6 anni fa | |
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src | 6 anni fa | |
README.md | 6 anni fa | |
pom.xml | 6 anni fa |
This project contains some sample code making use of the SEP. It demonstrates a LoggingConsumer that reports mutation events that occur in HBase.
For the purpose of this demo, we will run HBase in standalone mode (zookeeper is embbeded, no hdfs is used). Note that by default, HBase stores its data in /tmp, which will be lost, see the HBase docs on how to change this.
Download HBase (0.94) from http://hbase.apache.org/.
Edit conf/hbase-site.xml and add the following configuration:
<!-- SEP is basically replication, so enable it -->
<!-- Source ratio of 100% makes sure that each SEP consumer is actually
used (otherwise, some can sit idle, especially with small clusters) -->
<!-- Maximum number of hlog entries to replicate in one go. If this is
large, and a consumer takes a while to process the events, the
HBase rpc call will time out. -->
<!-- A custom replication source that fixes a few things and adds
some functionality (doesn't interfere with normal replication
usage). -->
This makes available the SepReplicationSource to HBase.
cp hbase-sep/impl/target/hbase-sep-impl-1.0.jar hbase/lib/
cp hbase-sep/api/target/hbase-sep-api-1.0.jar hbase/lib/
You can check HBase is running fine by browsing to http://localhost:60010/
Start by creating a schema:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.ngdata.sep.demo.DemoSchema
Important in the code of DemoSchema is that we enable replication by calling setScope(1)!
Next, start the logging consumer:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.ngdata.sep.demo.LoggingConsumer
Upload some content:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.ngdata.sep.demo.DemoIngester
(this continues forever, interrupt with ctrl+c)
To follow what's going on, you can use the hbase shell to insert an individual row:
put 'sep-user-demo', 'my-user-id', 'info:name', 'Jules'
As you update data in HBase, the LoggingConsumer logs incoming update events.
Unfortunately, the put command in the shell only allows to set one column value at a time.
Now we can update this user to also add the email address:
put 'sep-user-demo', 'my-user-id', 'info:email', 'jules@hotmail.com'
It is possible to register multiple event subscribers, each subscriber will receive all events. The events will be distributed amongst the consumers started for that subscriber.