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huangwenjie hace 5 años

+ 1 - 1

@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ public class EntranceService {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        List<WlyyHisPrescriptionVO> patientSubscribeJkedus = objectMapper.readValue(jsonData,  new TypeReference<List<WlyyHisPrescriptionVO>>(){});
        String resp="";
        if (false) {
        if (demoFlag) {
            resp = getJosnFileResullt(fid);
        } else {
            StringBuffer sbs = new StringBuffer();

+ 13 - 11

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
    static String urlString = "http://fjhlw.bsoft.com.cn:18081/micc/wsapi/1.0?wsdl";   // 测试线路径
    static String method = "execute";
    static String token = "";
    static String orgCode = "350211A1002";
    static String orgCode = "123502004266006872";
    static String orgName = "厦门大学附属中山医院";
    static String orgArea = "350203000";
    static String orgSub = "350200000";
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
                jb.put("val_score",info.get("score") == null ? "0": info.get("score"));
                jb.put("grader",info.get("patient_name") == null ? "0": info.get("patient_name"));
                jb.put("dt_grade",info.get("create_time") == null ? "1900-01-01": DateUtil.dateToStrLong((Date)info.get("create_time")));
                jb.put("grade_content", info.get("content") == null ? "0": info.get("content"));
                jb.put("crt_date", DateUtil.dateToStrLong(DateUtil.getNow()));
            }catch (Exception e){
@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
                jb.put("visit_doc_name",  info.get("docName")== null? "0":info.get("docName"));
                jb.put("visit_doc_id_no",  info.get("docIdCard")== null? "0":info.get("docIdCard"));
                jb.put("visit_doc_code",  visitDocCode);
                jb.put("visit_dept_code", dept[0].toString());
                jb.put("visit_dept_name", dept[1].toString());
                jb.put("visit_dept_code", info.get("dept_code") == null?"0":info.get("dept_code"));
                jb.put("visit_dept_name", info.get("dept_name") == null?"0":info.get("dept_name"));
                jb.put("pt_no", info.get("patientName")== null? "0":info.get("patientName"));
                jb.put("pt_age", IdCardUtil.getAgeForIdcard(info.get("patIdCard").toString()));
                jb.put("cost_type", "");
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
                "  from  wlyy_prescription a\n" +
                "         left JOIN base_patient b on a.patient_code = b.id\n" +
                "         left JOIN base_doctor c on a.doctor = c.id\n" +
                " where  c.idcard is not null ";
                " where  c.idcard is not null  and a.real_order is not null ";
            sql =  sql + "  and a.create_time >=  '" + startDate + "' ";
@ -895,6 +895,8 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
            LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap info = (LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap) list.get(i);
            JSONObject jb = new JSONObject();
            Boolean errorFlag = false;
            String[] dept = depToSubject(info.get("dept_code").toString());
            try {
                // 获取监管平台唯一标识
                String visitDocCode = achNsDoctorRecord(info.get("docIdcard").toString());
@ -923,8 +925,8 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
                jb.put("ins_class_name", "");
                jb.put("org_code", orgCode);
                jb.put("pres_subject_code", "0");
                jb.put("pres_subject_name", "0");
                jb.put("pres_subject_code", dept[0].toString());
                jb.put("pres_subject_name", dept[1].toString());
                jb.put("pres_dept_code", info.get("dept")== null?"0":info.get("dept"));
                jb.put("pres_dept_name",info.get("dept_name")== null?"0":info.get("dept_name"));
                jb.put("pres_time", info.get("create_time")== null?"1900-01-01 00:00:00":DateUtil.dateToStrLong((Date)info.get("create_time")));
@ -983,13 +985,13 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
        int error = 0;
        int dataError = 0;
        String sql = "select a.id, a.prescription_id, a.drug_no,a.drug_name, a.dosage\n" +
        String sql = "select b.real_order,a.id, a.prescription_id, a.drug_no,a.drug_name, a.dosage\n" +
                "      ,a.unit,a.quantity,a.pack_unit,a.usage_code,a.supply_code\n" +
                "      ,a.specification,a.pack_retprice,a.quantity,a.pack_retprice as drug_total_price\n" +
                "  from wlyy_prescription_info a \n" +
                "     LEFT JOIN wlyy_prescription b \n" +
                "     JOIN wlyy_prescription b \n" +
                "             on b.id = a.prescription_id\n" +
                " where  a.dosage is not null and a.dosage <> '' ";
                " where  a.dosage is not null and a.dosage <> '' and b.real_order is not null";
            sql =  sql + "  and b.create_time >=  '" + startDate + "' ";
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ public class InternetService extends BaseJpaService<InternetUpErrorLogDO, IntUpE
            Boolean errorFlag = false;
            try {
                jb.put("id_prescription_drug",orgCode + (String)info.get("id"));
                jb.put("pres_no", info.get("prescription_id") == null? "0": info.get("prescription_id"));
                jb.put("pres_no", info.get("real_order") == null? "0": info.get("real_order"));
                jb.put("appr_drug_code", info.get("drug_no") == null? "0": info.get("drug_no"));
                jb.put("appr_drug_name", info.get("drug_name") == null? "0": info.get("drug_name"));