@ -73,6 +73,24 @@ public class UserNoticeService extends BaseJpaService<UserNoticeDO, UserNoticeDa
return PageEnvelop.getSuccessListWithPage("查找成功",list, page, size,count);
* 查找该用户是否存在未读公告
* @param userId
* @return
public Long countUnReadNotice(String userId){
StringBuffer sqlCount = new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) count from base_notice n , base_user_notice u WHERE n.del = '1' ");
List<Object> args = new ArrayList<>();
sqlCount.append(" and u.user_id='").append(userId).append("' ");
sqlCount.append(" and u.notice_id = n.id and u.del = '1'");
List<Map<String,Object>> countList = jdbcTempalte.queryForList(sqlCount.toString());
long count = Long.valueOf(countList.get(0).get("count").toString());
return count;