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0 :$document.scrollLeft(); var dt = fixed ? 0 :$document.scrollTop(); var ww = $window.width(); var wh = $window.height(); var ow = popup.width(); var oh = popup.height(); var left = (ww - ow) / 2 + dl; var top = (wh - oh) * 382 / 1e3 + dt; var style = popup[0].style; style.left = Math.max(parseInt(left), dl) + "px"; style.top = Math.max(parseInt(top), dt) + "px"; if (this.__browser.versions.ios) { style.top = "50%"; style.position = "fixed"; style.marginTop = "-" + popup.height() / 2 + "px"; } }, __bottom:function() { var popup = this.__popup; var $window = $(window); var $document = $(document); var fixed = this.fixed; var dl = fixed ? 0 :$document.scrollLeft(); var dt = fixed ? 0 :$document.scrollTop(); var ww = $window.width(); var wh = $window.height(); var ow = popup.width(); var oh = popup.height(); var left = (ww - ow) / 2 + dl; var top = (wh - oh) * 382 / 1e3 + dt; var style = popup[0].style; style.left = Math.max(parseInt(left), dl) + "px"; style.bottom = "50px"; if (this.__browser.versions.ios) { style.bottom = "50px"; style.position = "fixed"; style.marginTop = "-" + popup.height() / 2 + "px"; } }, __browser:{ versions:function() { var u = navigator.userAgent, app = navigator.appVersion; return { trident:u.indexOf("Trident") > -1, presto:u.indexOf("Presto") > -1, webKit:u.indexOf("AppleWebKit") > -1, gecko:u.indexOf("Gecko") > -1 && u.indexOf("KHTML") == -1, mobile:!!u.match(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile.*/), ios:!!u.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? 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"top" :"left"; temp[1][align[1]] = center[name[align[1]]]; } className += align.join("-") + " " + this.className + "-follow"; that.__followSkin = className; if ($elem) { popup.addClass(className); } css[name[align[0]]] = parseInt(temp[0][align[0]]); css[name[align[1]]] = parseInt(temp[1][align[1]]); popup.css(css); }, __offset:function(anchor) { var isNode = anchor.parentNode; var offset = isNode ? $(anchor).offset() :{ left:anchor.pageX, top:anchor.pageY }; anchor = isNode ? anchor :anchor.target; var ownerDocument = anchor.ownerDocument; var defaultView = ownerDocument.defaultView || ownerDocument.parentWindow; if (defaultView == window) { return offset; } var frameElement = defaultView.frameElement; var $ownerDocument = $(ownerDocument); var docLeft = $ownerDocument.scrollLeft(); var docTop = $ownerDocument.scrollTop(); var frameOffset = $(frameElement).offset(); var frameLeft = frameOffset.left; var frameTop = frameOffset.top; return { left:offset.left + frameLeft - docLeft, top:offset.top + frameTop - docTop }; } }); Popup.zIndex = 1024; Popup.current = null; return Popup; }); define("dialog-config", { fixed:true, zIndex:3e3, backdropBackground:"#000", backdropOpacity:.7, content:"", contentType:"", closeTime:3e3, title:"", statusbar:"", button:null, ok:null, cancel:null, okValue:"确定", cancelValue:"取消", cancelDisplay:true, width:"", height:"", padding:"", titlePadding:"", contentBlock:false, skin:"ax-popup", boxSkin:"ui-popup-full fat-title", quickClose:false, cssUri:"", innerHTML:'' + '' + '' + " | " + "
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