(function($, undefined) { function testProps(props) { var i; for (i in props) { if (mod[props[i]] !== undefined) { return true } } return false } function testPrefix() { var prefixes = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'ms'], p; for (p in prefixes) { if (testProps([prefixes[p] + 'Transform'])) { return '-' + prefixes[p].toLowerCase() + '-' } } return '' } function init(that, options, args) { var ret = that; if (typeof options === 'object') { return that.each(function() { if (instances[this.id]) { instances[this.id].destroy() } new $.mobiscroll.classes[options.component || 'Scroller'](this, options) }) } if (typeof options === 'string') { that.each(function() { var r, inst = instances[this.id]; if (inst && inst[options]) { r = inst[options].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); if (r !== undefined) { ret = r; return false } } }) } return ret } var ms, id = +new Date(), instances = {}, extend = $.extend, mod = document.createElement('modernizr').style, has3d = testProps(['perspectiveProperty', 'WebkitPerspective', 'MozPerspective', 'OPerspective', 'msPerspective']), hasFlex = testProps(['flex', 'msFlex', 'WebkitBoxDirection']), prefix = testPrefix(), pr = prefix.replace(/^\-/, '').replace(/\-$/, '').replace('moz', 'Moz'); $.fn.mobiscroll = function(method) { extend(this, $.mobiscroll.components); return init(this, method, arguments) }; ms = $.mobiscroll = $.mobiscroll || { version: '2.17.1', util: { prefix: prefix, jsPrefix: pr, has3d: has3d, hasFlex: hasFlex, isOldAndroid: /android [1-3]/i.test(navigator.userAgent), preventClick: function() { ms.tapped++; setTimeout(function() { ms.tapped-- }, 500) }, testTouch: function(e, elm) { if (e.type == 'touchstart') { $(elm).attr('data-touch', '1') } else if ($(elm).attr('data-touch')) { $(elm).removeAttr('data-touch'); return false } return true }, objectToArray: function(obj) { var arr = [], i; for (i in obj) { arr.push(obj[i]) } return arr }, arrayToObject: function(arr) { var obj = {}, i; if (arr) { for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { obj[arr[i]] = arr[i] } } return obj }, isNumeric: function(a) { return a - parseFloat(a) >= 0 }, isString: function(s) { return typeof s === 'string' }, getCoord: function(e, c, page) { var ev = e.originalEvent || e, prop = (page ? 'page' : 'client') + c; return ev.changedTouches ? ev.changedTouches[0][prop] : e[prop] }, getPosition: function(t, vertical) { var style = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(t[0]) : t[0].style, matrix, px; if (has3d) { $.each(['t', 'webkitT', 'MozT', 'OT', 'msT'], function(i, v) { if (style[v + 'ransform'] !== undefined) { matrix = style[v + 'ransform']; return false } }); matrix = matrix.split(')')[0].split(', '); px = vertical ? (matrix[13] || matrix[5]) : (matrix[12] || matrix[4]) } else { px = vertical ? style.top.replace('px', '') : style.left.replace('px', '') } return px }, addIcon: function($control, ic) { var icons = {}, $parent = $control.parent(), errorMsg = $parent.find('.mbsc-err-msg'), align = $control.attr('data-icon-align') || 'left', icon = $control.attr('data-icon'); $('').insertAfter($control).append($control); if (errorMsg) { $parent.find('.mbsc-input-wrap').append(errorMsg) } if (icon) { if (icon.indexOf('{') !== -1) { icons = JSON.parse(icon) } else { icons[align] = icon } extend(icons, ic); $parent.addClass((icons.right ? 'mbsc-ic-right ' : '') + (icons.left ? ' mbsc-ic-left' : '')).find('.mbsc-input-wrap').append(icons.left ? '' : '').append(icons.right ? '' : '') } }, constrain: function(val, min, max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(val, max)) }, vibrate: function(time) { if ('vibrate' in navigator) { navigator.vibrate(time || 50) } } }, tapped: 0, autoTheme: 'mobiscroll', presets: { scroller: {}, numpad: {}, listview: {}, menustrip: {} }, themes: { form: {}, frame: {}, listview: {}, menustrip: {}, progress: {} }, i18n: {}, instances: instances, classes: {}, components: {}, defaults: { context: 'body', mousewheel: true, vibrate: true }, setDefaults: function(o) { extend(this.defaults, o) }, presetShort: function(name, c, p) { this.components[name] = function(s) { return init(this, extend(s, { component: c, preset: p === false ? undefined : name }), arguments) } } }; $.mobiscroll.classes.Base = function(el, settings) { var lang, preset, s, theme, themeName, defaults, ms = $.mobiscroll, util = ms.util, getCoord = util.getCoord, that = this; that.settings = {}; that._presetLoad = function() {}; that._init = function(ss) { s = that.settings; extend(settings, ss); if (that._hasDef) { defaults = ms.defaults } extend(s, that._defaults, defaults, settings); if (that._hasTheme) { themeName = s.theme; if (themeName == 'auto' || !themeName) { themeName = ms.autoTheme } if (themeName == 'default') { themeName = 'mobiscroll' } settings.theme = themeName; theme = ms.themes[that._class] ? ms.themes[that._class][themeName] : {} } if (that._hasLang) { lang = ms.i18n[s.lang] } if (that._hasTheme) { that.trigger('onThemeLoad', [lang, settings]) } extend(s, theme, lang, defaults, settings); if (that._hasPreset) { that._presetLoad(s); preset = ms.presets[that._class][s.preset]; if (preset) { preset = preset.call(el, that); extend(s, preset, settings) } } }; that._destroy = function() { that.trigger('onDestroy', []); delete instances[el.id]; that = null }; that.tap = function(el, handler, prevent) { var startX, startY, target, moved; function onStart(ev) { if (!target) { if (prevent) { ev.preventDefault() } target = this; startX = getCoord(ev, 'X'); startY = getCoord(ev, 'Y'); moved = false; if (ev.type == 'pointerdown') { $(document).on('pointermove', onMove).on('pointerup', onEnd) } } } function onMove(ev) { if (target && !moved && Math.abs(getCoord(ev, 'X') - startX) > 9 || Math.abs(getCoord(ev, 'Y') - startY) > 9) { moved = true } } function onEnd(ev) { if (target) { if (!moved) { ev.preventDefault(); handler.call(target, ev, that) } if (ev.type == 'pointerup') { $(document).off('pointermove', onMove).off('pointerup', onEnd) } target = false; util.preventClick() } } function onCancel() { target = false } if (s.tap) { el.on('touchstart.dw pointerdown.dw', onStart).on('touchcancel.dw pointercancel.dw', onCancel).on('touchmove.dw', onMove).on('touchend.dw', onEnd) } el.on('click.dw', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); handler.call(this, ev, that) }) }; that.trigger = function(name, args) { var ret; args.push(that); $.each([defaults, theme, preset, settings], function(i, v) { if (v && v[name]) { ret = v[name].apply(el, args) } }); return ret }; that.option = function(opt, value) { var obj = {}; if (typeof opt === 'object') { obj = opt } else { obj[opt] = value } that.init(obj) }; that.getInst = function() { return that }; settings = settings || {}; $(el).addClass('mbsc-comp'); if (!el.id) { el.id = 'mobiscroll' + (++id) } instances[el.id] = that }; function preventClick(ev) { if (ms.tapped && !ev.tap && !(ev.target.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA' && ev.type == 'mousedown')) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); return false } } if (document.addEventListener) { $.each(['mouseover', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click'], function(i, ev) { document.addEventListener(ev, preventClick, true) }) } })(jQuery); (function($, window, document, undefined) { var $activeElm, preventShow, ms = $.mobiscroll, util = ms.util, pr = util.jsPrefix, has3d = util.has3d, constrain = util.constrain, isString = util.isString, isOldAndroid = util.isOldAndroid, isIOS8 = /(iphone|ipod|ipad).* os 8_/i.test(navigator.userAgent), animEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend', empty = function() {}, prevdef = function(ev) { ev.preventDefault() }; ms.classes.Frame = function(el, settings, inherit) { var $ariaDiv, $ctx, $header, $markup, $overlay, $persp, $popup, $wnd, $wrapper, buttons, btn, doAnim, event, hasButtons, isModal, modalWidth, modalHeight, posEvents, preventPos, s, scrollLock, setReadOnly, wndWidth, wndHeight, that = this, $elm = $(el), elmList = [], posDebounce = {}; function onBtnStart(ev) { if (btn) { btn.removeClass('dwb-a') } btn = $(this); if (!btn.hasClass('dwb-d') && !btn.hasClass('dwb-nhl')) { btn.addClass('dwb-a') } if (ev.type === 'mousedown') { $(document).on('mouseup', onBtnEnd) } else if (ev.type === 'pointerdown') { $(document).on('pointerup', onBtnEnd) } } function onBtnEnd(ev) { if (btn) { btn.removeClass('dwb-a'); btn = null } if (ev.type === 'mouseup') { $(document).off('mouseup', onBtnEnd) } else if (ev.type === 'pointerup') { $(document).off('pointerup', onBtnEnd) } } function onWndKeyDown(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 13) { that.select() } else if (ev.keyCode == 27) { that.cancel() } } function onShow(prevFocus) { if (!prevFocus) { $popup.focus() } that.ariaMessage(s.ariaMessage) } function onHide(prevAnim) { var activeEl, value, type, focus = s.focusOnClose; setTimeout(function() { that._markupRemove(); $markup.remove() }, 500); if ($activeElm && !prevAnim) { setTimeout(function() { if (focus === undefined || focus === true) { preventShow = true; activeEl = $activeElm[0]; type = activeEl.type; value = activeEl.value; try { activeEl.type = 'button' } catch (ex) {} $activeElm.focus(); activeEl.type = type; activeEl.value = value } else if (focus) { $(focus).focus() } }, 200) } that._isVisible = false; event('onHide', []) } function onPosition(ev) { clearTimeout(posDebounce[ev.type]); posDebounce[ev.type] = setTimeout(function() { var isScroll = ev.type == 'scroll'; if (isScroll && !scrollLock) { return } that.position(!isScroll) }, 200) } function onFocus(ev) { if (ev.target.nodeType && !$popup[0].contains(ev.target)) { $popup.focus() } } function onBlur() { $(this).off('blur', onBlur); setTimeout(function() { that.position() }, 100) } function show(beforeShow, $elm) { if (beforeShow) { beforeShow() } if ($(document.activeElement).is('input,textarea')) { $(document.activeElement).blur() } if (that.show() !== false) { $activeElm = $elm; setTimeout(function() { preventShow = false }, 300) } } function set() { that._fillValue(); event('onSelect', [that._value]) } function cancel() { event('onCancel', [that._value]) } function clear() { that.setVal(null, true) } ms.classes.Base.call(this, el, settings, true); that.position = function(check) { var w, l, t, anchor, aw, ah, ap, at, al, arr, arrw, arrl, dh, scroll, sl, st, totalw = 0, minw = 0, css = {}, nw = Math.min($wnd[0].innerWidth || $wnd.innerWidth(), $persp.width()), nh = $wnd[0].innerHeight || $wnd.innerHeight(), $focused = $(document.activeElement); if ($focused.is('input,textarea') && !/(button|submit|checkbox|radio)/.test($focused.attr('type'))) { $focused.on('blur', onBlur); return } if ((wndWidth === nw && wndHeight === nh && check) || preventPos) { return } if (that._isFullScreen || /top|bottom/.test(s.display)) { $popup.width(nw) } if (event('onPosition', [$markup, nw, nh]) === false || !isModal) { return } sl = $wnd.scrollLeft(); st = $wnd.scrollTop(); anchor = s.anchor === undefined ? $elm : $(s.anchor); if (that._isLiquid && s.layout !== 'liquid') { if (nw < 400) { $markup.addClass('dw-liq') } else { $markup.removeClass('dw-liq') } } if (!that._isFullScreen && /modal|bubble/.test(s.display)) { $wrapper.width(''); $('.mbsc-w-p', $markup).each(function() { w = $(this).outerWidth(true); totalw += w; minw = (w > minw) ? w : minw }); w = totalw > nw ? minw : totalw; $wrapper.width(w + 1).css('white-space', totalw > nw ? '' : 'nowrap') } modalWidth = $popup.outerWidth(); modalHeight = $popup.outerHeight(true); scrollLock = modalHeight <= nh && modalWidth <= nw; that.scrollLock = scrollLock; if (scrollLock) { $ctx.addClass('mbsc-fr-lock') } else { $ctx.removeClass('mbsc-fr-lock') } if (s.display == 'modal') { l = Math.max(0, sl + (nw - modalWidth) / 2); t = st + (nh - modalHeight) / 2 } else if (s.display == 'bubble') { scroll = wndWidth !== nw; arr = $('.dw-arrw-i', $markup); ap = anchor.offset(); at = Math.abs($ctx.offset().top - ap.top); al = Math.abs($ctx.offset().left - ap.left); aw = anchor.outerWidth(); ah = anchor.outerHeight(); l = constrain(al - ($popup.outerWidth(true) - aw) / 2, sl + 3, sl + nw - modalWidth - 3); t = at - modalHeight; if ((t < st) || (at > st + nh)) { $popup.removeClass('dw-bubble-top').addClass('dw-bubble-bottom'); t = at + ah } else { $popup.removeClass('dw-bubble-bottom').addClass('dw-bubble-top') } arrw = arr.outerWidth(); arrl = constrain(al + aw / 2 - (l + (modalWidth - arrw) / 2), 0, arrw); $('.dw-arr', $markup).css({ left: arrl }) } else { l = sl; if (s.display == 'top') { t = st } else if (s.display == 'bottom') { t = st + nh - modalHeight } } t = t < 0 ? 0 : t; css.top = t; css.left = l; $popup.css(css); $persp.height(0); dh = Math.max(t + modalHeight, s.context == 'body' ? $(document).height() : $ctx[0].scrollHeight); $persp.css({ height: dh }); if (scroll && ((t + modalHeight > st + nh) || (at > st + nh))) { preventPos = true; setTimeout(function() { preventPos = false }, 300); $wnd.scrollTop(Math.min(at, t + modalHeight - nh, dh - nh)) } wndWidth = nw; wndHeight = nh; $('.mbsc-comp', $markup).each(function() { var inst = $(this).mobiscroll('getInst'); if (inst !== that && inst.position) { inst.position() } }) }; that.attachShow = function($elm, beforeShow) { elmList.push({ readOnly: $elm.prop('readonly'), el: $elm }); if (s.display !== 'inline') { if (setReadOnly && $elm.is('input')) { $elm.prop('readonly', true).on('mousedown.dw', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault() }) } if (s.showOnFocus) { $elm.on('focus.dw', function() { if (!preventShow) { show(beforeShow, $elm) } }) } if (s.showOnTap) { $elm.on('keydown.dw', function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 32 || ev.keyCode == 13) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); show(beforeShow, $elm) } }); that.tap($elm, function() { show(beforeShow, $elm) }) } } }; that.select = function() { if (isModal) { that.hide(false, 'set', false, set) } else { set() } }; that.cancel = function() { if (isModal) { that.hide(false, 'cancel', false, cancel) } else { set() } }; that.clear = function() { event('onClear', [$markup]); if (isModal && that._isVisible && !that.live) { that.hide(false, 'clear', false, clear) } else { clear() } }; that.enable = function() { s.disabled = false; if (that._isInput) { $elm.prop('disabled', false) } }; that.disable = function() { s.disabled = true; if (that._isInput) { $elm.prop('disabled', true) } }; that.show = function(prevAnim, prevFocus) { var html; if (s.disabled || that._isVisible) { return } that._readValue(); if (event('onBeforeShow', []) === false) { return false } doAnim = isOldAndroid ? false : s.animate; html = '
' + '
' + (isModal ? '
' : '') + '' + (s.display === 'bubble' ? '
' : '') + '
' + '
' + (s.headerText ? '
' + (isString(s.headerText) ? s.headerText : '') + '
' : '') + '
'; html += that._generateContent(); html += '
'; if (hasButtons) { html += '
'; $.each(buttons, function(i, b) { b = isString(b) ? that.buttons[b] : b; if (b.handler === 'set') { b.parentClass = 'dwb-s' } if (b.handler === 'cancel') { b.parentClass = 'dwb-c' } html += '
' + (b.text || '') + '
' }); html += '
' } html += '
'; $markup = $(html); $persp = $('.dw-persp', $markup); $overlay = $('.dwo', $markup); $wrapper = $('.dwwr', $markup); $header = $('.dwv', $markup); $popup = $('.dw', $markup); $ariaDiv = $('.dw-aria', $markup); that._markup = $markup; that._header = $header; that._isVisible = true; posEvents = 'orientationchange resize'; that._markupReady($markup); event('onMarkupReady', [$markup]); if (isModal) { $(window).on('keydown', onWndKeyDown); if (s.scrollLock) { $markup.on('touchmove mousewheel wheel', function(ev) { if (scrollLock) { ev.preventDefault() } }) } if (pr !== 'Moz') { $('input,select,button', $ctx).each(function() { if (!this.disabled) { $(this).addClass('dwtd').prop('disabled', true) } }) } if (ms.activeInstance) { ms.activeInstance.hide() } posEvents += ' scroll'; ms.activeInstance = that; $markup.appendTo($ctx); if (s.focusTrap) { $wnd.on('focusin', onFocus) } if (has3d && doAnim && !prevAnim) { $markup.addClass('dw-in dw-trans').on(animEnd, function() { $markup.off(animEnd).removeClass('dw-in dw-trans').find('.dw').removeClass('dw-' + doAnim); onShow(prevFocus) }).find('.dw').addClass('dw-' + doAnim) } } else if ($elm.is('div') && !that._hasContent) { $elm.html($markup) } else { $markup.insertAfter($elm) } that._markupInserted($markup); event('onMarkupInserted', [$markup]); that.position(); $wnd.on(posEvents, onPosition); $markup.on('selectstart mousedown', prevdef).on('click', '.dwb-e', prevdef).on('keydown', '.dwb-e', function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 32) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); $(this).click() } }).on('keydown', function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 32) { ev.preventDefault() } else if (ev.keyCode == 9 && isModal && s.focusTrap) { var $focusable = $markup.find('[tabindex="0"]').filter(function() { return this.offsetWidth > 0 || this.offsetHeight > 0 }), index = $focusable.index($(':focus', $markup)), i = $focusable.length - 1, target = 0; if (ev.shiftKey) { i = 0; target = -1 } if (index === i) { $focusable.eq(target).focus(); ev.preventDefault() } } }); $('input,select,textarea', $markup).on('selectstart mousedown', function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation() }).on('keydown', function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 32) { ev.stopPropagation() } }); $.each(buttons, function(i, b) { that.tap($('.dwb' + i, $markup), function(ev) { b = isString(b) ? that.buttons[b] : b; (isString(b.handler) ? that.handlers[b.handler] : b.handler).call(this, ev, that) }, true) }); if (s.closeOnOverlay) { that.tap($overlay, function() { that.cancel() }) } if (isModal && !doAnim) { onShow(prevFocus) } $markup.on('touchstart mousedown pointerdown', '.dwb-e', onBtnStart).on('touchend', '.dwb-e', onBtnEnd); that._attachEvents($markup); event('onShow', [$markup, that._tempValue]) }; that.hide = function(prevAnim, btn, force, callback) { if (!that._isVisible || (!force && !that._isValid && btn == 'set') || (!force && event('onBeforeClose', [that._tempValue, btn]) === false)) { return false } if ($markup) { if (pr !== 'Moz') { $('.dwtd', $ctx).each(function() { $(this).prop('disabled', false).removeClass('dwtd') }) } if (has3d && isModal && doAnim && !prevAnim && !$markup.hasClass('dw-trans')) { $markup.addClass('dw-out dw-trans').on(animEnd, function() { onHide(prevAnim) }).find('.dw').addClass('dw-' + doAnim) } else { onHide(prevAnim) } $wnd.off(posEvents, onPosition).off('focusin', onFocus) } if (isModal) { $ctx.removeClass('mbsc-fr-lock'); $(window).off('keydown', onWndKeyDown); delete ms.activeInstance } if (callback) { callback() } event('onClosed', [that._value]) }; that.ariaMessage = function(txt) { $ariaDiv.html(''); setTimeout(function() { $ariaDiv.html(txt) }, 100) }; that.isVisible = function() { return that._isVisible }; that.setVal = empty; that.getVal = empty; that._generateContent = empty; that._attachEvents = empty; that._readValue = empty; that._fillValue = empty; that._markupReady = empty; that._markupInserted = empty; that._markupRemove = empty; that._processSettings = empty; that._presetLoad = function(s) { s.buttons = s.buttons || (s.display !== 'inline' ? ['set', 'cancel'] : []); s.headerText = s.headerText === undefined ? (s.display !== 'inline' ? '{value}' : false) : s.headerText }; that.destroy = function() { that.hide(true, false, true); $.each(elmList, function(i, v) { v.el.off('.dw').prop('readonly', v.readOnly) }); that._destroy() }; that.init = function(ss) { if (ss.onClose) { ss.onBeforeClose = ss.onClose } that._init(ss); that._isLiquid = (s.layout || (/top|bottom/.test(s.display) ? 'liquid' : '')) === 'liquid'; that._processSettings(); $elm.off('.dw'); buttons = s.buttons || []; isModal = s.display !== 'inline'; setReadOnly = s.showOnFocus || s.showOnTap; that._window = $wnd = $(s.context == 'body' ? window : s.context); that._context = $ctx = $(s.context); that.live = true; $.each(buttons, function(i, b) { if (b == 'ok' || b == 'set' || b.handler == 'set') { that.live = false; return false } }); that.buttons.set = { text: s.setText, handler: 'set' }; that.buttons.cancel = { text: (that.live) ? s.closeText : s.cancelText, handler: 'cancel' }; that.buttons.clear = { text: s.clearText, handler: 'clear' }; that._isInput = $elm.is('input'); hasButtons = buttons.length > 0; if (that._isVisible) { that.hide(true, false, true) } event('onInit', []); if (isModal) { that._readValue(); if (!that._hasContent) { that.attachShow($elm) } } else { that.show() } $elm.on('change.dw', function() { if (!that._preventChange) { that.setVal($elm.val(), true, false) } that._preventChange = false }) }; that.buttons = {}; that.handlers = { set: that.select, cancel: that.cancel, clear: that.clear }; that._value = null; that._isValid = true; that._isVisible = false; s = that.settings; event = that.trigger; if (!inherit) { that.init(settings) } }; ms.classes.Frame.prototype._defaults = { lang: 'en', setText: 'Set', selectedText: '{count} selected', closeText: 'Close', cancelText: 'Cancel', clearText: 'Clear', disabled: false, closeOnOverlay: true, showOnFocus: false, showOnTap: true, display: 'bottom', scrollLock: true, tap: true, btnClass: 'dwb', btnWidth: false, focusTrap: true, focusOnClose: !isIOS8 }; ms.themes.frame.mobiscroll = { rows: 5, showLabel: false, headerText: false, btnWidth: false, selectedLineHeight: true, selectedLineBorder: 1, dateOrder: 'MMddyy', weekDays: 'min', checkIcon: 'ion-ios7-checkmark-empty', btnPlusClass: 'mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-arrow-down5', btnMinusClass: 'mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-arrow-up5', btnCalPrevClass: 'mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-arrow-left5', btnCalNextClass: 'mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-arrow-right5' }; $(window).on('focus', function() { if ($activeElm) { preventShow = true } }) })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { var ms = $.mobiscroll, classes = ms.classes, util = ms.util, pr = util.jsPrefix, has3d = util.has3d, hasFlex = util.hasFlex, getCoord = util.getCoord, constrain = util.constrain, testTouch = util.testTouch; ms.presetShort('scroller', 'Scroller', false); classes.Scroller = function(el, settings, inherit) { var $markup, btn, isScrollable, itemHeight, multiple, pixels, s, scrollDebounce, trigger, click, moved, start, startTime, stop, p, min, max, target, index, lines, timer, that = this, $elm = $(el), iv = {}, pos = {}, wheels = []; function onStart(ev) { if (testTouch(ev, this) && !target && !click && !btn && !isReadOnly(this)) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); isScrollable = s.mode != 'clickpick'; target = $('.dw-ul', this); setGlobals(target); moved = iv[index] !== undefined; p = moved ? getCurrentPosition(target) : pos[index]; start = getCoord(ev, 'Y', true); startTime = new Date(); stop = start; scroll(target, index, p, 0.001); if (isScrollable) { target.closest('.dwwl').addClass('dwa') } if (ev.type === 'mousedown') { $(document).on('mousemove', onMove).on('mouseup', onEnd) } } } function onMove(ev) { if (target) { if (isScrollable) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); stop = getCoord(ev, 'Y', true); if (Math.abs(stop - start) > 3 || moved) { scroll(target, index, constrain(p + (start - stop) / itemHeight, min - 1, max + 1)); moved = true } } } } function onEnd(ev) { if (target) { var time = new Date() - startTime, curr = constrain(Math.round(p + (start - stop) / itemHeight), min - 1, max + 1), val = curr, speed, dist, ttop = target.offset().top; ev.stopPropagation(); if (ev.type === 'mouseup') { $(document).off('mousemove', onMove).off('mouseup', onEnd) } if (has3d && time < 300) { speed = (stop - start) / time; dist = (speed * speed) / s.speedUnit; if (stop - start < 0) { dist = -dist } } else { dist = stop - start } if (!moved) { var idx = Math.floor((stop - ttop) / itemHeight), li = $($('.dw-li', target)[idx]), valid = li.hasClass('dw-v'), hl = isScrollable; time = 0.1; if (trigger('onValueTap', [li]) !== false && valid) { val = idx } else { hl = true } if (hl && valid) { li.addClass('dw-hl'); setTimeout(function() { li.removeClass('dw-hl') }, 100) } if (!multiple && (s.confirmOnTap === true || s.confirmOnTap[index]) && li.hasClass('dw-sel')) { that.select(); target = false; return } } else { val = constrain(Math.round(p - dist / itemHeight), min, max); time = speed ? Math.max(0.1, Math.abs((val - curr) / speed) * s.timeUnit) : 0.1 } if (isScrollable) { calc(target, index, val, 0, time, true) } target = false } } function onBtnStart(ev) { btn = $(this); if (testTouch(ev, this)) { step(ev, btn.closest('.dwwl'), btn.hasClass('dwwbp') ? plus : minus) } if (ev.type === 'mousedown') { $(document).on('mouseup', onBtnEnd) } } function onBtnEnd(ev) { btn = null; if (click) { clearInterval(timer); click = false } if (ev.type === 'mouseup') { $(document).off('mouseup', onBtnEnd) } } function onKeyDown(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 38) { step(ev, $(this), minus) } else if (ev.keyCode == 40) { step(ev, $(this), plus) } } function onKeyUp() { if (click) { clearInterval(timer); click = false } } function onScroll(ev) { if (!isReadOnly(this)) { ev.preventDefault(); ev = ev.originalEvent || ev; var delta = ev.deltaY || ev.wheelDelta || ev.detail, t = $('.dw-ul', this); setGlobals(t); scroll(t, index, constrain(((delta < 0 ? -20 : 20) - pixels[index]) / itemHeight, min - 1, max + 1)); clearTimeout(scrollDebounce); scrollDebounce = setTimeout(function() { calc(t, index, Math.round(pos[index]), delta > 0 ? 1 : 2, 0.1) }, 200) } } function step(ev, w, func) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); if (!click && !isReadOnly(w) && !w.hasClass('dwa')) { click = true; var t = w.find('.dw-ul'); setGlobals(t); clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(function() { func(t) }, s.delay); func(t) } } function isReadOnly(wh) { if ($.isArray(s.readonly)) { var i = $('.dwwl', $markup).index(wh); return s.readonly[i] } return s.readonly } function generateWheelItems(i) { var html = '
', w = wheels[i], l = 1, labels = w.labels || [], values = w.values || [], keys = w.keys || values; $.each(values, function(j, v) { if (l % 20 === 0) { html += '
' } if (s.customWheels) { var keysHtml = "{keys:\'" + keys[j] + "\',values:\'" + values[j] + "\'}" } else { var keysHtml = keys[j] } html += '
' + '
1 ? ' style="line-height:' + Math.round(itemHeight / lines) + 'px;font-size:' + Math.round(itemHeight / lines * 0.8) + 'px;"' : '') + '>' + v + '
'; l++ }); html += '
'; return html } function setGlobals(t) { multiple = t.closest('.dwwl').hasClass('dwwms'); min = $('.dw-li', t).index($(multiple ? '.dw-li' : '.dw-v', t).eq(0)); max = Math.max(min, $('.dw-li', t).index($(multiple ? '.dw-li' : '.dw-v', t).eq(-1)) - (multiple ? s.rows - (s.mode == 'scroller' ? 1 : 3) : 0)); index = $('.dw-ul', $markup).index(t) } function formatHeader(v) { var t = s.headerText; return t ? (typeof t === 'function' ? t.call(el, v) : t.replace(/\{value\}/i, v)) : '' } function getCurrentPosition(t) { return Math.round(-util.getPosition(t, true) / itemHeight) } function ready(t, i) { clearTimeout(iv[i]); delete iv[i]; t.closest('.dwwl').removeClass('dwa') } function scroll(t, index, val, time, active) { var px = -val * itemHeight, style = t[0].style; if (px == pixels[index] && iv[index]) { return } pixels[index] = px; if (has3d) { style[pr + 'Transition'] = util.prefix + 'transform ' + (time ? time.toFixed(3) : 0) + 's ease-out'; style[pr + 'Transform'] = 'translate3d(0,' + px + 'px,0)' } else { style.top = px + 'px' } if (iv[index]) { ready(t, index) } if (time && active) { t.closest('.dwwl').addClass('dwa'); iv[index] = setTimeout(function() { ready(t, index) }, time * 1000) } pos[index] = val } function getValid(val, t, dir, multiple, select) { var selected, cell = $('.dw-li[data-val="' + val + '"]', t), cells = $('.dw-li', t), v = cells.index(cell), l = cells.length; if (multiple) { setGlobals(t) } else if (!cell.hasClass('dw-v')) { var cell1 = cell, cell2 = cell, dist1 = 0, dist2 = 0; while (v - dist1 >= 0 && !cell1.hasClass('dw-v')) { dist1++; cell1 = cells.eq(v - dist1) } while (v + dist2 < l && !cell2.hasClass('dw-v')) { dist2++; cell2 = cells.eq(v + dist2) } if (((dist2 < dist1 && dist2 && dir !== 2) || !dist1 || (v - dist1 < 0) || dir == 1) && cell2.hasClass('dw-v')) { cell = cell2; v = v + dist2 } else { cell = cell1; v = v - dist1 } } selected = cell.hasClass('dw-sel'); if (select) { if (!multiple) { $('.dw-sel', t).removeAttr('aria-selected'); cell.attr('aria-selected', 'true') } $('.dw-sel', t).removeClass('dw-sel'); cell.addClass('dw-sel') } return { selected: selected, v: multiple ? constrain(v, min, max) : v, val: cell.hasClass('dw-v') || multiple ? cell.attr('data-val') : null } } function scrollToPos(time, index, manual, dir, active) { if (trigger('validate', [$markup, index, time, dir]) !== false) { $('.dw-ul', $markup).each(function(i) { var t = $(this), multiple = t.closest('.dwwl').hasClass('dwwms'), sc = i == index || index === undefined, res = getValid(that._tempWheelArray[i], t, dir, multiple, true), selected = res.selected; if (!selected || sc) { that._tempWheelArray[i] = res.val; scroll(t, i, res.v, sc ? time : 0.1, sc ? active : false) } }); trigger('onValidated', [index]); that._tempValue = s.formatValue(that._tempWheelArray, that); if (that.live) { that._hasValue = manual || that._hasValue; setValue(manual, manual, 0, true) } that._header.html(formatHeader(that._tempValue)); if (manual) { trigger('onChange', [that._tempValue]) } } } function calc(t, idx, val, dir, time, active) { that._tempWheelArray[idx] = $('.dw-li', t).eq(val).attr('data-val'); setTimeout(function() { scrollToPos(time, idx, true, dir, active) }, 10) } function plus(t) { var val = pos[index] + 1; calc(t, index, val > max ? min : val, 1, 0.1) } function minus(t) { var val = pos[index] - 1; calc(t, index, val < min ? max : val, 2, 0.1) } function setValue(fill, change, time, noscroll, temp) { if (that._isVisible && !noscroll) { scrollToPos(time) } that._tempValue = s.formatValue(that._tempWheelArray, that); if (!temp) { that._wheelArray = that._tempWheelArray.slice(0); that._value = that._hasValue ? that._tempValue : null } if (fill) { trigger('onValueFill', [that._hasValue ? that._tempValue : '', change]); if (that._isInput) { $elm.val(that._hasValue ? that._tempValue : '') } if (change) { that._preventChange = true; $elm.change() } } } classes.Frame.call(this, el, settings, true); that.setVal = that._setVal = function(val, fill, change, temp, time) { that._hasValue = val !== null && val !== undefined; that._tempWheelArray = $.isArray(val) ? val.slice(0) : s.parseValue.call(el, val, that) || []; setValue(fill, change === undefined ? fill : change, time, false, temp) }; that.getVal = that._getVal = function(temp) { var val = that._hasValue || temp ? that[temp ? '_tempValue' : '_value'] : null; return util.isNumeric(val) ? +val : val }; that.setArrayVal = that.setVal; that.getArrayVal = function(temp) { return temp ? that._tempWheelArray : that._wheelArray }; that.setValue = function(val, fill, time, temp, change) { that.setVal(val, fill, change, temp, time) }; that.getValue = that.getArrayVal; that.changeWheel = function(idx, time, manual) { if ($markup) { var i = 0, nr = idx.length; $.each(s.wheels, function(j, wg) { $.each(wg, function(k, w) { if ($.inArray(i, idx) > -1) { wheels[i] = w; $('.dw-ul', $markup).eq(i).html(generateWheelItems(i)); nr--; if (!nr) { that.position(); scrollToPos(time, undefined, manual); return false } } i++ }); if (!nr) { return false } }) } }; that.selectWheel = function(keyVal, time, manual) { $.each(s.wheels, function(j, wg) { $.each(wg, function(k, w) { $.each(w.keys, function(l, d) { if (keyVal[k] == d) { var $el = $('.dwfl', that._markup).eq(k); calc($el, k, l, 1, 0.1) } }) }) }) }; that.getValidCell = getValid; that.scroll = scroll; that._generateContent = function() { var lbl, html = '', l = 0; $.each(s.wheels, function(i, wg) { html += '
' + '
' + (hasFlex ? '' : ''); $.each(wg, function(j, w) { wheels[l] = w; lbl = w.label !== undefined ? w.label : j; html += '<' + (hasFlex ? 'div' : 'td') + ' class="dwfl"' + ' style="' + (s.fixedWidth ? ('width:' + (s.fixedWidth[l] || s.fixedWidth) + 'px;') : (s.minWidth ? ('min-width:' + (s.minWidth[l] || s.minWidth) + 'px;') : 'min-width:' + s.width + 'px;') + (s.maxWidth ? ('max-width:' + (s.maxWidth[l] || s.maxWidth) + 'px;') : '')) + '">' + '
' + (s.mode != 'scroller' ? '
' + '
' : '') + '
' + lbl + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; html += generateWheelItems(l) + '
' + (hasFlex ? '' : ''); l++ }); html += (hasFlex ? '' : '
') + '
' }); return html }; that._attachEvents = function($markup) { $markup.on('keydown', '.dwwl', onKeyDown).on('keyup', '.dwwl', onKeyUp).on('touchstart mousedown', '.dwwl', onStart).on('touchmove', '.dwwl', onMove).on('touchend', '.dwwl', onEnd).on('touchstart mousedown', '.dwwb', onBtnStart).on('touchend touchcancel', '.dwwb', onBtnEnd); if (s.mousewheel) { $markup.on('wheel mousewheel', '.dwwl', onScroll) } }; that._markupReady = function($m) { $markup = $m; pixels = {}; scrollToPos() }; that._fillValue = function() { that._hasValue = true; setValue(true, true, 0, true) }; that._readValue = function() { var v = $elm.val() || ''; if (v !== '') { that._hasValue = true } that._tempWheelArray = that._hasValue && that._wheelArray ? that._wheelArray.slice(0) : s.parseValue.call(el, v, that) || []; setValue() }; that._processSettings = function() { s = that.settings; trigger = that.trigger; itemHeight = s.height; lines = s.multiline; that._isLiquid = (s.layout || (/top|bottom/.test(s.display) && s.wheels.length == 1 ? 'liquid' : '')) === 'liquid'; if (s.formatResult) { s.formatValue = s.formatResult } if (lines > 1) { s.cssClass = (s.cssClass || '') + ' dw-ml' } if (s.mode != 'scroller') { s.rows = Math.max(3, s.rows) } }; that._selectedValues = {}; if (!inherit) { that.init(settings) } }; classes.Scroller.prototype = { _hasDef: true, _hasTheme: true, _hasLang: true, _hasPreset: true, _class: 'scroller', _defaults: $.extend({}, classes.Frame.prototype._defaults, { minWidth: 80, height: 40, rows: 3, multiline: 1, delay: 300, readonly: false, showLabel: false, confirmOnTap: true, wheels: [], mode: 'scroller', preset: '', speedUnit: 0.0012, timeUnit: 0.08, formatValue: function(d) { return d.join(' ') }, parseValue: function(value, inst) { var val = [], ret = [], i = 0, found, keys; if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { val = (value + '').split(' ') } $.each(inst.settings.wheels, function(j, wg) { $.each(wg, function(k, w) { keys = w.keys || w.values; found = keys[0]; $.each(keys, function(l, key) { if (val[i] == key) { found = key; return false } }); ret.push(found); i++ }) }); return ret } }) }; ms.themes.scroller = ms.themes.frame })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, undefined) { var ms = $.mobiscroll; ms.datetime = { defaults: { shortYearCutoff: '+10', monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], dayNamesMin: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'], amText: 'am', pmText: 'pm', getYear: function(d) { return d.getFullYear() }, getMonth: function(d) { return d.getMonth() }, getDay: function(d) { return d.getDate() }, getDate: function(y, m, d, h, i, s, u) { return new Date(y, m, d, h || 0, i || 0, s || 0, u || 0) }, getMaxDayOfMonth: function(y, m) { return 32 - new Date(y, m, 32).getDate() }, getWeekNumber: function(d) { d = new Date(d); d.setHours(0, 0, 0); d.setDate(d.getDate() + 4 - (d.getDay() || 7)); var yearStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, 1); return Math.ceil((((d - yearStart) / 86400000) + 1) / 7) } }, formatDate: function(format, date, settings) { if (!date) { return null } var s = $.extend({}, ms.datetime.defaults, settings), look = function(m) { var n = 0; while (i + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(i + 1) == m) { n++; i++ } return n }, f1 = function(m, val, len) { var n = '' + val; if (look(m)) { while (n.length < len) { n = '0' + n } } return n }, f2 = function(m, val, s, l) { return (look(m) ? l[val] : s[val]) }, i, year, output = '', literal = false; for (i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { if (literal) { if (format.charAt(i) == "'" && !look("'")) { literal = false } else { output += format.charAt(i) } } else { switch (format.charAt(i)) { case 'd': output += f1('d', s.getDay(date), 2); break; case 'D': output += f2('D', date.getDay(), s.dayNamesShort, s.dayNames); break; case 'o': output += f1('o', (date.getTime() - new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0).getTime()) / 86400000, 3); break; case 'm': output += f1('m', s.getMonth(date) + 1, 2); break; case 'M': output += f2('M', s.getMonth(date), s.monthNamesShort, s.monthNames); break; case 'y': year = s.getYear(date); output += (look('y') ? year : (year % 100 < 10 ? '0' : '') + year % 100); break; case 'h': var h = date.getHours(); output += f1('h', (h > 12 ? (h - 12) : (h === 0 ? 12 : h)), 2); break; case 'H': output += f1('H', date.getHours(), 2); break; case 'i': output += f1('i', date.getMinutes(), 2); break; case 's': output += f1('s', date.getSeconds(), 2); break; case 'a': output += date.getHours() > 11 ? s.pmText : s.amText; break; case 'A': output += date.getHours() > 11 ? s.pmText.toUpperCase() : s.amText.toUpperCase(); break; case "'": if (look("'")) { output += "'" } else { literal = true } break; default: output += format.charAt(i) } } } return output }, parseDate: function(format, value, settings) { var s = $.extend({}, ms.datetime.defaults, settings), def = s.defaultValue || new Date(); if (!format || !value) { return def } if (value.getTime) { return value } value = (typeof value == 'object' ? value.toString() : value + ''); var shortYearCutoff = s.shortYearCutoff, year = s.getYear(def), month = s.getMonth(def) + 1, day = s.getDay(def), doy = -1, hours = def.getHours(), minutes = def.getMinutes(), seconds = 0, ampm = -1, literal = false, lookAhead = function(match) { var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) == match); if (matches) { iFormat++ } return matches }, getNumber = function(match) { lookAhead(match); var size = (match == '@' ? 14 : (match == '!' ? 20 : (match == 'y' ? 4 : (match == 'o' ? 3 : 2)))), digits = new RegExp('^\\d{1,' + size + '}'), num = value.substr(iValue).match(digits); if (!num) { return 0 } iValue += num[0].length; return parseInt(num[0], 10) }, getName = function(match, s, l) { var names = (lookAhead(match) ? l : s), i; for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (value.substr(iValue, names[i].length).toLowerCase() == names[i].toLowerCase()) { iValue += names[i].length; return i + 1 } } return 0 }, checkLiteral = function() { iValue++ }, iValue = 0, iFormat; for (iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) { if (literal) { if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'")) { literal = false } else { checkLiteral() } } else { switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) { case 'd': day = getNumber('d'); break; case 'D': getName('D', s.dayNamesShort, s.dayNames); break; case 'o': doy = getNumber('o'); break; case 'm': month = getNumber('m'); break; case 'M': month = getName('M', s.monthNamesShort, s.monthNames); break; case 'y': year = getNumber('y'); break; case 'H': hours = getNumber('H'); break; case 'h': hours = getNumber('h'); break; case 'i': minutes = getNumber('i'); break; case 's': seconds = getNumber('s'); break; case 'a': ampm = getName('a', [s.amText, s.pmText], [s.amText, s.pmText]) - 1; break; case 'A': ampm = getName('A', [s.amText, s.pmText], [s.amText, s.pmText]) - 1; break; case "'": if (lookAhead("'")) { checkLiteral() } else { literal = true } break; default: checkLiteral() } } } if (year < 100) { year += new Date().getFullYear() - new Date().getFullYear() % 100 + (year <= (typeof shortYearCutoff != 'string' ? shortYearCutoff : new Date().getFullYear() % 100 + parseInt(shortYearCutoff, 10)) ? 0 : -100) } if (doy > -1) { month = 1; day = doy; do { var dim = 32 - new Date(year, month - 1, 32).getDate(); if (day <= dim) { break } month++; day -= dim } while (true) } hours = (ampm == -1) ? hours : ((ampm && hours < 12) ? (hours + 12) : (!ampm && hours == 12 ? 0 : hours)); var date = s.getDate(year, month - 1, day, hours, minutes, seconds); if (s.getYear(date) != year || s.getMonth(date) + 1 != month || s.getDay(date) != day) { return def } return date } }; ms.formatDate = ms.datetime.formatDate; ms.parseDate = ms.datetime.parseDate })(jQuery); (function($, undefined) { var ms = $.mobiscroll, datetime = ms.datetime, date = new Date(), defaults = { startYear: date.getFullYear() - 100, endYear: date.getFullYear() + 1, separator: ' ', dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', dateOrder: 'mmddy', timeWheels: 'hhiiA', timeFormat: 'hh:ii A', dayText: 'Day', monthText: 'Month', yearText: 'Year', hourText: 'Hours', minuteText: 'Minutes', ampmText: ' ', secText: 'Seconds', nowText: 'Now' }, preset = function(inst) { var that = $(this), html5def = {}, format; if (that.is('input')) { switch (that.attr('type')) { case 'date': format = 'yy-mm-dd'; break; case 'datetime': format = 'yy-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ'; break; case 'datetime-local': format = 'yy-mm-ddTHH:ii:ss'; break; case 'month': format = 'yy-mm'; html5def.dateOrder = 'mmyy'; break; case 'time': format = 'HH:ii:ss'; break } var min = that.attr('min'), max = that.attr('max'); if (min) { html5def.minDate = datetime.parseDate(format, min) } if (max) { html5def.maxDate = datetime.parseDate(format, max) } } var i, k, keys, values, wg, start, end, hasTime, mins, maxs, orig = $.extend({}, inst.settings), s = $.extend(inst.settings, ms.datetime.defaults, defaults, html5def, orig), offset = 0, validValues = [], wheels = [], ord = [], o = {}, innerValues = {}, f = { y: getYear, m: getMonth, d: getDay, h: getHour, i: getMinute, s: getSecond, u: getMillisecond, a: getAmPm }, invalid = s.invalid, valid = s.valid, p = s.preset, dord = s.dateOrder, tord = s.timeWheels, regen = dord.match(/D/), ampm = tord.match(/a/i), hampm = tord.match(/h/), hformat = p == 'datetime' ? s.dateFormat + s.separator + s.timeFormat : p == 'time' ? s.timeFormat : s.dateFormat, defd = new Date(), steps = s.steps || {}, stepH = steps.hour || s.stepHour || 1, stepM = steps.minute || s.stepMinute || 1, stepS = steps.second || s.stepSecond || 1, zeroBased = steps.zeroBased, mind = s.minDate || new Date(s.startYear, 0, 1), maxd = s.maxDate || new Date(s.endYear, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59), minH = zeroBased ? 0 : mind.getHours() % stepH, minM = zeroBased ? 0 : mind.getMinutes() % stepM, minS = zeroBased ? 0 : mind.getSeconds() % stepS, maxH = getMax(stepH, minH, (hampm ? 11 : 23)), maxM = getMax(stepM, minM, 59), maxS = getMax(stepM, minM, 59); format = format || hformat; if (p.match(/date/i)) { $.each(['y', 'm', 'd'], function(j, v) { i = dord.search(new RegExp(v, 'i')); if (i > -1) { ord.push({ o: i, v: v }) } }); ord.sort(function(a, b) { return a.o > b.o ? 1 : -1 }); $.each(ord, function(i, v) { o[v.v] = i }); wg = []; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (k == o.y) { offset++; values = []; keys = []; start = s.getYear(mind); end = s.getYear(maxd); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { keys.push(i); values.push((dord.match(/yy/i) ? i : (i + '').substr(2, 2)) + (s.yearSuffix || '')) } addWheel(wg, keys, values, s.yearText) } else if (k == o.m) { offset++; values = []; keys = []; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { var str = dord.replace(/[dy]/gi, '').replace(/mm/, (i < 9 ? '0' + (i + 1) : i + 1) + (s.monthSuffix || '')).replace(/m/, i + 1 + (s.monthSuffix || '')); keys.push(i); values.push(str.match(/MM/) ? str.replace(/MM/, '' + s.monthNames[i] + '') : str.replace(/M/, '' + s.monthNamesShort[i] + '')) } addWheel(wg, keys, values, s.monthText) } else if (k == o.d) { offset++; values = []; keys = []; for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) { keys.push(i); values.push((dord.match(/dd/i) && i < 10 ? '0' + i : i) + (s.daySuffix || '')) } addWheel(wg, keys, values, s.dayText) } } wheels.push(wg) } if (p.match(/time/i)) { hasTime = true; ord = []; $.each(['h', 'i', 's', 'a'], function(i, v) { i = tord.search(new RegExp(v, 'i')); if (i > -1) { ord.push({ o: i, v: v }) } }); ord.sort(function(a, b) { return a.o > b.o ? 1 : -1 }); $.each(ord, function(i, v) { o[v.v] = offset + i }); wg = []; for (k = offset; k < offset + 4; k++) { if (k == o.h) { offset++; values = []; keys = []; for (i = minH; i < (hampm ? 12 : 24); i += stepH) { keys.push(i); values.push(hampm && i === 0 ? 12 : tord.match(/hh/i) && i < 10 ? '0' + i : i) } addWheel(wg, keys, values, s.hourText) } else if (k == o.i) { offset++; values = []; keys = []; for (i = minM; i < 60; i += stepM) { keys.push(i); values.push(tord.match(/ii/) && i < 10 ? '0' + i : i) } addWheel(wg, keys, values, s.minuteText) } else if (k == o.s) { offset++; values = []; keys = []; for (i = minS; i < 60; i += stepS) { keys.push(i); values.push(tord.match(/ss/) && i < 10 ? '0' + i : i) } addWheel(wg, keys, values, s.secText) } else if (k == o.a) { offset++; var upper = tord.match(/A/); addWheel(wg, [0, 1], upper ? [s.amText.toUpperCase(), s.pmText.toUpperCase()] : [s.amText, s.pmText], s.ampmText) } } wheels.push(wg) } function get(d, i, def) { if (o[i] !== undefined) { return +d[o[i]] } if (innerValues[i] !== undefined) { return innerValues[i] } if (def !== undefined) { return def } return f[i](defd) } function addWheel(wg, k, v, lbl) { wg.push({ values: v, keys: k, label: lbl }) } function step(v, st, min, max) { return Math.min(max, Math.floor(v / st) * st + min) } function getYear(d) { return s.getYear(d) } function getMonth(d) { return s.getMonth(d) } function getDay(d) { return s.getDay(d) } function getHour(d) { var hour = d.getHours(); hour = hampm && hour >= 12 ? hour - 12 : hour; return step(hour, stepH, minH, maxH) } function getMinute(d) { return step(d.getMinutes(), stepM, minM, maxM) } function getSecond(d) { return step(d.getSeconds(), stepS, minS, maxS) } function getMillisecond(d) { return d.getMilliseconds() } function getAmPm(d) { return ampm && d.getHours() > 11 ? 1 : 0 } function getDate(d) { if (d === null) { return d } var year = get(d, 'y'), month = get(d, 'm'), day = Math.min(get(d, 'd'), s.getMaxDayOfMonth(year, month)), hour = get(d, 'h', 0); return s.getDate(year, month, day, get(d, 'a', 0) ? hour + 12 : hour, get(d, 'i', 0), get(d, 's', 0), get(d, 'u', 0)) } function getMax(step, min, max) { return Math.floor((max - min) / step) * step + min } function getClosestValidDate(d, dir) { var next, prev, nextValid = false, prevValid = false, up = 0, down = 0; mind = getDate(getArray(mind)); maxd = getDate(getArray(maxd)); if (isValid(d)) { return d } if (d < mind) { d = mind } if (d > maxd) { d = maxd } next = d; prev = d; if (dir !== 2) { nextValid = isValid(next); while (!nextValid && next < maxd) { next = new Date(next.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); nextValid = isValid(next); up++ } } if (dir !== 1) { prevValid = isValid(prev); while (!prevValid && prev > mind) { prev = new Date(prev.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); prevValid = isValid(prev); down++ } } if (dir === 1 && nextValid) { return next } if (dir === 2 && prevValid) { return prev } return down <= up && prevValid ? prev : next } function isValid(d) { if (d < mind) { return false } if (d > maxd) { return false } if (isInObj(d, valid)) { return true } if (isInObj(d, invalid)) { return false } return true } function isInObj(d, obj) { var curr, j, v; if (obj) { for (j = 0; j < obj.length; j++) { curr = obj[j]; v = curr + ''; if (!curr.start) { if (curr.getTime) { if (d.getFullYear() == curr.getFullYear() && d.getMonth() == curr.getMonth() && d.getDate() == curr.getDate()) { return true } } else if (!v.match(/w/i)) { v = v.split('/'); if (v[1]) { if ((v[0] - 1) == d.getMonth() && v[1] == d.getDate()) { return true } } else if (v[0] == d.getDate()) { return true } } else { v = +v.replace('w', ''); if (v == d.getDay()) { return true } } } } } return false } function validateDates(obj, y, m, first, maxdays, idx, val) { var j, d, v; if (obj) { for (j = 0; j < obj.length; j++) { d = obj[j]; v = d + ''; if (!d.start) { if (d.getTime) { if (s.getYear(d) == y && s.getMonth(d) == m) { idx[s.getDay(d) - 1] = val } } else if (!v.match(/w/i)) { v = v.split('/'); if (v[1]) { if (v[0] - 1 == m) { idx[v[1] - 1] = val } } else { idx[v[0] - 1] = val } } else { v = +v.replace('w', ''); for (k = v - first; k < maxdays; k += 7) { if (k >= 0) { idx[k] = val } } } } } } } function validateTimes(vobj, i, v, temp, y, m, d, target, valid) { var dd, ss, str, parts1, parts2, prop1, prop2, v1, v2, j, i1, i2, add, remove, all, hours1, hours2, hours3, spec = {}, steps = { h: stepH, i: stepM, s: stepS, a: 1 }, day = s.getDate(y, m, d), w = ['a', 'h', 'i', 's']; if (vobj) { $.each(vobj, function(i, obj) { if (obj.start) { obj.apply = false; dd = obj.d; ss = dd + ''; str = ss.split('/'); if (dd && ((dd.getTime && y == s.getYear(dd) && m == s.getMonth(dd) && d == s.getDay(dd)) || (!ss.match(/w/i) && ((str[1] && d == str[1] && m == str[0] - 1) || (!str[1] && d == str[0]))) || (ss.match(/w/i) && day.getDay() == +ss.replace('w', '')))) { obj.apply = true; spec[day] = true } } }); $.each(vobj, function(x, obj) { add = 0; remove = 0; i1 = 0; i2 = undefined; prop1 = true; prop2 = true; all = false; if (obj.start && (obj.apply || (!obj.d && !spec[day]))) { parts1 = obj.start.split(':'); parts2 = obj.end.split(':'); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (parts1[j] === undefined) { parts1[j] = 0 } if (parts2[j] === undefined) { parts2[j] = 59 } parts1[j] = +parts1[j]; parts2[j] = +parts2[j] } parts1.unshift(parts1[0] > 11 ? 1 : 0); parts2.unshift(parts2[0] > 11 ? 1 : 0); if (hampm) { if (parts1[1] >= 12) { parts1[1] = parts1[1] - 12 } if (parts2[1] >= 12) { parts2[1] = parts2[1] - 12 } } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (validValues[j] !== undefined) { v1 = step(parts1[j], steps[w[j]], mins[w[j]], maxs[w[j]]); v2 = step(parts2[j], steps[w[j]], mins[w[j]], maxs[w[j]]); hours1 = 0; hours2 = 0; hours3 = 0; if (hampm && j == 1) { hours1 = parts1[0] ? 12 : 0; hours2 = parts2[0] ? 12 : 0; hours3 = validValues[0] ? 12 : 0 } if (!prop1) { v1 = 0 } if (!prop2) { v2 = maxs[w[j]] } if ((prop1 || prop2) && (v1 + hours1 < validValues[j] + hours3 && validValues[j] + hours3 < v2 + hours2)) { all = true } if (validValues[j] != v1) { prop1 = false } if (validValues[j] != v2) { prop2 = false } } } if (!valid) { for (j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) { if (parts1[j] > 0) { add = steps[v] } if (parts2[j] < maxs[w[j]]) { remove = steps[v] } } } if (!all) { v1 = step(parts1[i], steps[v], mins[v], maxs[v]) + add; v2 = step(parts2[i], steps[v], mins[v], maxs[v]) - remove; if (prop1) { i1 = getValidIndex(target, v1, maxs[v], 0) } if (prop2) { i2 = getValidIndex(target, v2, maxs[v], 1) } } if (prop1 || prop2 || all) { if (valid) { $('.dw-li', target).slice(i1, i2).addClass('dw-v') } else { $('.dw-li', target).slice(i1, i2).removeClass('dw-v') } } } }) } } function getIndex(t, v) { return $('.dw-li', t).index($('.dw-li[data-val="' + v + '"]', t)) } function getValidIndex(t, v, max, add) { if (v < 0) { return 0 } if (v > max) { return $('.dw-li', t).length } return getIndex(t, v) + add } function getArray(d, fillInner) { var ret = []; if (d === null || d === undefined) { return d } $.each(['y', 'm', 'd', 'a', 'h', 'i', 's', 'u'], function(x, i) { if (o[i] !== undefined) { ret[o[i]] = f[i](d) } if (fillInner) { innerValues[i] = f[i](d) } }); return ret } function convertRanges(arr) { var i, v, start, ret = []; if (arr) { for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { v = arr[i]; if (v.start && v.start.getTime) { start = new Date(v.start); while (start <= v.end) { ret.push(new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate())); start.setDate(start.getDate() + 1) } } else { ret.push(v) } } return ret } return arr } inst.getVal = function(temp) { return inst._hasValue || temp ? getDate(inst.getArrayVal(temp)) : null }; inst.setDate = function(d, fill, time, temp, change) { inst.setArrayVal(getArray(d), fill, change, temp, time) }; inst.getDate = inst.getVal; inst.format = hformat; inst.order = o; inst.handlers.now = function() { inst.setDate(new Date(), false, 0.3, true, true) }; inst.buttons.now = { text: s.nowText, handler: 'now' }; invalid = convertRanges(invalid); valid = convertRanges(valid); mins = { y: mind.getFullYear(), m: 0, d: 1, h: minH, i: minM, s: minS, a: 0 }; maxs = { y: maxd.getFullYear(), m: 11, d: 31, h: maxH, i: maxM, s: maxS, a: 1 }; return { wheels: wheels, headerText: s.headerText ? function() { return datetime.formatDate(hformat, getDate(inst.getArrayVal(true)), s) } : false, formatValue: function(d) { return datetime.formatDate(format, getDate(d), s) }, parseValue: function(val) { if (!val) { innerValues = {} } return getArray(val ? datetime.parseDate(format, val, s) : (s.defaultValue || new Date()), !!val && !!val.getTime) }, validate: function(dw, i, time, dir) { var validated = getClosestValidDate(getDate(inst.getArrayVal(true)), dir), temp = getArray(validated), y = get(temp, 'y'), m = get(temp, 'm'), minprop = true, maxprop = true; $.each(['y', 'm', 'd', 'a', 'h', 'i', 's'], function(x, i) { if (o[i] !== undefined) { var min = mins[i], max = maxs[i], maxdays = 31, val = get(temp, i), t = $('.dw-ul', dw).eq(o[i]); if (i == 'd') { maxdays = s.getMaxDayOfMonth(y, m); max = maxdays; if (regen) { $('.dw-li', t).each(function() { var that = $(this), d = that.data('val'), w = s.getDate(y, m, d).getDay(), str = dord.replace(/[my]/gi, '').replace(/dd/, (d < 10 ? '0' + d : d) + (s.daySuffix || '')).replace(/d/, d + (s.daySuffix || '')); $('.dw-i', that).html(str.match(/DD/) ? str.replace(/DD/, '' + s.dayNames[w] + '') : str.replace(/D/, '' + s.dayNamesShort[w] + '')) }) } } if (minprop && mind) { min = f[i](mind) } if (maxprop && maxd) { max = f[i](maxd) } if (i != 'y') { var i1 = getIndex(t, min), i2 = getIndex(t, max); $('.dw-li', t).removeClass('dw-v').slice(i1, i2 + 1).addClass('dw-v'); if (i == 'd') { $('.dw-li', t).removeClass('dw-h').slice(maxdays).addClass('dw-h') } } if (val < min) { val = min } if (val > max) { val = max } if (minprop) { minprop = val == min } if (maxprop) { maxprop = val == max } if (i == 'd') { var first = s.getDate(y, m, 1).getDay(), idx = {}; validateDates(invalid, y, m, first, maxdays, idx, 1); validateDates(valid, y, m, first, maxdays, idx, 0); $.each(idx, function(i, v) { if (v) { $('.dw-li', t).eq(i).removeClass('dw-v') } }) } } }); if (hasTime) { $.each(['a', 'h', 'i', 's'], function(i, v) { var val = get(temp, v), d = get(temp, 'd'), t = $('.dw-ul', dw).eq(o[v]); if (o[v] !== undefined) { validateTimes(invalid, i, v, temp, y, m, d, t, 0); validateTimes(valid, i, v, temp, y, m, d, t, 1); validValues[i] = +inst.getValidCell(val, t, dir).val } }) } inst._tempWheelArray = temp } } }; $.each(['date', 'time', 'datetime'], function(i, v) { ms.presets.scroller[v] = preset }) })(jQuery); (function($) { $.each(['date', 'time', 'datetime'], function(i, v) { $.mobiscroll.presetShort(v) }) })(jQuery); (function($, undefined) { var ms = $.mobiscroll, util = ms.util, isString = util.isString, defaults = { batch: 40, inputClass: '', invalid: [], rtl: false, showInput: true, groupLabel: 'Groups', checkIcon: 'checkmark', dataText: 'text', dataValue: 'value', dataGroup: 'group', dataDisabled: 'disabled' }; ms.presetShort('select'); ms.presets.scroller.select = function(inst) { var change, defaultValue, group, groupArray, groupChanged, groupTap, groupWheelIdx, i, input, optionArray, optionWheelIdx, option, origValues, prevGroup, timer, batchChanged = {}, batchStart = {}, batchEnd = {}, tempBatchStart = {}, tempBatchEnd = {}, orig = $.extend({}, inst.settings), s = $.extend(inst.settings, defaults, orig), batch = s.batch, layout = s.layout || (/top|bottom/.test(s.display) ? 'liquid' : ''), isLiquid = layout == 'liquid', elm = $(this), multiple = s.multiple || elm.prop('multiple'), maxSelect = util.isNumeric(s.multiple) ? s.multiple : Infinity, id = this.id + '_dummy', lbl = $('label[for="' + this.id + '"]').attr('for', id), label = s.label !== undefined ? s.label : (lbl.length ? lbl.text() : elm.attr('name')), selectedClass = 'dw-msel mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-' + s.checkIcon, origReadOnly = s.readonly, data = s.data, hasData = !!data, hasGroups = hasData ? !!s.group : $('optgroup', elm).length, groupSetup = s.group, groupWheel = hasGroups && groupSetup && groupSetup.groupWheel !== false, groupSep = hasGroups && groupSetup && groupWheel && groupSetup.clustered === true, groupHdr = hasGroups && (!groupSetup || (groupSetup.header !== false && !groupSep)), values = elm.val() || [], invalid = [], selectedValues = {}, options = {}, groups = {}; function prepareData() { var gr, lbl, opt, txt, val, l = 0, c = 0, groupIndexes = {}; options = {}; groups = {}; optionArray = []; groupArray = []; invalid.length = 0; if (hasData) { $.each(s.data, function(i, v) { txt = v[s.dataText]; val = v[s.dataValue]; lbl = v[s.dataGroup]; opt = { value: val, text: txt, index: i }; options[val] = opt; optionArray.push(opt); if (hasGroups) { if (groupIndexes[lbl] === undefined) { gr = { text: lbl, value: c, options: [], index: c }; groups[c] = gr; groupIndexes[lbl] = c; groupArray.push(gr); c++ } else { gr = groups[groupIndexes[lbl]] } if (groupSep) { opt.index = gr.options.length } opt.group = groupIndexes[lbl]; gr.options.push(opt) } if (v[s.dataDisabled]) { invalid.push(val) } }) } else { if (hasGroups) { $('optgroup', elm).each(function(i) { groups[i] = { text: this.label, value: i, options: [], index: i }; groupArray.push(groups[i]); $('option', this).each(function(j) { opt = { value: this.value, text: this.text, index: groupSep ? j : l++, group: i }; options[this.value] = opt; optionArray.push(opt); groups[i].options.push(opt); if (this.disabled) { invalid.push(this.value) } }) }) } else { $('option', elm).each(function(i) { opt = { value: this.value, text: this.text, index: i }; options[this.value] = opt; optionArray.push(opt); if (this.disabled) { invalid.push(this.value) } }) } } if (optionArray.length) { defaultValue = optionArray[0].value } if (groupHdr) { optionArray = []; l = 0; $.each(groups, function(i, gr) { val = '__group' + i; opt = { text: gr.text, value: val, group: i, index: l++ }; options[val] = opt; optionArray.push(opt); invalid.push(opt.value); $.each(gr.options, function(j, opt) { opt.index = l++; optionArray.push(opt) }) }) } } function genValues(w, data, dataMap, value, index, multiple, label) { var i, wheel, keys = [], values = [], selectedIndex = dataMap[value] !== undefined ? dataMap[value].index : 0, start = Math.max(0, selectedIndex - batch), end = Math.min(data.length - 1, start + batch * 2); if (batchStart[index] !== start || batchEnd[index] !== end) { for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { values.push(data[i].text); keys.push(data[i].value) } batchChanged[index] = true; tempBatchStart[index] = start; tempBatchEnd[index] = end; wheel = { multiple: multiple, values: values, keys: keys, label: label }; if (isLiquid) { w[0][index] = wheel } else { w[index] = [wheel] } } else { batchChanged[index] = false } } function genGroupWheel(w) { genValues(w, groupArray, groups, group, groupWheelIdx, false, s.groupLabel) } function genOptWheel(w) { genValues(w, groupSep ? groups[group].options : optionArray, options, option, optionWheelIdx, multiple, label) } function genWheels() { var w = [ [] ]; if (groupWheel) { genGroupWheel(w) } genOptWheel(w); return w } function getOption(v) { if (multiple) { if (v && isString(v)) { v = v.split(',') } if ($.isArray(v)) { v = v[0] } } option = v === undefined || v === null || v === '' || !options[v] ? defaultValue : v; if (groupWheel) { group = options[option] ? options[option].group : null; prevGroup = group } } function getVal(temp, group) { var val = temp ? inst._tempWheelArray : (inst._hasValue ? inst._wheelArray : null); return val ? (s.group && group ? val : val[optionWheelIdx]) : null } function onFill() { var txt, val, sel = [], i = 0; if (multiple) { val = []; for (i in selectedValues) { sel.push(options[i] ? options[i].text : ''); val.push(i) } txt = sel.join(', ') } else { val = option; txt = options[option] ? options[option].text : '' } inst._tempValue = val; input.val(txt); elm.val(val) } function onTap(li) { var val = li.attr('data-val'), selected = li.hasClass('dw-msel'); if (multiple && li.closest('.dwwl').hasClass('dwwms')) { if (li.hasClass('dw-v')) { if (selected) { li.removeClass(selectedClass).removeAttr('aria-selected'); delete selectedValues[val] } else if (util.objectToArray(selectedValues).length < maxSelect) { li.addClass(selectedClass).attr('aria-selected', 'true'); selectedValues[val] = val } } return false } else if (li.hasClass('dw-w-gr')) { groupTap = li.attr('data-val') } } if (!s.invalid.length) { s.invalid = invalid } if (groupWheel) { groupWheelIdx = 0; optionWheelIdx = 1 } else { groupWheelIdx = -1; optionWheelIdx = 0 } if (multiple) { elm.prop('multiple', true); if (values && isString(values)) { values = values.split(',') } for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { selectedValues[values[i]] = values[i] } } prepareData(); getOption(elm.val()); $('#' + id).remove(); if (elm.next().is('input.mbsc-control')) { input = elm.off('.mbsc-form').next().removeAttr('tabindex') } else { input = $(''); if (s.showInput) { input.insertBefore(elm) } } inst.attachShow(input.attr('placeholder', s.placeholder || '')); elm.addClass('dw-hsel').attr('tabindex', -1).closest('.ui-field-contain').trigger('create'); onFill(); inst.setVal = function(val, fill, change, temp, time) { if (multiple) { if (val && isString(val)) { val = val.split(',') } selectedValues = util.arrayToObject(val); val = val ? val[0] : null } inst._setVal(val, fill, change, temp, time) }; inst.getVal = function(temp, group) { if (multiple) { return util.objectToArray(selectedValues) } return getVal(temp, group) }; inst.refresh = function() { prepareData(); batchStart = {}; batchEnd = {}; s.wheels = genWheels(); batchStart[groupWheelIdx] = tempBatchStart[groupWheelIdx]; batchEnd[groupWheelIdx] = tempBatchEnd[groupWheelIdx]; batchStart[optionWheelIdx] = tempBatchStart[optionWheelIdx]; batchEnd[optionWheelIdx] = tempBatchEnd[optionWheelIdx]; change = true; getOption(option); inst._tempWheelArray = groupWheel ? [group, option] : [option]; if (inst._isVisible) { inst.changeWheel(groupWheel ? [groupWheelIdx, optionWheelIdx] : [optionWheelIdx]) } }; inst.getValues = inst.getVal; inst.getValue = getVal; return { width: 50, layout: layout, headerText: false, anchor: input, confirmOnTap: groupWheel ? [false, true] : true, formatValue: function(d) { var i, opt, sel = []; if (multiple) { for (i in selectedValues) { sel.push(options[i] ? options[i].text : '') } return sel.join(', ') } opt = d[optionWheelIdx]; return options[opt] ? options[opt].text : '' }, parseValue: function(val) { getOption(val === undefined ? elm.val() : val); return groupWheel ? [group, option] : [option] }, onValueTap: onTap, onValueFill: onFill, onBeforeShow: function() { if (multiple && s.counter) { s.headerText = function() { var length = 0; $.each(selectedValues, function() { length++ }); return (length > 1 ? s.selectedPluralText || s.selectedText : s.selectedText).replace(/{count}/, length) } } getOption(elm.val()); if (groupWheel) { inst._tempWheelArray = [group, option] } inst.refresh() }, onMarkupReady: function(dw) { dw.addClass('dw-select'); $('.dwwl' + groupWheelIdx, dw).on('mousedown touchstart', function() { clearTimeout(timer) }); $('.dwwl' + optionWheelIdx, dw).on('mousedown touchstart', function() { if (!groupChanged) { clearTimeout(timer) } }); if (groupHdr) { $('.dwwl' + optionWheelIdx, dw).addClass('dw-select-gr') } if (multiple) { dw.addClass('dwms'); $('.dwwl', dw).on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 32) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); onTap($('.dw-sel', this)) } }).eq(optionWheelIdx).attr('aria-multiselectable', 'true'); origValues = $.extend({}, selectedValues) } }, validate: function(dw, i, time, dir) { var j, v, changes = [], temp = inst.getArrayVal(true), tempGr = temp[groupWheelIdx], tempOpt = temp[optionWheelIdx], t1 = $('.dw-ul', dw).eq(groupWheelIdx), t2 = $('.dw-ul', dw).eq(optionWheelIdx); if (batchStart[groupWheelIdx] > 1) { $('.dw-li', t1).slice(0, 2).removeClass('dw-v').addClass('dw-fv') } if (batchEnd[groupWheelIdx] < groupArray.length - 2) { $('.dw-li', t1).slice(-2).removeClass('dw-v').addClass('dw-fv') } if (batchStart[optionWheelIdx] > 1) { $('.dw-li', t2).slice(0, 2).removeClass('dw-v').addClass('dw-fv') } if (batchEnd[optionWheelIdx] < (groupSep ? groups[tempGr].options : optionArray).length - 2) { $('.dw-li', t2).slice(-2).removeClass('dw-v').addClass('dw-fv') } if (!change) { option = tempOpt; if (groupWheel) { group = options[option].group; if (i === undefined || i === groupWheelIdx) { group = +temp[groupWheelIdx]; groupChanged = false; if (group !== prevGroup) { option = groups[group].options[0].value; batchStart[optionWheelIdx] = null; batchEnd[optionWheelIdx] = null; groupChanged = true; s.readonly = [false, true] } else { s.readonly = origReadOnly } } } if (hasGroups && (/__group/.test(option) || groupTap)) { option = groups[options[groupTap || option].group].options[0].value; tempOpt = option; groupTap = false } inst._tempWheelArray = groupWheel ? [tempGr, tempOpt] : [tempOpt]; if (groupWheel) { genGroupWheel(s.wheels); if (batchChanged[groupWheelIdx]) { changes.push(groupWheelIdx) } } genOptWheel(s.wheels); if (batchChanged[optionWheelIdx]) { changes.push(optionWheelIdx) } clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { if (changes.length) { change = true; groupChanged = false; prevGroup = group; batchStart[groupWheelIdx] = tempBatchStart[groupWheelIdx]; batchEnd[groupWheelIdx] = tempBatchEnd[groupWheelIdx]; batchStart[optionWheelIdx] = tempBatchStart[optionWheelIdx]; batchEnd[optionWheelIdx] = tempBatchEnd[optionWheelIdx]; inst._tempWheelArray = groupWheel ? [tempGr, option] : [option]; inst.changeWheel(changes, 0, i !== undefined) } if (groupWheel) { if (i === optionWheelIdx) { inst.scroll(t1, groupWheelIdx, inst.getValidCell(group, t1, dir, false, true).v, 0.1) } inst._tempWheelArray[groupWheelIdx] = group } s.readonly = origReadOnly }, i === undefined ? 100 : time * 1000); if (changes.length) { return groupChanged ? false : true } } if (i === undefined && multiple) { v = selectedValues; j = 0; $('.dwwl' + optionWheelIdx + ' .dw-li', dw).removeClass(selectedClass).removeAttr('aria-selected'); for (j in v) { $('.dwwl' + optionWheelIdx + ' .dw-li[data-val="' + v[j] + '"]', dw).addClass(selectedClass).attr('aria-selected', 'true') } } if (groupHdr) { $('.dw-li[data-val^="__group"]', dw).addClass('dw-w-gr') } $.each(s.invalid, function(i, v) { $('.dw-li[data-val="' + v + '"]', t2).removeClass('dw-v dw-fv') }); change = false }, onValidated: function() { option = inst._tempWheelArray[optionWheelIdx] }, onClear: function(dw) { selectedValues = {}; input.val(''); $('.dwwl' + optionWheelIdx + ' .dw-li', dw).removeClass(selectedClass).removeAttr('aria-selected') }, onCancel: function() { if (!inst.live && multiple) { selectedValues = $.extend({}, origValues) } }, onDestroy: function() { if (!input.hasClass('mbsc-control')) { input.remove() } elm.removeClass('dw-hsel').removeAttr('tabindex') } } } })(jQuery); (function($, undefined) { var ms = $.mobiscroll, defaults = { invalid: [], showInput: true, inputClass: '' }; ms.presets.scroller.list = function(inst) { var orig = $.extend({}, inst.settings), s = $.extend(inst.settings, defaults, orig), layout = s.layout || (/top|bottom/.test(s.display) ? 'liquid' : ''), isLiquid = layout == 'liquid', origReadOnly = s.readonly, elm = $(this), input, prevent, id = this.id + '_dummy', lvl = 0, ilvl = 0, timer = {}, currLevel, currWheelVector = [], wa = s.wheelArray || createWheelArray(elm), labels = generateLabels(lvl), fwv = firstWheelVector(wa), w = generateWheelsFromVector(fwv, lvl); function setDisabled(dw, nrWheels, whArray, whVector) { var j, i = 0; while (i < nrWheels) { var currWh = $('.dwwl' + i, dw), inv = getInvalidKeys(whVector, i, whArray); for (j = 0; j < inv.length; j++) { $('.dw-li[data-val="' + inv[j] + '"]', currWh).removeClass('dw-v') } i++ } } function getInvalidKeys(whVector, index, whArray) { var i = 0, n, whObjA = whArray, invalids = []; while (i < index) { var ii = whVector[i]; for (n in whObjA) { if (whObjA[n].key == ii) { whObjA = whObjA[n].children; break } } i++ } i = 0; while (i < whObjA.length) { if (whObjA[i].invalid) { invalids.push(whObjA[i].key) } i++ } return invalids } function createROVector(n, i) { var a = []; while (n) { a[--n] = true } a[i] = false; return a } function generateLabels(l) { var a = [], i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { a[i] = s.labels && s.labels[i] ? s.labels[i] : i } return a } function generateWheelsFromVector(wv, l, index) { var i = 0, j, obj, chInd, w = [ [] ], wtObjA = wa; if (l) { for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (isLiquid) { w[0][j] = {} } else { w[j] = [{}] } } } while (i < wv.length) { if (isLiquid) { w[0][i] = getWheelFromObjA(wtObjA, labels[i]) } else { w[i] = [getWheelFromObjA(wtObjA, labels[i])] } j = 0; chInd = undefined; while (j < wtObjA.length && chInd === undefined) { if (wtObjA[j].key == wv[i] && ((index !== undefined && i <= index) || index === undefined)) { chInd = j } j++ } if (chInd !== undefined && wtObjA[chInd].children) { i++; wtObjA = wtObjA[chInd].children } else if ((obj = getFirstValidItemObjOrInd(wtObjA)) && obj.children) { i++; wtObjA = obj.children } else { return w } } return w } function getFirstValidItemObjOrInd(wtObjA, getInd) { if (!wtObjA) { return false } var i = 0, obj; while (i < wtObjA.length) { if (!(obj = wtObjA[i++]).invalid) { return getInd ? i - 1 : obj } } return false } function getWheelFromObjA(objA, lbl) { var wheel = { keys: [], values: [], label: lbl }, j = 0; while (j < objA.length) { wheel.values.push(objA[j].value); wheel.keys.push(objA[j].key); j++ } return wheel } function hideWheels(dw, i) { $('.dwfl', dw).css('display', '').slice(i).hide() } function firstWheelVector(wa) { var t = [], ndObjA = wa, obj, ok = true, i = 0; while (ok) { obj = getFirstValidItemObjOrInd(ndObjA); t[i++] = obj.key; ok = obj.children; if (ok) { ndObjA = ok } } return t } function calcLevelOfVector2(wv, index) { var t = [], ndObjA = wa, lvl = 0, next = false, i, childName, chInd; if (wv[lvl] !== undefined && lvl <= index) { i = 0; childName = wv[lvl]; chInd = undefined; while (i < ndObjA.length && chInd === undefined) { if (ndObjA[i].key == wv[lvl] && !ndObjA[i].invalid) { chInd = i } i++ } } else { chInd = getFirstValidItemObjOrInd(ndObjA, true); childName = ndObjA[chInd].key } next = chInd !== undefined ? ndObjA[chInd].children : false; t[lvl] = childName; while (next) { ndObjA = ndObjA[chInd].children; lvl++; next = false; chInd = undefined; if (wv[lvl] !== undefined && lvl <= index) { i = 0; childName = wv[lvl]; chInd = undefined; while (i < ndObjA.length && chInd === undefined) { if (ndObjA[i].key == wv[lvl] && !ndObjA[i].invalid) { chInd = i } i++ } } else { chInd = getFirstValidItemObjOrInd(ndObjA, true); chInd = chInd === false ? undefined : chInd; childName = ndObjA[chInd].key } next = chInd !== undefined && getFirstValidItemObjOrInd(ndObjA[chInd].children) ? ndObjA[chInd].children : false; t[lvl] = childName } return { lvl: lvl + 1, nVector: t } } function createWheelArray(ul) { var wheelArray = []; lvl = lvl > ilvl++ ? lvl : ilvl; ul.children('li').each(function(index) { var that = $(this), c = that.clone(); c.children('ul,ol').remove(); var v = inst._processMarkup ? inst._processMarkup(c) : c.html().replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''), inv = that.attr('data-invalid') ? true : false, wheelObj = { key: that.attr('data-val') === undefined || that.attr('data-val') === null ? index : that.attr('data-val'), value: v, invalid: inv, children: null }, nest = that.children('ul,ol'); if (nest.length) { wheelObj.children = createWheelArray(nest) } wheelArray.push(wheelObj) }); ilvl--; return wheelArray } $('#' + id).remove(); if (s.showInput) { input = $('').insertBefore(elm); s.anchor = input; inst.attachShow(input) } if (!s.wheelArray) { elm.hide().closest('.ui-field-contain').trigger('create') } return { width: 50, wheels: w, layout: layout, headerText: false, formatValue: function(d) { if (currLevel === undefined) { currLevel = calcLevelOfVector2(d, d.length).lvl } return d.slice(0, currLevel).join(' ') }, parseValue: function(value) { return value ? (value + '').split(' ') : (s.defaultValue || fwv).slice(0) }, onBeforeShow: function() { var t = inst.getArrayVal(true); currWheelVector = t.slice(0); s.wheels = generateWheelsFromVector(t, lvl, lvl); prevent = true }, onValueFill: function(v) { currLevel = undefined; if (input) { input.val(v) } }, onShow: function(dw) { $('.dwwl', dw).on('mousedown touchstart', function() { clearTimeout(timer[$('.dwwl', dw).index(this)]) }) }, onDestroy: function() { if (input) { input.remove() } elm.show() }, validate: function(dw, index, time) { var args = [], t = inst.getArrayVal(true), i = (index || 0) + 1, j, o; if ((index !== undefined && currWheelVector[index] != t[index]) || (index === undefined && !prevent)) { s.wheels = generateWheelsFromVector(t, null, index); o = calcLevelOfVector2(t, index === undefined ? t.length : index); currLevel = o.lvl; for (j = 0; j < t.length; j++) { t[j] = o.nVector[j] || 0 } while (i < o.lvl) { args.push(i++) } if (args.length) { s.readonly = createROVector(lvl, index); clearTimeout(timer[index]); timer[index] = setTimeout(function() { prevent = true; hideWheels(dw, o.lvl); currWheelVector = t.slice(0); inst.changeWheel(args, index === undefined ? time : 0, index !== undefined); s.readonly = origReadOnly }, index === undefined ? 0 : time * 1000); return false } } else { o = calcLevelOfVector2(t, t.length); currLevel = o.lvl } currWheelVector = t.slice(0); setDisabled(dw, o.lvl, wa, t); hideWheels(dw, o.lvl); prevent = false } } } })(jQuery); (function($) { var ms = $.mobiscroll, presets = ms.presets.scroller; ms.presetShort('image'); presets.image = function(inst) { if (inst.settings.enhance) { inst._processMarkup = function(li) { var hasIcon = li.attr('data-icon'); li.children().each(function(i, v) { v = $(v); if (v.is('img')) { $('
').insertAfter(v).append(v.addClass('mbsc-img')) } else if (v.is('p')) { v.addClass('mbsc-img-txt') } }); if (hasIcon) { li.prepend('
' + li.html() + '
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