@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
package com.yihu.jw.hospital.module.health.service;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.yihu.jw.device.dao.DeviceDetailDao;
import com.yihu.jw.device.dao.DevicePatientHealthIndexDao;
import com.yihu.jw.device.dao.PatientDeviceDao;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.base.patient.BasePatientDO;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.device.DeviceDetail;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.device.DevicePatientDevice;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.device.DevicePatientHealthIndex;
import com.yihu.jw.hospital.module.health.controller.Result;
import com.yihu.jw.hospital.module.iot.service.IotDeviceService;
import com.yihu.jw.patient.dao.BasePatientDao;
import com.yihu.jw.util.date.DateUtil;
import com.yihu.jw.utils.StringUtil;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by Bing on 2021/7/7.
public class DeviceUploadService {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeviceUploadService.class);
private BasePatientDao patientDao;
private DeviceDetailDao deviceDetailDao;
private PatientDeviceDao patientDeviceDao;
private DevicePatientHealthIndexDao patientHealthIndexDao;
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private IotDeviceService iotDeviceService;
public void deviceRegistration(String deviceSn, String deviceModel, String deviceName, String categoryCode, String categoryName) {
try {
}catch (Exception e){
public Result uploadDevicesData(String dataJson, HttpServletRequest request)throws Exception {
try {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map = objectMapper.readValue(dataJson, Map.class);
String deviceSn = map.get("deviceSn").toString();//设备唯一码
Integer deviceType = Integer.parseInt(map.get("deviceType").toString());//设备类型1:血压 2:血糖
String data = map.get("data").toString();//体征值(血糖:data=血糖值 血压:data=收缩压,舒张压,脉搏)
String uploadTime = map.get("uploadTime").toString();//体征上传时间yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
String manufacturerCode = map.get("manufacturerCode").toString();//厂商代码
String manufacturerName = map.get("manufacturerName").toString();//厂商名称
String unit = map.get("unit").toString();//单位mmol/L,mmHg
String sendTime = map.get("sendTime").toString();//发送时间yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
String userType = map.get("button").toString();//按键号 即 userType
String measurementType=null==map.get("measurementType")?"":map.get("measurementType").toString(); //单个设备的测量类型,deviceType=4智能手表:1心率,2血压
String paraString = JSON.toJSONString(request.getParameterMap());
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("deviceSn", deviceSn);
json.put("deviceType", deviceType);
json.put("data", data);
json.put("uploadTime", uploadTime);//三诺的上传时间
json.put("manufacturerCode", manufacturerCode);
json.put("manufacturerName", manufacturerName);
json.put("unit", unit);
json.put("sendTime", sendTime);//三诺的测量时间
json.put("userType", userType);
json.put("measurementType", measurementType);
String type = deviceType + "";
if (1 == deviceType) {
type = "2";
} else if (2 == deviceType) {
type = "1";
userType = "-1";
// DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo();
// deviceInfo.setDeviceData(dataJson);
// deviceInfo.setDeviceType(type);
// deviceInfo.setPushDate(DateUtil.getNowTimestamp());
// deviceInfo.setStatus("1");
// deviceInfoDao.save(deviceInfo);
DevicePatientHealthIndex result = null;
if (Double.parseDouble(data)>=1){
result = savePatientDeviceData(deviceSn, type, data, uploadTime, userType, json,measurementType);
}else {
logger.info("This blood device data below 1.0:====="+dataJson);
throw new Exception("This blood device data below 1.0 ");
}else {
result = savePatientDeviceData(deviceSn, type, data, uploadTime, userType, json,measurementType);
if (result == null) {
logger.info("This device is not relate patient!:====="+dataJson);
throw new Exception("This device is not relate patient!");
// dataPushLogUtil.savePushLog(deviceSn,paraString,"体征数据接收");
// dataPushLogUtil.updContactStatus(deviceSn,1,false);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Result.success("Device data incoming success");
* 保存设备数据
* @param type 设备类型 4 智能手表
* @param userType 用户身份:-1 单用户
* @param measurementType 单设备多功能类型 type=4时,measurementType=1心率,measurementType=2血压
public DevicePatientHealthIndex savePatientDeviceData(String deviceSn, String type, String data, String uploadTime, String userType, JSONObject json, String measurementType) throws Exception {
Date currentTime = DateUtil.getNowTimestamp();
Date time = currentTime;
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(uploadTime)) {
time = DateUtil.toTimestamp(uploadTime, DateUtil.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS);
Date monthTime = DateUtil.getNextMonthReturnDate( currentTime,-12);
if (DateUtil.compareDate(time, monthTime) < 0) {
time = currentTime;
if (StringUtil.isStrEmpty(userType)) {
userType = "-1";
DevicePatientDevice device = null;
DeviceDetail deviceDetail = null;
List<DeviceDetail> deviceDetails = deviceDetailDao.findByDeviceCode(deviceSn);
if (deviceDetails != null || deviceDetails.size()!=0){
deviceDetail = deviceDetails.get(0);
if (deviceDetail.getGrantOrgCode() != null&& deviceDetail.getGrantOrgCode().equals("3502050300")){//
List<DevicePatientDevice> patientDeviceList = patientDeviceDao.findByDeviceSnAndCategoryCode(deviceSn, type);
if (patientDeviceList != null&&patientDeviceList.size()==1) {
device = patientDeviceList.get(0);
}else if(patientDeviceList != null&&patientDeviceList.size()==2){
for (int i=0;i<patientDeviceList.size();i++){
device = patientDeviceList.get(i);
}else {
// device = patientDeviceDao.findByDeviceSnAndCategoryCodeAndUserType(deviceSn, type, userType);
List<DevicePatientDevice> devices = patientDeviceDao.findByDeviceSnAndCategoryCode(deviceSn, type);
if (devices.size()>0){
device = devices.get(0);
}else {
if (device != null) {
if (device!=null) {*/
/************设备数据重复推送处理 start**********************/
String value1 = data;
String value2="";
String value3="";
String[] value = data.split(",");
if (value.length > 0) {
value1 = value[0]; //收缩压
value2 = value[1];
value3 = value[2];
}else if("4".equals(type)){
String[] value = data.split(",");
if (value.length > 0) {
value1 = value[0]; //收缩压
value2 = value[1];
/* value3 = value[2];*/
}else {
if (value1.equals(value2) && value2.equals(value3)){
return null;
// List<PatientHealthIndex> list = patientHealthIndexDao.findByType(device.getUser(),deviceSn,value1,Integer.parseInt(type),time);
/*long maxtime = time.getTime()+30*1000;
long mintime = time.getTime()-30*1000;*/
Date minDate = DateUtil.getPreDays(time,-3);
Date maxDate = DateUtil.getPreDays(time,3);
List<DevicePatientHealthIndex> list = ioTfindByType(device.getUser(),deviceSn,value1,value2,value3,Integer.parseInt(type),time,minDate,maxDate);
return null;
/************设备数据重复推送处理 end**********************/
DevicePatientHealthIndex obj = new DevicePatientHealthIndex();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
obj.setRecordDate(sdf.parse(json.getString("uploadTime"))); //记录时间取上传时间
obj.setSortDate(time); //排序时间
// obj.setManageResult(0);//默认数据是医生未干预状态
String user = device.getUser();
// obj.setButton(userType);
// 1血糖 2血压 3体重 4腰围,5心率
switch (type) {
case "1":
obj.setValue1(data); //血糖值
obj.setValue2(formatBloodSuger(user,deviceSn,DateUtil.dateToStr(time, DateUtil.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS)));
case "2":
String[] value = data.split(",");
if (value.length > 0) {
obj.setValue1(value[0]); //收缩压
if (value.length > 1) {
obj.setValue2(value[1]); //舒张压
if (value.length > 2) {
obj.setValue3(value[2]); //脉搏
if (value.length > 3) {
obj.setValue4(value[3]); //有无心率不齐
case "3":
obj.setValue1(data); //体重
case "4":
obj.setValue1(data); //腰围
case "5":
obj.setValue1(data); //心率
throw new Exception("Can not support the metric!");
BasePatientDO patient = patientDao.findById(user);
obj = patientHealthIndexDao.save(obj);
return obj;
return null;
* 查找重复数据
* @param user
* @param deviceSn
* @param value1
* @param type
* @param time
* @return
public List<DevicePatientHealthIndex> ioTfindByType(String user,String deviceSn,String value1,String value2,String value3,Integer type,Date time,Date timeMin,Date timeMax){
List<DevicePatientHealthIndex> list = new ArrayList<>();
String sql = "";
String startTime = DateUtil.dateToStrLong(timeMin);
String endTime = DateUtil.dateToStrLong(timeMax);
if (type==1){
sql = "select a.* from wlyy_patient_health_index a where a.user = '"+user+"' and a.device_sn = '"+deviceSn+"' " +
"and a.value1 = '"+value1+"' and a.type = "+type+" and a.record_date >= '"+startTime+"' and a.record_date<='"+endTime+"' and a.del = '1' ";
}else if (type==2){
sql = "select a.* from wlyy_patient_health_index a where a.user = '"+user+"' and a.device_sn = '"+deviceSn+"' " +
"and a.value1 = '"+value1+"' and a.value2='"+value2+"' and a.value3='"+value3+"' and a.type = "+type+" " +
"and a.record_date >= '"+startTime+"' and a.record_date<='"+endTime+"' and a.del = '1' ";
list = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(DevicePatientHealthIndex.class));
return list;
* 血糖测量时间段
* @param user
* @param deviceSN
* @param dateTime
* @return
private String formatBloodSuger(String user,String deviceSN,String dateTime) {
String fastingStart = "00:00:00";
String fastingEnd = "07:59:59";
String afterBreakFastStart = "08:00:00";
String afterBreakFastEnd = "09:59:59";
String beforeLunchStart = "10:00:00";
String beforeLunchEnd = "11:59:59";
String afterLunchStart = "12:00:00";
String afterLunchEnd = "13:59:59";
String beforeDinnerStart = "14:00:00";
String beforeDinnerEnd = "17:59:59";
String afterDinnerStart = "18:00:00";
String afterDinnerEnd = "19:59:59";
String beforeSleepStart = "20:00:00";
String beforeSleepEnd = "23:59:59";
if (isInArea(dateTime, fastingStart,fastingEnd)) {
return "1";//"空腹血糖"
if (isInArea(dateTime, afterBreakFastStart,afterBreakFastEnd)) {
return "2";//"早餐后血糖"
if (isInArea(dateTime, beforeLunchStart,beforeLunchEnd)) {
return "3";//"午餐前血糖"
if (isInArea(dateTime, afterLunchStart,afterLunchEnd)) {
return "4";//"午餐后血糖"
if (isInArea(dateTime, beforeDinnerStart,beforeDinnerEnd)) {
return "5";//"晚餐前血糖"
if (isInArea(dateTime, afterDinnerStart,afterDinnerEnd)) {
return "6";//"晚餐后血糖"
if (isInArea(dateTime, beforeSleepStart,beforeSleepEnd)) {
return "7";//"睡前血糖"
return "1";//"空腹血糖"
// 判断时间是否在对应时间段
private Boolean isInArea(String time,String begin,String end) {
String date = DateUtil.getDateFromDateTime(time);
Long beginTime = DateUtil.compareDateTime(DateUtil.toTimestamp(time), DateUtil.toTimestamp(date + " " + begin ));
Long endTime = DateUtil.compareDateTime(DateUtil.toTimestamp(time), DateUtil.toTimestamp(date + " " + end ));
if (beginTime > 0 && endTime < 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//package com.yihu.jw.hospital.module.health.service;
//import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
//import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
//import com.yihu.jw.device.dao.DeviceDetailDao;
//import com.yihu.jw.device.dao.DevicePatientHealthIndexDao;
//import com.yihu.jw.device.dao.PatientDeviceDao;
//import com.yihu.jw.entity.base.patient.BasePatientDO;
//import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.device.DeviceDetail;
//import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.device.DevicePatientDevice;
//import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.device.DevicePatientHealthIndex;
//import com.yihu.jw.hospital.module.health.controller.Result;
//import com.yihu.jw.hospital.module.iot.service.IotDeviceService;
//import com.yihu.jw.patient.dao.BasePatientDao;
//import com.yihu.jw.util.date.DateUtil;
//import com.yihu.jw.utils.StringUtil;
//import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
//import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
//import org.slf4j.Logger;
//import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
//import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
//import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
//import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
//import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
//import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
//import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.Date;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
// * Created by Bing on 2021/7/7.
// */
//public class DeviceUploadService {
// private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeviceUploadService.class);
// @Autowired
// private BasePatientDao patientDao;
// @Autowired
// private DeviceDetailDao deviceDetailDao;
// @Autowired
// private PatientDeviceDao patientDeviceDao;
// @Autowired
// private DevicePatientHealthIndexDao patientHealthIndexDao;
// @Autowired
// private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
// @Autowired
// private IotDeviceService iotDeviceService;
// public void deviceRegistration(String deviceSn, String deviceModel, String deviceName, String categoryCode, String categoryName) {
// try {
// iotDeviceService.deviceRegistration(deviceSn,deviceModel,deviceName,categoryCode,categoryName);
// }catch (Exception e){
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// public Result uploadDevicesData(String dataJson, HttpServletRequest request)throws Exception {
// try {
// ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Map<String, Object> map = objectMapper.readValue(dataJson, Map.class);
// String deviceSn = map.get("deviceSn").toString();//设备唯一码
// Integer deviceType = Integer.parseInt(map.get("deviceType").toString());//设备类型1:血压 2:血糖
// String data = map.get("data").toString();//体征值(血糖:data=血糖值 血压:data=收缩压,舒张压,脉搏)
// String uploadTime = map.get("uploadTime").toString();//体征上传时间yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
// String manufacturerCode = map.get("manufacturerCode").toString();//厂商代码
// String manufacturerName = map.get("manufacturerName").toString();//厂商名称
// String unit = map.get("unit").toString();//单位mmol/L,mmHg
// String sendTime = map.get("sendTime").toString();//发送时间yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
// String userType = map.get("button").toString();//按键号 即 userType
// String measurementType=null==map.get("measurementType")?"":map.get("measurementType").toString(); //单个设备的测量类型,deviceType=4智能手表:1心率,2血压
// String paraString = JSON.toJSONString(request.getParameterMap());
// JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
// json.put("deviceSn", deviceSn);
// json.put("deviceType", deviceType);
// json.put("data", data);
// json.put("uploadTime", uploadTime);//三诺的上传时间
// json.put("manufacturerCode", manufacturerCode);
// json.put("manufacturerName", manufacturerName);
// json.put("unit", unit);
// json.put("sendTime", sendTime);//三诺的测量时间
// json.put("userType", userType);
// json.put("measurementType", measurementType);
// String type = deviceType + "";
// if (1 == deviceType) {
// type = "2";
// } else if (2 == deviceType) {
// type = "1";
// userType = "-1";
// }
//// DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo();
//// deviceInfo.setDeviceData(dataJson);
//// deviceInfo.setDeviceType(type);
//// deviceInfo.setPushDate(DateUtil.getNowTimestamp());
//// deviceInfo.setStatus("1");
//// deviceInfoDao.save(deviceInfo);
// DevicePatientHealthIndex result = null;
// if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("1")){
// if (Double.parseDouble(data)>=1){
// result = savePatientDeviceData(deviceSn, type, data, uploadTime, userType, json,measurementType);
// }else {
// logger.info("This blood device data below 1.0:====="+dataJson);
// throw new Exception("This blood device data below 1.0 ");
// }
// }else {
// result = savePatientDeviceData(deviceSn, type, data, uploadTime, userType, json,measurementType);
// }
// if (result == null) {
// logger.info("This device is not relate patient!:====="+dataJson);
// throw new Exception("This device is not relate patient!");
// }
//// dataPushLogUtil.savePushLog(deviceSn,paraString,"体征数据接收");
//// dataPushLogUtil.updContactStatus(deviceSn,1,false);
// iotDeviceService.uploadDeviceData(result.getId());
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// logger.error(e.getMessage());
// }
// return Result.success("Device data incoming success");
// }
// /**
// * 保存设备数据
// * @param type 设备类型 4 智能手表
// * @param userType 用户身份:-1 单用户
// * @param measurementType 单设备多功能类型 type=4时,measurementType=1心率,measurementType=2血压
// */
// public DevicePatientHealthIndex savePatientDeviceData(String deviceSn, String type, String data, String uploadTime, String userType, JSONObject json, String measurementType) throws Exception {
// Date currentTime = DateUtil.getNowTimestamp();
// Date time = currentTime;
// if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(uploadTime)) {
// //设备重新开机启动会有默认时间,相隔很远.
// time = DateUtil.toTimestamp(uploadTime, DateUtil.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS);
// Date monthTime = DateUtil.getNextMonthReturnDate( currentTime,-12);
// if (DateUtil.compareDate(time, monthTime) < 0) {
// time = currentTime;
// }
// }
// if (StringUtil.isStrEmpty(userType)) {
// userType = "-1";
// }
// DevicePatientDevice device = null;
// DeviceDetail deviceDetail = null;
// List<DeviceDetail> deviceDetails = deviceDetailDao.findByDeviceCode(deviceSn);
// if (deviceDetails != null || deviceDetails.size()!=0){
// deviceDetail = deviceDetails.get(0);
// if (deviceDetail.getGrantOrgCode() != null&& deviceDetail.getGrantOrgCode().equals("3502050300")){//
// List<DevicePatientDevice> patientDeviceList = patientDeviceDao.findByDeviceSnAndCategoryCode(deviceSn, type);
// if (patientDeviceList != null&&patientDeviceList.size()==1) {
// device = patientDeviceList.get(0);
// }else if(patientDeviceList != null&&patientDeviceList.size()==2){
// for (int i=0;i<patientDeviceList.size();i++){
// if(userType.equals(patientDeviceList.get(i).getUserType())){
// device = patientDeviceList.get(i);
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }else {
//// device = patientDeviceDao.findByDeviceSnAndCategoryCodeAndUserType(deviceSn, type, userType);
// List<DevicePatientDevice> devices = patientDeviceDao.findByDeviceSnAndCategoryCode(deviceSn, type);
// if (devices.size()>0){
// device = devices.get(0);
// }else {
// device=null;
// }
// }
// }
// if (device != null) {
// /*//根据设备获取患者(设备只绑定一个人的时候,不判断按键)
// if (device!=null) {*/
// /************设备数据重复推送处理 start**********************/
// String value1 = data;
// String value2="";
// String value3="";
// if("2".equals(type)){
// String[] value = data.split(",");
// if (value.length > 0) {
// value1 = value[0]; //收缩压
// value2 = value[1];
// value3 = value[2];
// }
// }else if("4".equals(type)){
// if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(measurementType)&&"2".equals(measurementType)){
// type="2";
// String[] value = data.split(",");
// if (value.length > 0) {
// value1 = value[0]; //收缩压
// value2 = value[1];
// /* value3 = value[2];*/
// }
// }else {
// //心率
// type="5";
// }
// }
// if (value1.equals(value2) && value2.equals(value3)){
// return null;
// }
//// List<PatientHealthIndex> list = patientHealthIndexDao.findByType(device.getUser(),deviceSn,value1,Integer.parseInt(type),time);
// /*long maxtime = time.getTime()+30*1000;
// long mintime = time.getTime()-30*1000;*/
// Date minDate = DateUtil.getPreDays(time,-3);
// Date maxDate = DateUtil.getPreDays(time,3);
// List<DevicePatientHealthIndex> list = ioTfindByType(device.getUser(),deviceSn,value1,value2,value3,Integer.parseInt(type),time,minDate,maxDate);
// if(list!=null&&list.size()>0){
// return null;
// }
// /************设备数据重复推送处理 end**********************/
// DevicePatientHealthIndex obj = new DevicePatientHealthIndex();
// SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
// obj.setCzrq(sdf.parse(json.getString("sendTime")));//创建时间取三诺的测量时间记录
// obj.setDeviceSn(deviceSn);
// obj.setDel("1");
// obj.setRecordDate(sdf.parse(json.getString("uploadTime"))); //记录时间取上传时间
// obj.setSortDate(time); //排序时间
//// obj.setManageResult(0);//默认数据是医生未干预状态
// String user = device.getUser();
// obj.setUser(user);
//// obj.setButton(userType);
// obj.setIdcard(device.getUserIdcard());
// obj.setStatus(0);
// // 1血糖 2血压 3体重 4腰围,5心率
// switch (type) {
// case "1":
// obj.setType(1);
// obj.setValue1(data); //血糖值
// obj.setValue2(formatBloodSuger(user,deviceSn,DateUtil.dateToStr(time, DateUtil.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS)));
// break;
// case "2":
// obj.setType(2);
// String[] value = data.split(",");
// if (value.length > 0) {
// obj.setValue1(value[0]); //收缩压
// }
// if (value.length > 1) {
// obj.setValue2(value[1]); //舒张压
// }
// if (value.length > 2) {
// obj.setValue3(value[2]); //脉搏
// }
// if (value.length > 3) {
// obj.setValue4(value[3]); //有无心率不齐
// }
// break;
// case "3":
// obj.setType(3);
// obj.setValue1(data); //体重
// break;
// case "4":
// obj.setType(4);
// obj.setValue1(data); //腰围
// break;
// case "5":
// obj.setType(5);
// obj.setValue1(data); //心率
// break;
// default:
// throw new Exception("Can not support the metric!");
// }
// //新增字段处理
// BasePatientDO patient = patientDao.findById(user);
// if(patient!=null){
// obj.setName(patient.getName());
// }
// if(deviceDetail!=null){
// obj.setHospital(deviceDetail.getGrantOrgCode());
// obj.setHospitalName(deviceDetail.getOrgName());
// }
// obj = patientHealthIndexDao.save(obj);
// return obj;
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * 查找重复数据
// * @param user
// * @param deviceSn
// * @param value1
// * @param type
// * @param time
// * @return
// */
// public List<DevicePatientHealthIndex> ioTfindByType(String user,String deviceSn,String value1,String value2,String value3,Integer type,Date time,Date timeMin,Date timeMax){
// List<DevicePatientHealthIndex> list = new ArrayList<>();
// String sql = "";
// String startTime = DateUtil.dateToStrLong(timeMin);
// String endTime = DateUtil.dateToStrLong(timeMax);
// if (type==1){
// sql = "select a.* from wlyy_patient_health_index a where a.user = '"+user+"' and a.device_sn = '"+deviceSn+"' " +
// "and a.value1 = '"+value1+"' and a.type = "+type+" and a.record_date >= '"+startTime+"' and a.record_date<='"+endTime+"' and a.del = '1' ";
// }else if (type==2){
// sql = "select a.* from wlyy_patient_health_index a where a.user = '"+user+"' and a.device_sn = '"+deviceSn+"' " +
// "and a.value1 = '"+value1+"' and a.value2='"+value2+"' and a.value3='"+value3+"' and a.type = "+type+" " +
// "and a.record_date >= '"+startTime+"' and a.record_date<='"+endTime+"' and a.del = '1' ";
// }
// list = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(DevicePatientHealthIndex.class));
// return list;
// }
// /**
// * 血糖测量时间段
// * @param user
// * @param deviceSN
// * @param dateTime
// * @return
// */
// private String formatBloodSuger(String user,String deviceSN,String dateTime) {
// String fastingStart = "00:00:00";
// String fastingEnd = "07:59:59";
// String afterBreakFastStart = "08:00:00";
// String afterBreakFastEnd = "09:59:59";
// String beforeLunchStart = "10:00:00";
// String beforeLunchEnd = "11:59:59";
// String afterLunchStart = "12:00:00";
// String afterLunchEnd = "13:59:59";
// String beforeDinnerStart = "14:00:00";
// String beforeDinnerEnd = "17:59:59";
// String afterDinnerStart = "18:00:00";
// String afterDinnerEnd = "19:59:59";
// String beforeSleepStart = "20:00:00";
// String beforeSleepEnd = "23:59:59";
// if (isInArea(dateTime, fastingStart,fastingEnd)) {
// return "1";//"空腹血糖"
// }
// if (isInArea(dateTime, afterBreakFastStart,afterBreakFastEnd)) {
// return "2";//"早餐后血糖"
// }
// if (isInArea(dateTime, beforeLunchStart,beforeLunchEnd)) {
// return "3";//"午餐前血糖"
// }
// if (isInArea(dateTime, afterLunchStart,afterLunchEnd)) {
// return "4";//"午餐后血糖"
// }
// if (isInArea(dateTime, beforeDinnerStart,beforeDinnerEnd)) {
// return "5";//"晚餐前血糖"
// }
// if (isInArea(dateTime, afterDinnerStart,afterDinnerEnd)) {
// return "6";//"晚餐后血糖"
// }
// if (isInArea(dateTime, beforeSleepStart,beforeSleepEnd)) {
// return "7";//"睡前血糖"
// }
// return "1";//"空腹血糖"
// }
// // 判断时间是否在对应时间段
// private Boolean isInArea(String time,String begin,String end) {
// String date = DateUtil.getDateFromDateTime(time);
// Long beginTime = DateUtil.compareDateTime(DateUtil.toTimestamp(time), DateUtil.toTimestamp(date + " " + begin ));
// Long endTime = DateUtil.compareDateTime(DateUtil.toTimestamp(time), DateUtil.toTimestamp(date + " " + end ));
// if (beginTime > 0 && endTime < 0) {
// return true;
// } else {
// return false;
// }
// }