@ -216,19 +216,22 @@ public class BirthdayWishesService {
SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
String now = f.format(new Date());
String sql = "SELECT p.id patient, p.`name`, " +
"CASE p.sex WHEN 1 THEN '男' WHEN 2 THEN '女' END sex," +
"p.idcard, p.photo," +
" CASE LENGTH(p.idcard) WHEN 18 then SUBSTR(p.idcard,11,4) when 15 then SUBSTR(p.idcard, 9,4) END date " +
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.id) " +
"from wlyy_archive a,base_patient p WHERE a.patient = p.id and a.sign_status = 1 and EXISTS( " +
"SELECT DISTINCT sr.patient from base_service_package_sign_record sr,base_service_package_record r, " +
"base_service_package_item i,base_team_member m " +
"WHERE sr.id = r.sign_id and sr.patient = a.patient and r.service_package_id = i.service_package_id " +
"and i.del = 1 and m.team_code = i.team_code and m.doctor_code = '"+doctor+"' ) "+
" and (p.archive_status<>2 or p.archive_status is null) " +
"AND CASE LENGTH(p.idcard) WHEN 18 then SUBSTR(p.idcard,11,4) when 15 then SUBSTR(p.idcard, 9,4) END = '" + dateString + "' " ;
List<Map<String, Object>> patientInfos = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql);
return patientInfos.size();
"AND CASE LENGTH(p.idcard) WHEN 18 then SUBSTR(p.idcard,11,4) when 15 then SUBSTR(p.idcard, 9,4) END = '" + dateString + "' " ;
List<String> patientInfos = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql,String.class);
Integer count=0;
for (String tmp:patientInfos){
if (!sendPatients.contains(tmp)){
return count;