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Merge branch 'dev' of liubing/wlyy2.0 into dev

liubing %!s(int64=3) %!d(string=hai) anos

+ 12 - 4

@ -1359,9 +1359,10 @@ public class DateUtil {
     *  返回 xx天XX小时XX分钟XX秒前
     * @param date1 当前时间
     * @param date2 过去时间
     * @param fliter 0不携带秒 1携带秒
     * @return
    public static String getDifferentTimeInfo(Date date1, Date date2){
    public static String getDifferentTimeInfo(Date date1, Date date2,Integer fliter){
        if (date1 == null || date2 == null){
            return null;
@ -1390,11 +1391,18 @@ public class DateUtil {
                return result.toString();
        if (secondFieldDiff > 0L) {
            result.append(String.format("%d秒", secondFieldDiff));
        if (1==fliter){
            if (secondFieldDiff > 0L) {
                result.append(String.format("%d秒", secondFieldDiff));
        }else {
            if (result.indexOf("分钟")==-1){
                return result.toString();
        return result.toString();

+ 9 - 9

@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ public class DoctorEndpoint extends EnvelopRestEndpoint {
//    @GetMapping(value = "/baseinfoCount")
//    @ApiOperation(value = "医生首页")
//    public ObjEnvelop baseinfoCount(){
//        try {
//            return ObjEnvelop.getSuccess("查询成功",doctorService.baseinfoCount()) ;
//        }catch (Exception e){
//            return failedObjEnvelopException2(e);
//        }
//    }
    @GetMapping(value = "/baseInfoCount")
    @ApiOperation(value = "医生首页服务数量获取")
    public ObjEnvelop baseInfoCount(@ApiParam(name="doctor")@RequestParam(value = "doctor")String doctor){
        try {
            return ObjEnvelop.getSuccess("查询成功",doctorService.baseInfoCount(doctor)) ;
        }catch (Exception e){
            return failedObjEnvelopException2(e);
    @GetMapping(value = "/initEntranceData")
    @ApiOperation(value = "初始化新生儿未入学埋点数据")

+ 6 - 6

@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public class EmergencyAssistanceService extends BaseJpaService<EmergencyAssistan
        List<BaseEmergencyWarnLogDO> logDOS = logDao.findByOrderIdOrderByCreateTimeDesc(assistanceDO.getId());
        for (BaseEmergencyWarnLogDO tmp:logDOS){
            tmp.setTimeInfo(DateUtil.getDifferentTimeInfo(new Date(),tmp.getCreateTime()));
            tmp.setTimeInfo(DateUtil.getDifferentTimeInfo(new Date(),tmp.getCreateTime(),0));
        List<PatientSosContactsDO> contactsDOS = contactsService.getPatientSosContacts(assistanceDO.getPatient());
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ public class EmergencyAssistanceService extends BaseJpaService<EmergencyAssistan
            sql.append(" AND EXISTS (" +
                    "SELECT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code " +
                    " and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') group by ord.status");
        List<Map<String,Object>> sqlResult = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql.toString());
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ public class EmergencyAssistanceService extends BaseJpaService<EmergencyAssistan
            sql.append(" AND EXISTS (" +
                    "SELECT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code " +
                    " and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(patient)){
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ public class EmergencyAssistanceService extends BaseJpaService<EmergencyAssistan
            sql.append(" AND EXISTS (" +
                    "SELECT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code " +
                    " and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(patient)){
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ public class EmergencyAssistanceService extends BaseJpaService<EmergencyAssistan
                logDO.setCreateTime(new Date());
@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ public class EmergencyAssistanceService extends BaseJpaService<EmergencyAssistan
                logDO.setCreateTime(new Date());

+ 3 - 3

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class BirthdayWishesService {
                "SELECT DISTINCT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                "base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m " +
                "WHERE  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.patient = a.patient  and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' ) "+
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' ) "+
                " and (p.archive_status<>2 or p.archive_status is null) " +
                "AND CASE LENGTH(p.idcard) WHEN  18 then SUBSTR(p.idcard,11,4) when 15 then SUBSTR(p.idcard, 9,4) END =  '" + dateString + "' " ;
        List<Map<String, Object>> patientInfos =  jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql);
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public class BirthdayWishesService {
                "SELECT DISTINCT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                "base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m " +
                "WHERE  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.patient = a.patient  and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' ) "+
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' ) "+
                " and (p.archive_status<>2 or p.archive_status is null) " +
                "AND CASE LENGTH(p.idcard) WHEN  18 then SUBSTR(p.idcard,11,4) when 15 then SUBSTR(p.idcard, 9,4) END =  '" + dateString + "'  " ;
        List<String> patientInfos =  jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql,String.class);
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ public class BirthdayWishesService {
                "SELECT DISTINCT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                "base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m " +
                "WHERE  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.patient = a.patient  and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code ";
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code ";
        if (roleType == 1) {

+ 60 - 5

@ -2,18 +2,21 @@ package com.yihu.jw.care.service.doctor;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.yihu.jw.care.dao.doorCoach.BaseDoorCoachOrderDao;
import com.yihu.jw.care.service.birthday.BirthdayWishesService;
import com.yihu.jw.care.service.device.DeviceService;
import com.yihu.jw.care.service.role.RoleService;
import com.yihu.jw.doctor.dao.BaseDoctorDao;
import com.yihu.jw.doctor.dao.BaseDoctorHospitalDao;
import com.yihu.jw.doctor.dao.DoctorSpecialDiseaseDao;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.base.doctor.BaseDoctorDO;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.base.doctor.BaseDoctorHospitalDO;
import com.yihu.jw.entity.care.doorCoach.BaseDoorCoachOrderDO;
import com.yihu.jw.hospital.dict.WlyyHospitalSysDictDao;
import com.yihu.jw.im.service.ImService;
import com.yihu.jw.org.dao.BaseOrgDao;
import com.yihu.jw.restmodel.web.PageEnvelop;
import com.yihu.jw.util.common.IdCardUtil;
import com.yihu.jw.util.date.DateUtil;
import com.yihu.jw.utils.StringUtil;
import com.yihu.mysql.query.BaseJpaService;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
@ -24,10 +27,7 @@ import org.springframework.data.redis.core.StringRedisTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.*;
 * Created by yeshijie on 2021/3/3.
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public class CareDoctorService extends BaseJpaService<BaseDoctorDO, BaseDoctorDa
    private ImService imService;
    private DeviceService deviceService;
    private BirthdayWishesService birthdayWishesService;
     * 获取医生简单详情
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ public class CareDoctorService extends BaseJpaService<BaseDoctorDO, BaseDoctorDa
        String sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sr.patient) FROM " +
                " base_service_package_sign_record sr, base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i, base_team_member m " +
                " WHERE  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1  AND r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
                " AND i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code " +
                " AND i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code " +
                "  and m.del = '1' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctorId+"'";
        Integer signNum = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,Integer.class);
        String sqlLife= "SELECT COUNT(*) from base_life_care_order where `status` = 2";
@ -547,4 +549,57 @@ public class CareDoctorService extends BaseJpaService<BaseDoctorDO, BaseDoctorDa
    public JSONObject baseInfoCount(String doctor){
        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        List<BaseDoctorHospitalDO> doctorHospitalDOs = doctorHospitalDao.findByDoctorCode(doctor);
        String hospital = doctorHospitalDOs.get(0).getOrgCode();
        String countSql = "SELECT  " +
                "   count(o.id)  " +
                " FROM  " +
                "   base_life_care_order o  " +
                " LEFT JOIN base_patient p ON o.patient = p.id " +
                " WHERE  " +
                "  o.hospital = 'hospital' "+
                " AND o.status = 1 and o.pay_status>0  ";
        Long count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(countSql,Long.class);
        if (count>0){
        countSql = " select count(ord.id) count from base_emergency_assistance_order ord where ord.status=1 " +
                "AND EXISTS (SELECT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                " base_service_package_item i ,base_team_member m where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and " +
                " sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code " +
                "  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
        count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(countSql,Long.class);
        if (count>0){
        countSql = " select count(ord.id) count from base_security_monitoring_order ord where ord.status=1 " +
                "AND EXISTS (SELECT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                " base_service_package_item i ,base_team_member m where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and " +
                " sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code " +
                "  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.topic_item='security' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
        count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(countSql,Long.class);
        if (count>0){
        try {
            Integer counts = birthdayWishesService.getPatientByDoctorCount(doctor);
            if (count>0){
        }catch (Exception e){
        return result;

+ 6 - 6

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class DoctorMessageService {
            sql+= "and  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and " +
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
            sql+=" order by create_time asc ";
            Map<String,Object> sqlResult  = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql);
            if (sqlResult.containsKey("count")){
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class DoctorMessageService {
            sql+= "and  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and " +
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
            sql+=" order by create_time asc ";
            Map<String,Object> sqlResult  = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql);
            if (sqlResult.containsKey("count")){
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class DoctorMessageService {
                    "and  EXISTS ( \n" +
                    "SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ,\n" +
                    "base_team_member m where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and \n" +
                    "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' \n" +
                    "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' \n" +
                    "and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') \n" +
                    "order by create_time DESC ";
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public class DoctorMessageService {
                        "and  EXISTS ( \n" +
                        "SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ,\n" +
                        "base_team_member m where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and \n" +
                        "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' \n" +
                        "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' \n" +
                        "and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class DoctorMessageService {
                    "and EXISTS ( \n" +
                    "SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ,\n" +
                    "base_team_member m where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and \n" +
                    "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' \n" +
                    "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' \n" +
                    "and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1')\n" +
                    "order by create_time DESC ";
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public class DoctorMessageService {
                        "and EXISTS ( \n" +
                        "SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ,\n" +
                        "base_team_member m where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and \n" +
                        "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' \n" +
                        "r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='emergencyAssistance' \n" +
                        "and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1')";

+ 1 - 1

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class PatientMessageService {
                logDO.setCreateTime(new Date());

+ 1 - 1

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class CarePatientService extends BaseJpaService<BasePatientDO, BasePatien
        String filters = " from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                "base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m,base_patient p " +
                "WHERE sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code and p.id = sr.patient " +
                "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code and p.id = sr.patient " +
                "and m.doctor_code = '"+doctorId+"' and m.del = '1' ";

+ 4 - 4

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class SecurityMonitoringOrderService extends BaseJpaService<SecurityMonit
        List<BaseEmergencyWarnLogDO> logDOS = logDao.findByOrderIdOrderByCreateTimeDesc(orderDO.getId());
        for (BaseEmergencyWarnLogDO tmp:logDOS){
            tmp.setTimeInfo(DateUtil.getDifferentTimeInfo(new Date(),tmp.getCreateTime()));
            tmp.setTimeInfo(DateUtil.getDifferentTimeInfo(new Date(),tmp.getCreateTime(),0));
        List<PatientSosContactsDO> contactsDOS = contactsService.getPatientSosContacts(orderDO.getPatient());
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ public class SecurityMonitoringOrderService extends BaseJpaService<SecurityMonit
            fliter+=" and  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and " +
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(serverDoctor)){
            fliter +=" and ord.doctor = '"+serverDoctor+"' ";
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ public class SecurityMonitoringOrderService extends BaseJpaService<SecurityMonit
            fliter+=" and  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                    "base_team_member m " +
                    "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and " +
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
                    " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(patient)){
            fliter+=" and ord.patient='"+patient+"' ";
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ public class SecurityMonitoringOrderService extends BaseJpaService<SecurityMonit
        sql+= "and  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, base_service_package_item i ," +
                "base_team_member m " +
                "where ord.patient = CONVERT(sr.patient USING utf8) and  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and " +
                " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = i.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
                " r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id and  m.team_code = r.team_code  and i.del = 1 and sr.`status`=1  and i.code='preventLost' and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' and m.del = '1') ";
        sql +=" order by ord.create_time asc ";
        result= jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql);
        for (Map<String,Object> map:result){

+ 1 - 1

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public class ArchiveService extends BaseJpaService<ArchiveDO, ArchiveDao> {
                    "SELECT DISTINCT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
                    "base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m " +
                    "WHERE  sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.patient = a.patient and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
                    "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code " ;
                    "and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code " ;
                filters += " and m.doctor_code = '"+doctorId+"' ";

+ 1 - 1

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public class CapacityAssessmentRecordService extends BaseJpaService<CapacityAsse
                "base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r,  " +
                "                base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m  " +
                "                WHERE sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.status=1 and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id  " +
                "                and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code and ar.patient = sr.patient " +
                "                and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = r.team_code and ar.patient = sr.patient " +
                "                and m.doctor_code = '"+doctorId+"' and m.del = '1' and sr.`status`=1 " +
                "GROUP BY ar.level_conclusion" ;
        List<Map<String,Object>> countMapList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql);