom.dataset) { obj[p] = dom.dataset[p]; } obj['dom'] = dom; obj['atindex'] = index; return obj; }, attrToHtml: function(obj) { var html = ''; for (var p in obj) { html += 'data-' + p + '="' + obj[p] + '"'; } return html; } }; // Layer function Layer(html, opts) { if (!(this instanceof Layer)) { return new Layer(html, opts); } this.html = html; this.opts = opts; var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = 'olay'; // var layer_el = $('
'); var layer_el = document.createElement('div'); layer_el.className = 'layer'; this.el = el; this.layer_el = layer_el; this.init(); } Layer.prototype = { init: function() { this.layer_el.innerHTML = this.html; if (this.opts.container && document.querySelector(this.opts.container)) { document.querySelector(this.opts.container).appendChild(this.el); } else { document.body.appendChild(this.el); } this.el.appendChild(this.layer_el); this.el.style.height = Math.max(document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().height, window.innerHeight); if (this.opts.className) { this.el.className += ' ' + this.opts.className; } this.bindEvent(); }, bindEvent: function() { var sureDom = this.el.querySelectorAll('.sure'); var closeDom = this.el.querySelectorAll('.close'); var self = this; for (var i = 0, len = sureDom.length; i < len; i++) { sureDom[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) { self.close(); }); } for (var i = 0, len = closeDom.length; i < len; i++) { closeDom[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) { self.close(); }); } }, close: function() { if (this.el) { this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el); this.el = null; } } } function IosSelect(level, data, options) { if (!iosSelectUtil.isArray(data) || data.length === 0) { return; } this.data = data; this.level = level || 1; this.options = options; this.typeBox = 'one-level-box'; if (this.level === 1) { this.typeBox = 'one-level-box'; } else if (this.level === 2) { this.typeBox = 'two-level-box'; } else if (this.level === 3) { this.typeBox = 'three-level-box'; } else if (this.level === 4) { this.typeBox = 'four-level-box'; } else if (this.level === 5) { this.typeBox = 'five-level-box'; } this.callback = options.callback; this.title = options.title || ''; this.options.itemHeight = options.itemHeight || 35; this.options.itemShowCount = [3, 5, 7, 9].indexOf(options.itemShowCount) !== -1? options.itemShowCount: 7; this.options.coverArea1Top = Math.floor(this.options.itemShowCount / 2); this.options.coverArea2Top = Math.ceil(this.options.itemShowCount / 2); this.options.headerHeight = options.headerHeight || 44; this.options.relation = iosSelectUtil.isArray(this.options.relation)? this.options.relation: []; this.options.oneTwoRelation = this.options.relation[0]; this.options.twoThreeRelation = this.options.relation[1]; this.options.threeFourRelation = this.options.relation[2]; this.options.fourFiveRelation = this.options.relation[3]; if (this.options.cssUnit !== 'px' && this.options.cssUnit !== 'rem') { this.options.cssUnit = 'px'; } this.setBase(); this.init(); }; IosSelect.prototype = { init: function() { this.initLayer(); // 选中元素的信息 this.selectOneObj = {}; this.selectTwoObj = {}; this.selectThreeObj = {}; this.selectFourObj = {}; this.selectFiveObj = {}; this.setOneLevel(this.options.oneLevelId, this.options.twoLevelId, this.options.threeLevelId, this.options.fourLevelId, this.options.fiveLevelId); }, initLayer: function() { var self = this; var all_html = [ '
', '

', '取消', '确定', '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', // '
', '
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', '
' ].join('\r\n'); this.iosSelectLayer = new Layer(all_html, { className: 'ios-select-widget-box ' + this.typeBox + (this.options.addClassName? ' ' + this.options.addClassName: ''), container: this.options.container || '' }); this.iosSelectTitleDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#iosSelectTitle'); this.iosSelectLoadingBoxDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#iosSelectLoadingBox'); if (this.options.title) { this.iosSelectTitleDom.innerHTML = this.options.title; } if (this.options.headerHeight && this.options.itemHeight) { this.coverArea1Dom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.cover-area1'); this.coverArea1Dom.style.top = this.options.headerHeight + this.options.itemHeight * this.options.coverArea1Top + this.options.cssUnit; this.coverArea2Dom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.cover-area2'); this.coverArea2Dom.style.top = this.options.headerHeight + this.options.itemHeight * this.options.coverArea2Top + this.options.cssUnit; } this.oneLevelContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#oneLevelContain'); this.twoLevelContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#twoLevelContain'); this.threeLevelContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#threeLevelContain'); this.fourLevelContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#fourLevelContain'); this.fiveLevelContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('#fiveLevelContain'); this.oneLevelUlContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.select-one-level'); this.twoLevelUlContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.select-two-level'); this.threeLevelUlContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.select-three-level'); this.fourLevelUlContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.select-four-level'); this.fiveLevelUlContainDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.select-five-level'); this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.layer').style.height = this.options.itemHeight * this.options.itemShowCount + this.options.headerHeight + this.options.cssUnit; this.oneLevelContainDom.style.height = this.options.itemHeight * this.options.itemShowCount + this.options.cssUnit; this.offsetTop = document.body.scrollTop; document.body.classList.add('ios-select-body-class'); window.scrollTo(0, 0); this.scrollOne = new IScroll('#oneLevelContain', { probeType: 3, bounce: false }); this.scrollOne.on('scrollStart', function() { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.oneLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); }); this.scrollOne.on('scroll', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; plast = Math.round(pa) + 1; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.oneLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); self.changeClassName(self.oneLevelContainDom, plast); }); this.scrollOne.on('scrollEnd', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollOne.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.oneLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.oneLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectOneObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level > 1 && self.options.oneTwoRelation === 1) { self.setTwoLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); this.scrollOne.on('scrollCancel', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollOne.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.oneLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.oneLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectOneObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level > 1 && self.options.oneTwoRelation === 1) { self.setTwoLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); if (this.level >= 2) { this.twoLevelContainDom.style.height = this.options.itemHeight * this.options.itemShowCount + this.options.cssUnit; this.scrollTwo = new IScroll('#twoLevelContain', { probeType: 3, bounce: false }); this.scrollTwo.on('scrollStart', function() { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.twoLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); }); this.scrollTwo.on('scroll', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 0; plast = Math.round(pa) + 1; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.twoLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); self.changeClassName(self.twoLevelContainDom, plast); }); this.scrollTwo.on('scrollEnd', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollTwo.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.twoLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.twoLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectTwoObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level > 2 && self.options.twoThreeRelation === 1) { self.setThreeLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); this.scrollTwo.on('scrollCancel', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollTwo.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.twoLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.twoLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectTwoObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level > 2 && self.options.twoThreeRelation === 1) { self.setThreeLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); } if (this.level >= 3) { this.threeLevelContainDom.style.height = this.options.itemHeight * this.options.itemShowCount + this.options.cssUnit; this.scrollThree = new IScroll('#threeLevelContain', { probeType: 3, bounce: false }); this.scrollThree.on('scrollStart', function() { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.threeLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); }); this.scrollThree.on('scroll', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 0; plast = Math.round(pa) + 1; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.threeLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); self.changeClassName(self.threeLevelContainDom, plast); }); this.scrollThree.on('scrollEnd', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollThree.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.threeLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.threeLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectThreeObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level >= 4 && self.options.threeFourRelation === 1) { self.setFourLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); this.scrollThree.on('scrollCancel', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollThree.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.threeLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.threeLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectThreeObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level >= 4 && self.options.threeFourRelation === 1) { self.setFourLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); } if (this.level >= 4) { this.fourLevelContainDom.style.height = this.options.itemHeight * this.options.itemShowCount + this.options.cssUnit; this.scrollFour = new IScroll('#fourLevelContain', { probeType: 3, bounce: false }); this.scrollFour.on('scrollStart', function() { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fourLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); }); this.scrollFour.on('scroll', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 0; plast = Math.round(pa) + 1; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fourLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); self.changeClassName(self.fourLevelContainDom, plast); }); this.scrollFour.on('scrollEnd', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollFour.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fourLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.fourLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectFourObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level >= 5 && self.options.fourFiveRelation === 1) { self.setFiveLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); this.scrollFour.on('scrollCancel', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollFour.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fourLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.fourLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectFourObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); if (self.level >= 5 && self.options.fourFiveRelation === 1) { self.setFiveLevel(self.selectOneObj.id, self.selectTwoObj.id, self.selectThreeObj.id, self.selectFourObj.id, self.selectFiveObj.id); } }); } if (this.level >= 5) { this.fiveLevelContainDom.style.height = this.options.itemHeight * this.options.itemShowCount + this.options.cssUnit; this.scrollFive = new IScroll('#fiveLevelContain', { probeType: 3, bounce: false }); this.scrollFive.on('scrollStart', function() { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fiveLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); }); this.scrollFive.on('scroll', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 0; plast = Math.round(pa) + 1; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fiveLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); self.changeClassName(self.fiveLevelContainDom, plast); }); this.scrollFive.on('scrollEnd', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollFive.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fiveLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.fiveLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectFiveObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); }); this.scrollFive.on('scrollCancel', function() { var pa = Math.abs(this.y / self.baseSize) / self.options.itemHeight; var plast = 1; var to = 0; if (Math.ceil(pa) === Math.round(pa)) { to = Math.ceil(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.ceil(pa) + 1; } else { to = Math.floor(pa) * self.options.itemHeight * self.baseSize; plast = Math.floor(pa) + 1; } self.scrollFive.scrollTo(0, -to, 0); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.fiveLevelContainDom.querySelectorAll('li')).forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.classList.contains('at')) { v.classList.remove('at'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side1')) { v.classList.remove('side1'); } else if (v.classList.contains('side2')) { v.classList.remove('side2'); } }); var pdom = self.changeClassName(self.fiveLevelContainDom, plast); self.selectFiveObj = iosSelectUtil.attrToData(pdom, plast); }); } // 取消 确认 事件 this.closeBtnDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.close'); this.closeBtnDom.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if (document.body.classList.contains('ios-select-body-class')) { document.body.classList.remove('ios-select-body-class'); } window.scrollTo(0, self.offsetTop); }); this.selectBtnDom = this.iosSelectLayer.el.querySelector('.sure'); this.selectBtnDom.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if (document.body.classList.contains('ios-select-body-class')) { document.body.classList.remove('ios-select-body-class'); } window.scrollTo(0, self.offsetTop); self.callback && self.callback(self.selectOneObj, self.selectTwoObj, self.selectThreeObj, self.selectFourObj, self.selectFiveObj); }); }, loadingShow: function() { this.options.showLoading && (this.iosSelectLoadingBoxDom.style.display = 'block'); }, loadingHide: function() { this.iosSelectLoadingBoxDom.style.display = 'none'; }, getOneLevel: function() { return this.data[0]; }, setOneLevel: function(oneLevelId, twoLevelId, threeLevelId, fourLevelId, fiveLevelId) { if (iosSelectUtil.isArray(this.data[0])){ var oneLevelData = this.getOneLevel(); this.renderOneLevel(oneLevelId, twoLevelId, threeLevelId, fourLevelId, fiveLevelId, oneLevelData); } else if (iosSelectUtil.isFunction(this.data[0])) { this.loadingShow(); this.data[0](function(oneLevelData) { this.loadingHide(); this.renderOneLevel(oneLevelId, twoLevelId, threeLevelId, fourLevelId, fiveLevelId, oneLevelData); }.bind(this)); } else { throw new Error('data format error'); } }, renderOneLevel: function(oneLevelId, twoLevelId, threeLevelId, fourLevelId, fiveLevelId, oneLevelData) { var hasAtId = oneLevelData.some(function(v, i, o) { return v.id == oneLevelId; }); if (!hasAtId) { oneLevelId = oneLevelData[0]['id']; } var oneHtml = ''; var self = this; var plast = 0; oneHtml += this.getWhiteItem(); oneLevelData.forEach(function(v, i, o) { if (v.id == oneLevelId) { oneHtml += '
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  • ' + v.value + '
  • '; plast = i + 1; } else { fourHtml += '
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