@ -310,26 +310,25 @@ public class CareDoctorService extends BaseJpaService<BaseDoctorDO, BaseDoctorDa
return result;
public PageEnvelop getTeacherChildren(String doctor,int searchType,String name,int page,int size){
page = page>0?page-1:0;
List<Map<String,Object>> list = new ArrayList<>();
String sql0 = "select * from " +
" (select Distinct patient,'1' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=1 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
String sql0 = "select Distinct patient,'1' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=1 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" UNION " +
" select Distinct patient,'2' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=2 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" UNION " +
" select Distinct patient,'4' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=4 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" UNION " +
" select tmp.patient,'3' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp tmp INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on dh.org_code = tmp.doctor_code " +
" and dh.del =1 where tmp.type=3 and dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and tmp.del=1 and tmp.`status`=0)B where " +
" not EXISTS (select DISTINCT rsr.patient from base_recruit_students_record rsr INNER JOIN base_org org on rsr.org_code = org.`code` " +
" and org.del=1 INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on rsr.org_code = dh.org_code and dh.del =1 where rsr.patient=B.patient and " +
" dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and rsr.del<>0 and rsr.`status` = 2 )";
" select tmp.patient,'3' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp tmp INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on dh.org_code = tmp.org_code " +
" and dh.del =1 where tmp.type=3 and dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and tmp.del=1 and tmp.`status`=0 ";
String sql1=" select DISTINCT rsr.patient,null as type from base_recruit_students_record rsr INNER JOIN base_org org on rsr.org_code = org.`code` " +
"and org.del=1 INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on rsr.org_code = dh.org_code and dh.del =1 where dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' " +
"and rsr.del<>0 and rsr.`status` = 2 ";
String sql1=" select tmp.patient,'3' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp tmp INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on dh.org_code = tmp.org_code " +
" and dh.del =1 where tmp.type=3 and dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and tmp.del=1 and tmp.`status`=0 ";
String sql = "select p.id,p.name,p.photo,p.sex,p.idcard,p.openid,p.mobile,group_concat(tmp.type) type,group_concat( pd.category_code) deviceType from ( {sqlReplace} )tmp " +
" Inner JOIN base_patient p on tmp.patient = p.id " +
" LEFT JOIN wlyy_patient_device pd on pd.`user`=p.id and pd.category_code BETWEEN 1 and 2 GROUP BY p.id limit "+page*size+","+size;
@ -383,22 +382,18 @@ public class CareDoctorService extends BaseJpaService<BaseDoctorDO, BaseDoctorDa
public Map<String,Long> getTeacherChildrenCount(String doctor){
Map<String,Long> result = new HashMap<>();
//未入学 (发起咨询的幼儿列表,发起上门辅导的幼儿列表,已报名但是未录取的幼儿)
String sql0 = "select * from " +
" (select Distinct patient from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=1 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
String sql0 = "select Distinct patient,'1' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=1 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" UNION " +
" select Distinct patient from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=2 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" select Distinct patient,'2' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=2 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" UNION " +
" select Distinct patient from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=4 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" select Distinct patient,'4' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp where type=4 and doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and del=1 " +
" UNION " +
" select tmp.patient from base_doctor_patient_tmp tmp INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on dh.org_code = tmp.doctor_code " +
" and dh.del =1 where tmp.type=3 and dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and tmp.del=1 and tmp.`status`=0)B where " +
" not EXISTS (select DISTINCT rsr.patient from base_recruit_students_record rsr INNER JOIN base_org org on rsr.org_code = org.`code` " +
" and org.del=1 INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on rsr.org_code = dh.org_code and dh.del =1 where rsr.patient=B.patient and " +
" dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and rsr.del<>0 and rsr.`status` = 2 )";
" select tmp.patient,'3' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp tmp INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on dh.org_code = tmp.org_code " +
" and dh.del =1 where tmp.type=3 and dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and tmp.del=1 and tmp.`status`=0 ";
String sql1=" select DISTINCT rsr.patient from base_recruit_students_record rsr INNER JOIN base_org org on rsr.org_code = org.`code` " +
"and org.del=1 INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on rsr.org_code = dh.org_code and dh.del =1 where dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' " +
"and rsr.del<>0 and rsr.`status` = 2 ";
String sql1=" select tmp.patient,'3' as type from base_doctor_patient_tmp tmp INNER JOIN base_doctor_hospital dh on dh.org_code = tmp.org_code " +
" and dh.del =1 where tmp.type=3 and dh.doctor_code='"+doctor+"' and tmp.del=1 and tmp.`status`=0 ";
String sqlcpunt = "select count(Distinct p.id) from ( {sqlReplace} )tmp Inner JOIN base_patient p on tmp.patient = p.id " +
" LEFT JOIN wlyy_patient_device pd on pd.`user`=p.id and pd.category_code BETWEEN 1 and 2 ";