@ -8602,7 +8602,7 @@ public class StatisticsEsService {
endDate = endDate +" 23:59:59";
String sql = "select dept_name,diagnosis_name from base_disease_hospital where status=1 and create_time>='"+startDate+"' and create_time <='"+endDate+"'";
String sql = "select dept_name,diagnosis_name from base_disease_hospital where status=1 ";
sql += " and dept like '%"+deptCode+"%'";
@ -8685,10 +8685,10 @@ public class StatisticsEsService {
String followUpTotal = "0";//随访总次数
String followupCompleteTotal = "0";
String followupSql = "SELECT COUNT(f.id) planNum,COUNT(if(f.`status`=1,1,null)) finishNum from wlyy_followup f" +
" where f.followup_date >='"+startDate+"' and f.followup_date <='"+endDate+"' ";
" where f.followup_date >='"+startDate+"' and f.followup_date <='"+endDate+"' ";
followupSql += "SELECT COUNT(f.id) planNum,COUNT(if(f.`status`=1,1,null)) finishNum from wlyy_followup f,base_doctor_hospital h " +
" where f.doctor_code=h.doctor_code and h.del=1 and h.dept_code='"+deptCode+"' " +
" where f.doctor_code=h.doctor_code and h.del=1 and h.dept_code='"+deptCode+"' " +
" and f.followup_date >='"+startDate+"' and f.followup_date <='"+endDate+"' ";
Map<String,Object> followupMap = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(followupSql);
@ -8698,6 +8698,7 @@ public class StatisticsEsService {
String rate = getTwoRange(Integer.parseInt(followupCompleteTotal),Integer.parseInt(followUpTotal),0);
// 计算上一个周期 开始时间period[0] 、结束时间period[1]
@ -8924,8 +8925,8 @@ public class StatisticsEsService {
endDate = endDate +" 23:59:59";
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(f.id) planNum,COUNT(if(f.`status`=1,1,null)) finishNum, " +
"COUNT(if(f.`status`=1,if(f.followup_date<f.followup_plan_date,1,null ),null)) ontimeNum, " +
"COUNT(if(f.followup_date>=f.followup_plan_date,1,null)) overTimeNum,count(DISTINCT f.patient_code) patientNum " +
"COUNT(if(f.`status`=1,if(f.followup_date<=f.followup_plan_date,1,null ),null)) ontimeNum, " +
"COUNT(if(f.followup_date>f.followup_plan_date,1,null)) overTimeNum,count(DISTINCT IF(f.status=1,(f.patient_code),NULL)) patientNum " +
",f.doctor_name doctorName,h.dept_name deptName" +
" from wlyy_followup f,base_doctor_hospital h " +
"WHERE f.doctor_code=h.doctor_code and h.del=1 " +