Browse Source


raolu 7 years ago
100 changed files with 14787 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 109 0
  2. 48 0
  3. 199 0
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  5. 83 0
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  13. 51 0
  14. 3923 0
  15. 573 0
  16. 96 0
  17. 182 0
  18. 131 0
  19. 308 0
  20. 45 0
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  25. 72 0
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  28. 47 0
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  37. BIN
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  41. BIN
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  49. BIN
  50. BIN
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  52. BIN
  53. BIN
  54. BIN
  55. BIN
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  59. BIN
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  93. 123 0
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  97. 6 0
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+ 109 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
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+ 48 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
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+ 199 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
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+ 192 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
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+ 83 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 457 - 0

+ 445 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
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/* 个人中心 */
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/* 对话 */
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.section5 .weixin { width: 120px; margin: 10px auto; text-align: center;}
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.rec-doc footer { background: url("../images/fat/rec-footer.jpg"); background-size: 100% auto; height: 26px;}

+ 3544 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,3544 @@
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/* css c-list
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/* onoffswitch
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/* css c-lab1
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/* css c-lab2
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/* css search
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/* 使用说明 */
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/* 提交成功 */
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/* 问题窗口 */
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/* 问药咨询 */
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/* 我的药店 */
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/* 药店首页 */
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/* 服务协议 */
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/* 选择城市 */
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/* 2-14信息认证 */
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+ 51 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
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+ 3923 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,3923 @@
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/* css c-list
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/* css c-list
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/* css c-lab1
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/* css c-lab2
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/* css search
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/* 个人中心 */
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/* 搜索结果 */
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/* 使用说明 */
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/* 提交成功 */
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/* 问题窗口 */
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/* 问药咨询 */
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/* 我的药店 */
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/* 药店首页 */
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/* 服务协议 */
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/* 选择城市 */
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+ 573 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
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/* 电话咨询 */
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/* 指定咨询 */
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/* 咨询信息 */
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.review { width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; }
.review .hd { height: 5px; position: relative; }
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.review .bd { border: 1px solid #ff8100; padding: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; }
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/* 12-18 */
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/* 1-12 */
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/* 再次咨询弹窗 */
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/* index */
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/* 绿色风格皮肤样式  */
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/* 医患沟通开始 */
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+ 96 - 0

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		var Request = GetRequest();
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			document.getElementById("goback").addEventListener("tap", function() {
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				var val = document.getElementById("yy_val").value;
				var drug_code = $("#yy_val").attr("attr_dCode");
				lastDate = date.substring(0,10);
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				} else {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请填写完整信息'}).show();
				var params = {};
				if (id) { = id;
					params.type = 3;
					params.value1 = date + ' 00:00:00';
					params.value2 = drug_code;				
					sendPost("patient/health_record/modifyHealthCare", params, "json", "post", addHealthRecordFailed, addDrugSuccesss);
				} else {
					params.record_date = date;
					params.medicines = drug_code;
					params.medicines_name = val;				
					sendPost("patient/health_record/add_medication", params, "json", "post", addHealthRecordFailed, addDrugSuccesss);
			function addDrugSuccesss(res) {
				if (res.status == 200) {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'保存成功'}).show(); 
					setTimeout(function () {
					window.location.href='yongyao-view.html?dateT=' + lastDate;
				} else {
			/* 选择日期  */
			var opt1 = {
				preset: 'date',
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
				minDate: new Date(1900, 01, 01)
			if (id) {
				var date = new Date(date.replace(/\-/g, "/") + ' ' + '00:00:00')
			} else {
				var date = new Date()
			sendPost("patient/health_record/medicines","", "json", "post", queryListFailedAdd,medic_Successs1);
            function medic_Successs1(res){
        		var arr_key=[];
                var arr_value=[];
                var data=res.list;
                for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
					theme: 'ios',
					lang: 'zh',
					formatValue: function(d) {
						return d.join('-');
					customWheels: true,
					wheels: [ //如果值非常多请事先按需求生成好
							keys: arr_key,//['1', '2', '3'],
							values: arr_value,//['阿莫西林口服含片', '奥美拉唑镁肠溶片', '阿托伐他汀钙片']
					onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
						var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");
				if (id) {

+ 131 - 0

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        	var category="";
                sendPost("patient/device/category"," ", "json", "post", queryListFailed,device_type_Successs1);
                document.getElementById("btnSave").addEventListener("tap",function () {
                    var params={};
//                  params.code=code;
//                  params.type_name=type_name;
                        return ;
                        return ;
                        return ;
                    sendPost("patient/device/add",params, "json", "post", queryListFailed,queryListSuccesss);    
        function device_type_Successs1(res){
            var arr_key=[];
            var arr_value=[];
            var data=res.list;
            for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
            var opt4 = {
                theme: 'ios',
                formatValue: function (d) {
                    return d.join(',');
                wheels: [//如果值非常多请事先按需求生成好
                            values: arr_value,//['血糖仪', '血压计', '血压']
                onSelect: function(valueText, inst){                          
                    var dd=eval("["+valueText+"]");
            var ss=$('input[data-val=type]').mobiscroll(opt4);
        function queryListFailed(res) {
			if (res && res.msg) {
			} else {
        function queryListSuccesss(res) {
			if (res.status == 200) {
			} else {

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			<p class="c-f16 c5b plr15 pt10 c-hide">轻度运动:购物、散步、做操、太极拳、气功等</p>
			<p class="c-f16 c5b plr15 c-hide">中度运动:快走、慢跑、骑车、爬楼梯、健身操等</p>
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		var Request = GetRequest();
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		$(function() {		
			var id = Request['id'],
				type = decodeURIComponent(Request['type']),
				time = decodeURIComponent(Request['time']),
				sports = decodeURIComponent(Request['sports']),
				date = decodeURIComponent(Request['date']);
			document.getElementById("goback").addEventListener("tap", function() {
				var date = document.getElementById("yd_date").value;
				var time = document.getElementById("yd_time").value;
				var strong_bz = $("#yd_strong").attr("attr_spType");//document.getElementById("yd_strong").value;
				var val_bz =$("#yd_val").attr("attr_sp");   //document.getElementById("yd_val").value;
				var strong=document.getElementById("yd_strong").value;
				var val=document.getElementById("yd_val").value;
				lastDate = date.substring(0,10);
				if (val && date && time && strong) {
				} else {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请填写完整信息'}).show();
				var params = {};	
				if (id) {
					//发送ajax请求 = id;
					params.type = 2;
					params.value1 = date + ' ' + '00:00:00';
					params.value2 = time;
					params.value3 = strong_bz;
					params.value4 = val_bz;
					sendPost("patient/health_record/modifyHealthCare", params, "json", "post", addHealthRecordFailed, addSportSuccesss);
				} else {
					params.record_date = date;
					params.sportsTime = time;
					params.sportsType = strong_bz;
					params.sports = val_bz;	
					sendPost("patient/health_record/add_sports", params, "json", "post", addHealthRecordFailed, addSportSuccesss);
			function addSportSuccesss(res) {
				if (res.status == 200) {
					window.location.href='yundong-view.html?dateT=' + lastDate;
//					window.location.href='health-record.html?charType=5';
				} else {
			var optrecord = {
				preset: 'date',
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
				minDate: new Date(1900, 01, 01)
			if (id) {
				var date = new Date(date.replace(/\-/g, "/") + ' ' + '00:00:00')
			} else {
				var date = new Date()
			var optsport = {
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				formatValue: function(d) {
					return d.join(',');
				customWheels: true,
				wheels: [
						keys: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15', '16', '17', '18', '19','20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
						values: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15', '16', '17', '18', '19','20', '21', '22', '23', '24']
					}, {
						keys: ['时'],
						values: ['时']
					}, {
						keys: ['0','15', '30', '45'],
						values: ['0','15', '30', '45']
					}, {
						keys: ['分'],
						values: ['分']
				onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
						var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");
						$('#yd_time').val((parseInt(dd[0].values) + (parseInt(dd[2].values)/60)));
				onShow: function() {
			if (id) {
			sendPost("patient/health_record/sports_type","", "json", "post", queryListFailedAdd,sports_type_Successs1);
            function sports_type_Successs1(res){            		
        		var arr_key=[];
                var arr_value=[];
                var data=res.list;
                for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
					theme: 'ios',
					lang: 'zh',
					formatValue: function(d) {
						return d.join('-');
					customWheels: true,
					wheels: [ //如果值非常多请事先按需求生成好
							keys:arr_key,  //['1', '2', '3'],
							values: arr_value  //['轻度运动', '中度运动', '稍强的运动']
					onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
						var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");
				if (id) {
					$('input[data-val="sport"]').attr("attr_spType",type == '轻度运动' ? '1' : type == '中度运动' ? '2' : '3');
			sendPost("patient/health_record/sports"," ", "json", "post", queryListFailedAdd,sports_Successs2);
            function sports_Successs2(res){
        		var arr_key2=[];
                var arr_value2=[];
                var data=res.list;
                for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
					theme: 'ios',
					lang: 'zh',
					formatValue: function(d) {
						return d.join('-');
					customWheels: true,
					wheels: [ //如果值非常多请事先按需求生成好
							keys: arr_key2,//['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
							values: arr_value2  //['购物', '散步', '做操', '太极拳', '气功']
					onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
						var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");
				if (id) {
					$('input[data-val="sport2"]').attr("attr_sp",sports == '购物' ? '1' : sports == '散步' ? '2' : sports == '做操' ? '3' : sports == '太极拳' ? '4' : '5');
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				formatValue: function(d) {
					return d.join('-');
				customWheels: true,
				wheels: [ //如果值非常多请事先按需求生成好
						keys: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
						values: ['5', '15', '30', '60']
				onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
					var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");

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			<p class="c-f16 c5b plr15 pt10">收缩压 正常范围:<span id="minValue1"></span>-<span id="maxValue1"></span>mmHg</p>
			<p class="c-f16 c5b plr15 pt10">舒张压 正常范围:<span id="minValue2"></span>-<span id="maxValue2"></span>mmHg</p>
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		var Request = GetRequest();
		$(function() {		
				var userAgent = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(agentName));
				sendPost("patient/family/authorize_members",{}, "json", "get",null,function(res){
					if(res.status == 200){
						if( > 0){
							var $member = $('#member')
								var one = _.find(data,function(item){return item.code == userAgent.represented;})
								var one = _.find(data,function(item){return item.code == userAgent.uid;})
							dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'获取家庭成员数据失败'}).show();
		function nextWork(){
			var id = Request['id'],
				code = decodeURIComponent(Request['type']),
				data = decodeURIComponent(Request['time']),
				val1 = decodeURIComponent(Request['val1']),
				val2 = decodeURIComponent(Request['val2']);
			var lastDate = '';
			/* 选择日期  */
			var opt1 = {
				preset: 'datetime',
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				display: "bottom",
				minDate: new Date(1900, 01, 01),
				onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {	
					valueText = valueText.replace("/","-").replace("/","-");
			if (id) {
				var date = new Date(data.replace(/\-/g, "/"))
				$("#date").val(date.Format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
			} else {
				var date = new Date()
				$("#date").val(date.Format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
			    theme: 'ios',
                display: 'bottom',
                lang: 'zh',
                placeholder: '0',
                fill: 'rtl',
                allowLeadingZero: true,
                maxLength: 6,
                maxScale: 2,
                template: 'ddd',
                buttons: ['set','cancel'],
                onSelect: function(valueText, inst){
                    var value = parseFloat(valueText);
			document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("tap", function(){
				var record_date = document.getElementById("date").value;
				var val_h = document.getElementById("val_h").value;
				var val_l = document.getElementById("val_l").value;
				lastDate = record_date.substring(0,10);
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请选择记录时间'}).show();
					return ;
				var p = /^[1-9]([0-9])*$/;
				if(!val_h || !p.test(val_h)){
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请输入收缩压,数值为正整数'}).show();
					return ;
				if(!val_l || !p.test(val_l)){
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请输入舒张压,数值为正整数'}).show();
					return ;
				if (id) {
					editHealthData( eSuccFun, 2, id, record_date,val_h, val_l);
				} else {
					addHealthIndex("", record_date+":00", val_h,val_l, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, eSuccFun);
			function eSuccFun (res) {
				if (res.status == 200) {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'保存成功'}).show();
					setTimeout(function () {
						var origin = Request['origin']
							window.location.href='xueya-view.html?dateT=' + lastDate;
				} else {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup', content:'保存失败'}).show();
			sendPost("patient/device/getDeviceStandard", {type:2}, "json", "get",null,function(res){
				if (res.status == 200){
					var list =
					document.getElementById("minValue1").innerHTML = list.minValueSSY;
					document.getElementById("maxValue1").innerHTML = list.maxValueSSY;
					document.getElementById("minValue2").innerHTML = list.minValueSZY;
					document.getElementById("maxValue2").innerHTML = list.maxValueSZY;
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup', content:'获取预警值失败'}).show();

+ 288 - 0

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							<h4><em class="star"></em>时间段</h4>
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								<input type="text" class="form-control width-100 no-border" placeholder="请选择" style="background: #FFFFFF;" data-val="xuetang" value="" data-code="" id="type">
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						<div class="c-list-value pr30" style="width: 80px;">
							<h4><em class="star"></em>测量值</h4>
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			<p class="c-f16 c5b plr15 pt10">空腹血糖  正常范围(<span id="minValue1"></span>-<span id="maxValue1"></span>mmol/L)</p>
			<p class="c-f16 c5b plr15 pt5">非空腹血糖 正常范围(<span id="minValue2"></span>-<span id="maxValue2"></span>mmol/L)</p>
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		var Request = GetRequest();
		$(function() {		
				var userAgent = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(agentName));
				sendPost("patient/family/authorize_members",{}, "json", "get",null,function(res){
					if(res.status == 200){
						if( > 0){
							var $member = $('#member')
								var one = _.find(data,function(item){return item.code == userAgent.represented;})
								var one = _.find(data,function(item){return item.code == userAgent.uid;})
							dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'获取家庭成员数据失败'}).show();
		function nextWork(){
			var lastDate = '';
			var id = Request['id'],
				code = decodeURIComponent(Request['type']),
				data = decodeURIComponent(Request['time']),
				val = decodeURIComponent(Request['val']),
				sn = decodeURIComponent(Request['sn']),
				valL = ['早餐前血糖', '早餐后血糖', '午餐前血糖', '午餐后血糖', '晚餐前血糖', '晚餐后血糖', '睡前血糖'];
			/* 选择日期  */
			var opt1 = {
				preset: 'datetime',
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				display: 'bottom',
				dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
        		timeFormat: 'HH:ii',
				onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
			if (id) {
				var date = new Date(data.replace(/\-/g, "/"))
				$("#date").val(date.Format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
			} else {
				var date = new Date()
				$("#date").val(date.Format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
			var opt3 = { //血糖时间段
				theme: 'ios',
				lang: 'zh',
				display: 'bottom',
				formatValue: function(d) {
					return d.join(',');
				customWheels: true,
				wheels: [
						keys: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'],
						values: ['早餐前血糖', '早餐后血糖', '午餐前血糖', '午餐后血糖', '晚餐前血糖', '晚餐后血糖', '睡前血糖']
				onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
					var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");
					$('input[data-val=xuetang]').attr("data-code", valueText)
					var text = "";
					switch (valueText) {
                        case "1":
                            text = "早餐前血糖";
                        case "2":
                            text = "早餐后血糖";
                        case "3":
                            text = "午餐前血糖";
                        case "4":
                            text = "午餐后血糖";
                        case "5":
                            text = "晚餐前血糖";
                        case "6":
                            text = "晚餐后血糖";
                        case "7":
                            text = "睡前血糖";
				onShow: function() {
			var xt = $('input[data-val=xuetang]').mobiscroll(opt3);
			if (id) {
				$('input[data-val=xuetang]').attr("data-code", code)
			if (sn != 1) {
				    theme: 'ios',
	                display: 'bottom',
	                lang: 'zh',
	                placeholder: '0',
	                fill: 'rtl',
	                allowLeadingZero: true,
	                maxLength: 4,
	                maxScale: 1,
	                template: 'dd.d',
	                buttons: ['set','cancel'],
	                onSelect: function(valueText, inst){
	                    var value = parseFloat(valueText);
			if (id) {
			document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("tap", function() {			
				var record_date = document.getElementById("date").value;
				var type_str = document.getElementById("type").value;
				var val = document.getElementById("val").value;
				var value1 = val;
				var value2 = 0;
				var value3 = 0;
				var value4 = 0;
				var value5 = 0;
				var value6 = 0;
				var value7 = 0;
				lastDate = record_date.substring(0,10);
				value2 = parseInt($("#type").attr('data-code'));
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请选择记录日期'}).show();
					return ;
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请选择时间段'}).show();
					return ;
				var p = /^[0-9]+([.]{1}[0-9]{0,1})?$/;
				if (sn != 1) {
					if(!val || !p.test(val)){
						dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请输入正确的测量值,允许一位小数'}).show();
						return ;
				if (id) {
					editHealthData( eSuccFun, 1, id, record_date,value2, val);
				} else {
					addHealthIndex("", record_date,value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6, value7, 1, eSuccFun);
			function eSuccFun(res){
				if (res.status == 200) {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'保存成功'}).show();
					setTimeout(function () {
					    var origin = Request['origin']
							window.location.href='xuetang-view.html?dateT=' + lastDate;
				} else {
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup', content:'保存失败'}).show();
			sendPost("patient/device/getDeviceStandard", {type:1}, "json", "get",null,function(res){
				if (res.status == 200){
					var list =
					document.getElementById("minValue1").innerHTML = list.minValueBefore;
					document.getElementById("maxValue1").innerHTML = list.maxValueBefore;
					document.getElementById("minValue2").innerHTML = list.minValueAfter;
					document.getElementById("maxValue2").innerHTML = list.maxValueAfter;
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup', content:'获取预警值失败'}).show();

+ 152 - 0

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								<input type="text" class="form-control width-100 no-border" placeholder="请输入记录时间" style="background: #FFFFFF;" data-time="date" value="" id="date">
								<span class="form-select-arrow"></span>
						<div class="c-list-value pr30" style="width: 80px;">
							<h4><em class="star"></em>腰围</h4>
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								<input type="number" class="form-control width-100 no-border" placeholder="请输入数值" style="background: #FFFFFF;" data-val="weight" id="val">
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		var Request = GetRequest();
		var id = Request['id'],
			val1 = decodeURIComponent(Request['val']),
			data = decodeURIComponent(Request['time']);
		var lastDate = '';
		$(function() {
				var $member = $("#member");
				var arr_code=_.pluck(data[0], 'code');
			    var arr_name=_.pluck(data[0], 'name');
					var one = _.find(data[0],function(item){return item.code == userAgent.represented;})
			document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("tap", function() {
				var record_date = document.getElementById("date").value;
				var val = document.getElementById("val").value;
				lastDate = record_date.substring(0,10);
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请选择记录时间'}).show();
					return ;
				var p = /^[0-9]+([.]{1}[0-9]{0,1})?$/;
				if(!val || !p.test(val)){
					dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'请输入正确的腰围,允许一位小数'}).show();
					return ;
				if (id) {
					editHealthData( eSuccFun, 3, id, record_date,val);
				} else {
					addHealthIndex("", record_date, val, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, eSuccFun);
		function eSuccFun(res){
			if (res.status == 200) {
				dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'保存成功'}).show();
				setTimeout(function () {
					window.location.href='yaowei-view.html?dateT=' + lastDate; 
			} else {
				dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup', content:'保存失败'}).show()
		$(function() {
			/* 选择日期  */
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//			$('input')
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//				preset: 'date',
//				theme: 'ios',
//				lang: 'zh',
//				display: 'bottom',
//				dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
//				timeFormat: 'HH:ii',
//				minDate: new Date(1900, 01, 01), 
//			};
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				$("#date").val(date.Format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
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                	{{if xueya.value1 && xueya.value2}}
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					{{if o.value1 > 7}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value1}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value1 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value1}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value1 <= 7 && o.value1 >= 4}}
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				{{if o.value2}}
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					<div class="h-l-time">{{o.time2}}</div>
					<div class="h-l-meal">早餐后</div>
					{{if o.value2 > 11.1}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value2}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value2 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value2}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value2 > 4 && o.value2 < 11.1}}
						<div class="h-l-num">{{o.value2}}mmol/L</div>
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					<div class="h-l-time">{{o.time3}}</div>
					<div class="h-l-meal">午餐前</div>
					{{if o.value3 > 7}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value3}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value3 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value3}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value3 < 7 && o.value3 > 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num">{{o.value3}}mmol/L</div>
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					<div class="h-l-time">{{o.time4}}</div>
					<div class="h-l-meal">午餐后</div>
					{{if o.value4 > 11.1}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value4}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value4 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value4}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value4 > 4 && o.value4 < 11.1}}
						<div class="h-l-num">{{o.value4}}mmol/L</div>
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					<div class="h-l-time">{{o.time5}}</div>
					<div class="h-l-meal">晚餐前</div>
					{{if o.value5 > 7}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value5}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value5 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value5}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value5 < 7 && o.value5 > 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num">{{o.value5}}mmol/L</div>
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					<div class="h-l-time">{{o.time6}}</div>
					<div class="h-l-meal">晚餐后</div>
					{{if o.value6 > 11.1}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value6}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value6 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value6}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value6 > 4 && o.value6 < 11.1}}
						<div class="h-l-num">{{o.value6}}mmol/L</div>
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					<div class="h-l-time">{{o.time7}}</div>
					<div class="h-l-meal">睡前</div>
					{{if o.value7 > 7}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-hei">{{o.value7}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value7 < 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num num-low">{{o.value7}}mmol/L</div>
					{{if o.value7 < 7 && o.value7 > 4}}
						<div class="h-l-num">{{o.value7}}mmol/L</div>
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+ 121 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
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+ 123 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
//mui.plusReady(function() {
function queryList() {
//	plus.nativeUI.showWaiting();
	var params = {}; = 0;
	params.pagesize = 60;
	sendPost("patient/device/list", params, "json", "post", queryListFailed, queryListSuccesss);
function queryListFailed(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
//		plus.nativeUI.toast(res.msg);
	} else {
//		plus.nativeUI.toast("数据加载失败");
//	plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting();
function queryListSuccesss(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
//		console.log(; 
	} else {
//	plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting();
 * 清空tbody
function clearHTML() {
 * 显示查询结果
 * @param {Object} list
function showList(list) {
	var _html = "";
	for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
		var data = list[i];
		if (!data) {
		_html+="<li class='c-list-text c-list-link'>"
        _html+=   "<div class='c-list-key'>"
        _html+=        "<i class='icon-del mr5' attr_code="+data.code+"></i>"
        _html+=        "<span>""</span>"
        _html+=    "</div>"
        _html+=   "<div class='c-list-info c-t-right'>""</div>"
        _html+=   "<span class='list-icon arrow-right'></span>"
//		"<li class='c-list-text c-list-link' attr_code="+data.code+" attr_name="" attr_sn="">"
//	    _html+="<div class='c-list-key'>""</div>"
//	    _html+="<div class='c-list-info c-t-right'>""</div>"
//	    _html+="<span class='list-icon arrow-right'></span>"
//	    _html+="</li>";
	        var i = $(this);
	        var attr_code = $(this).attr('attr_code');
	            ok: function (){
			        var params = {}
			        params.code = attr_code;		        		        
					//发送ajax请求, 查询设备列表信息
					sendPost("patient/device/delete", params, "json", "post", queryListFailed,dele_Successs);
					function dele_Successs(res){
						var i = plus.webview.getWebviewById("my-equipments");
//, "update_info_detail", {
//								type_name:params.type_name,
//						});
//						mui.toast("删除成功");
//					plus.nativeUI.toast(res.mag);
	            cancel: function () {
	//              alert("你点了取消")
window.addEventListener("update_info_detail", function(e) {

+ 190 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
var d = dialog({contentType:'load', skin:'bk-popup'});
/* 查询健康指标图表
 * @param {Object} type 健康指标类型(1血糖,2血压,3体重,4腰围)
 * @param {Object} begin 记录开始时间
 * @param {Object} end 记录结束时间
 *  @param {Object} gi_type 就餐时间段(0:无)
function queryChatByTypePromise(charType,begin, end, gi_type) {
	var params = {};
	params.type = charType;
	params.begin = begin+" 00:00:00";
	params.end = end+" 23:59:59";
	params.gi_type = gi_type;;
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
		sendPost("patient/health_index/chart", params, "json", "post", function() {
		}, function(res) {
			if (res.status == 200) {
			} else {
 * 健康指标图表查询失败处理方法
function queryChartFailed(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:res.msg}).show();
	} else {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'加载失败'}).show();
function buildData(value, max, min) {
	if (!!!value) {
	if(value < min) {
		return {
			value: value,
			itemStyle: {
				normal: {
					color: '#47a8ef'
	} else if(value > max) {
		return {
			value: value,
			itemStyle: {
				normal: {
					color: '#ff6a56'
	} else {
		return {
			value: value,
			itemStyle: {
				normal: {
					color: '#323232'
function getChartOptions(type,yAxisName,xAxisData,seriesData) {
	var options = {
		tooltip: {
			trigger: 'axis'
			name: type == 1 ? '血糖' : type == 3 ? '体重' : '腰围',
			itemStyle: {
				normal: {
					borderWidth: 8,
					color: '#0ad800',
					lineStyle: { // 系列级个性化折线样式,横向渐变描边
						borderWidth: 2,
						color: "#5dd1d2",
						width: 4
					nodeStyle: {
						borderWidth: 2,
						color: '#93DB70',
						borderColor: '#93DB70'
				emphasis: {
					label: {
						show: true
			data: seriesData
	return options;
function getChartOptions1(type,yAxisName,xAxisData,seriesData) {
	var options = {
		tooltip: {
			trigger: 'axis'
		grid: {
			x: 30,
			y: 20,
			x2: 25,
			y2: 20
		legend: {
			show: false,
			data: ['收缩压','舒张压']
		toolbox: {
			show: false
		calculable: false,
		xAxis: [{
			type: 'category',
			boundaryGap: false,
			data: xAxisData,
			axisLabel: {
				margin: 6
		yAxis: [{
			name : yAxisName,
			type: 'value'
	return options;
//  type 健康指标类型(1血糖,2血压,3体重,4腰围)
function createChartPromise(el,type,yAxisName,xAxisData,seriesData) {
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
		// 路径配置
			paths: {
				echarts: ''
			'echarts/chart/line'] // 使用柱状图就加载bar模块,按需加载]
		,function(echarts) {
			var myChart = echarts.init(el);
			// 为echarts对象加载数据
			if (type == 1 || type == 3 || type == 4) {
			if (type == 2) {

+ 268 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
var curDays = 7;
$(function() {	
	queryChat(getDateBefore(6), getNowDate());
	/* 选择日期  */
	var opt1 = {
		preset: 'date',
		theme: 'ios',
		lang: 'zh',
		minDate: new Date(1900, 01, 01),
		onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
			var date_begin = $("#date_begin").val();
			var date_end = $("#date_end").val();
			if (date_begin == null || date_begin.length == 0) {
			if (date_end == null || date_end.length == 0) {
			queryChat(date_begin, date_end);
	var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
		pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
		paginationClickable: false
		theme: 'ios',
		lang: 'zh',
		formatValue: function(d) {
			return d.join('-');
		customWheels: true,
		wheels: [
				keys: ['1', '2', '3'],
				values: ['7天内', '30天内', '自定义时间']
		onSelect: function(valueText, inst) {
			var dd = eval("[" + valueText + "]");
			if (dd[0].keys == "3") {
			} else {
			if (dd[0].keys == 1) {
				if (curDays == 7) {
				curDays = 7;
				queryChat(getDateBefore(6), getNowDate());
			} else if (dd[0].keys == 2) {
				if (curDays == 30) {
				curDays = 30;
				queryChat(getDateBefore(29), getNowDate());
			} else {
				curDays = 99;
function queryChat(date_begin, date_end) {
	if (parseFloat(date_begin.replace(/-/g, "")) > parseFloat(date_end.replace(/-/g, ""))) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'开始时间不能晚于结束时间'}).show();
	queryChatByType(2, date_begin, date_end, queryChartSuccesss);
 * 健康指标图表查询成功处理方法
function queryChartSuccesss(res) {	
	if (res.status == 200) {
	} else {
function buildData(value, max, min) {
	if ((value > 0 && value < min) || value > max) {
		return {
			value: value,
			itemStyle: {
				normal: {
					color: '#f00'
	} else {
		return value;
function showChart(list) {
	var legendArray = ['收缩压,舒张压'];
	var xAxisArray = new Array();
	var seriesArray = new Array();
	var allDatas = new Array();
	var data1 = new Array();
	var data2 = new Array();
	for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
		var data = list[i];
		if (!data) {
		xAxisArray.push(, 5));
		data1.push(buildData(data.value1, 139, 90));
		data2.push(buildData(data.value2, 89, 60));
	var series1 = {
		name: legendArray[0].split(',')[0],
		type: 'line',
		symbol: 'emptyCircle',
		layerPadding: 0,
		nodePadding: 0,
		itemStyle: {
			normal: {
				borderWidth: 8,
				color: '#0ad800',
				lineStyle: { // 系列级个性化折线样式,横向渐变描边
					borderWidth: 2,
					color: '#5dd1d2',
					width: 4
				nodeStyle: {
					borderWidth: 2,
					color: '#93DB70',
					borderColor: '#93DB70'
			emphasis: {
				label: {
					show: true
		data: allDatas[0]
	var series2 = {
		name: legendArray[0].split(',')[1],
		type: 'line',
		symbol: 'emptyCircle',
		layerPadding: 0,
		nodePadding: 0,
		itemStyle: {
			normal: {
				borderWidth: 8,
				color: '#0ad800',
				lineStyle: { // 系列级个性化折线样式,横向渐变描边
					borderWidth: 2,
					color: '#CC66FF',
					width: 4
				nodeStyle: {
					borderWidth: 2,
					color: '#93DB70',
					borderColor: '#93DB70'
			emphasis: {
				label: {
					show: true
		data: allDatas[1]
	// 路径配置
		paths: {
			echarts: ''
	// 使用
			'echarts/chart/line' // 使用柱状图就加载bar模块,按需加载
	function DrawCharts() {
		var myChart = require('echarts').init(document.getElementById('chart1'));
		var option = {
			tooltip: {
				trigger: 'axis'
			grid: {
				x: 30,
				y: 20,
				x2: 25,
				y2: 20
			legend: {
				show: false,
				data: legendArray
			toolbox: {
				show: false
			calculable: false,
			xAxis: [{
				type: 'category',
				boundaryGap: false,
				data: xAxisArray,
				axisLabel: {
					margin: 6
			yAxis: [{
				type: 'value'
			series: seriesArray
		// 为echarts对象加载数据
window.addEventListener("refleshList", function(e) {
	if (curDays == 7) {
		queryChat(getDateBefore(6), getNowDate());
	} else if (curDays == 30) {
		queryChat(getDateBefore(29), getNowDate());
	} else {
		var date_begin = $("#date_begin").val();
		var date_end = $("#date_end").val();
		if (date_begin == null || date_begin.length == 0) {
		if (date_end == null || date_end.length == 0) {
		queryChat(date_begin, date_end);

+ 276 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
var dd = dialog({contentType:'load', skin:'bk-popup', content:'保存中...'});
var d = dialog({contentType:'load', skin:'bk-popup'});
var userAgent = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(agentName));
function getNowDate() {
	var date = new Date();
	var year = date.getFullYear();
	var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
	var day = date.getDate();
	var hour = date.getHours();
	var minute = date.getMinutes();
	var second = date.getSeconds();
	return year + '-' + (month < 10 ? '0' + month : month) + '-' + (day < 10 ? '0' + day : day);
 * 获取多少天前的日期
function getDateBefore(days) {
	var now = new Date();
	var date = new Date(now.getTime() - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
	var year = date.getFullYear();
	var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
	var day = date.getDate();
	var hour = date.getHours();
	var minute = date.getMinutes();
	var second = date.getSeconds();
	return year + '-' + (month < 10 ? '0' + month : month) + '-' + (day < 10 ? '0' + day : day);
function editHealthData ( successFun, type, id, operTime, value1, value2, value3, value4) {
	var params = {}; = id;
	switch (type) {
		case 1:
			params.recordDate = operTime + ':00';
			params.value1 = value2;
			params.value2 = value1;
		case 2:
			params.recordDate = operTime + ':00';
			params.value1 = value1;
			params.value2 = value2;
		case 3:
			params.recordDate = operTime + ' 00:00:00';
			params.value1 = value1;
		case 4:
			arams.recordDate = operTime + ' 00:00:00';
			params.value1 = value1;
	sendPost("/patient/health_index/modify", params, "json", "post", addHealthIndexFailed, successFun);
 * 添加健康指标到服务器
 * intervene	干预标志
 * time	记录时间
 * value1 血糖/收缩压/体重/腰围
 * value2 舒张压
 * point 血糖测量点标识
 * type	健康指标类型(1血糖,2血压,3体重,4腰围)
function addHealthIndex(intervene, operTime, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6, value7, type, successFunction) {
	var params = {};
	params.intervene = intervene;
	var data = {};
	if(type==1){ = value1+"";
		data.gi_type = value2+"";
//		data.time = operTime+" 00:00:00";
		data.time = operTime + ':00';
		data.sys = value1+"";
		data.dia = value2+"";
		data.time = operTime;
		data.weight = value1+"";
		data.height = value2+"";
		data.time = operTime+":00";   
		var data = {};
		data.waistline = value1+"";  
		data.time = operTime+ ':00'; 
	} = JSON.stringify(data);
	params.type = type+"";
	params.patient = $('#member').data('code');//被代理人的code
	sendPost("/patient/health_index/addPatientHealthIndex", params, "json", "post", addHealthIndexFailed, successFunction);
 * 健康指标添加失败处理方法
function addHealthIndexFailed(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:res.msg}).show();
	} else {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'保存失败'}).show();
function toIntValue(value){
		if(parseInt(value) == value){
			return parseInt(value);
			return Math.round(value*Math.pow(10, 1))/Math.pow(10, 1);
 * 血压添加成功处理方法
function addBloodPressureSuccess(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
	} else {
 * 血糖添加成功处理方法
function addBloodSugarSuccess(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
		var record_date = document.getElementById("date").value;
		var type_str = document.getElementById("type").value;
		var val = document.getElementById("val").value;
		var type;
		switch (type_str) {
			case "空腹血糖":
				type = ".bb";
			case "早餐后血糖":
				type = ".ba";
			case "午餐前血糖":
				type = ".lb";
			case "午餐后血糖":
				type = ".la";
			case "晚餐前血糖":
				type = ".db";
			case "晚餐后血糖":
				type = ".da";
			case "睡前血糖":
				type = ".sb";
	} else {
 * 腰围添加成功处理方法
function addWaistlineSuccess(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
	} else {
 * 体重添加成功处理方法
function addWeightSuccess(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
	} else {
 * 查询健康指标图表
 * @param {Object} type 健康指标类型(1血糖,2血压,3体重,4腰围)
 * @param {Object} begin 记录开始时间
 * @param {Object} end 记录结束时间
function queryChatByType(type, begin, end, successFunction) {
	var params = {};
	params.type = type;
	params.begin = begin;
	params.end = end;;
	sendPost("patient/health_index/chart", params, "json", "post", queryChartFailed, successFunction);
 * 健康指标图表查询失败处理方法
function queryChartFailed(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:res.msg}).show();
	} else {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'加载失败'}).show();
 * 健康指标历史记录查询
 * @param {Object} type 健康指标类型(1血糖,2血压,3体重,4腰围)
 * @param {Object} page 当前分页
 * @param {Object} pagesize 分页大小
function queryListByType(type, page, pagesize, successFunction,begindate,enddate) {
	var params = {};
	params.type = type; = page;
	params.pagesize = pagesize;
	params.start = begindate+" 00:00:00";
	params.end = enddate+" 23:59:59";;
	sendPost("patient/health_index/list", params, "json", "post", queryListFailed, successFunction);
 * 健康指标历史记录查询失败处理方法
function queryListFailed(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:res.msg}).show();
	} else {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'加载失败'}).show();
 * 查询健康指标的预警标准
function queryWarning() {
	var params = {};;
	sendPost("patient/health_index/standard", params, "json", "post", queryListFailed, queryWarningSuccesss);

+ 6 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(function ( $, win) {
	$(function () {
})( jQuery, window);

+ 534 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
var d = dialog({contentType:'load', skin:'bk-popup'}).show();
var dd = dialog({contentType:'load', skin:'bk-popup'});
var pagetype = 5;
var Request = GetRequest();
var openid = Request["openid"];
var $tizhengList = $('#tizhengList'),
	$baojianList = $('#baojianList');
var id = 0;
var pagesize = 15;
var scroller1 = null;
var xuetangRecord = null,
	xuyaRecord = null,
	tizhongRecord = null,
	yaoweiRecord = null,
	yundongRecord = null,
	yongyaoRecord = null,
	yinshiRecord = null,
	tzSta = false,
	xtdt = '',
	xydt = '',
	tzdt = '',
	ywdt = '',
	yddt = '',
	yydt = '',
	ysdt = '';
var	tagType = Request["tagType"]?Request["tagType"]:0;
var xuetangDuring = ['','早餐前', '早餐后', '午餐前', '午餐后', '晚餐前', '晚餐后', '睡前'];
$(function() {
     scroller1= new IScrollPullUpDown('wrapper2',{
            bounceTime: 250,
            bounceEasing: 'quadratic',
    function pullDownAction(theScrollerTemp) {
//      $(".pullUp").show();
//      setTimeout(function () {
//          $(".c-list").html("");  
//          id=0;
//          getEquipments();    
//      }, 1000);   
    function pullUpAction(theScrollerTemp) {
        setTimeout(function () {    
        }, 1000);
    if(tagType == 1){
		$('.j-tab-select li').eq(1).addClass('hit');
		$('.j-tab-select li').eq(0).addClass('hit');
function EbindEvents(){
    $(".c-list").on("click","li div",function(){
            var code = $(this.parentElement).attr("data-id");
            var deviceId = $(this.parentElement).attr("device-id");
            var type = $(this.parentElement).attr("data-type");
            }else if(type==2){
    function deleteSn(code){
            if (res &&  res.msg) {
                dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup',bottom:true , content:res.msg}).show();
            } else {
                dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup',bottom:true , content:'删除设备失败'}).show();
                dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup',bottom:true , content:'删除设备失败'}).show();
        window.location.href = "../../wdsb/html/list-xuetangyi.html?category_code=1";
        window.location.href = "../../wdsb/html/list-xueyaji.html?category_code=2";
function checkDate (v) {
	return (v < 10 ? '0' + v : v);
function getRecentDataPromise() {	
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
		sendPost("patient/health_index/last", {}, "json", "get", function() {
			dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'数据查询失败'}).show();
		}, function(res) {
			if(res.status == 200) {
			} else {
				dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'数据查询失败'}).show();
function getEquipments(){
    var params = {};;
    params.pagesize = pagesize;;
function queryListSuccess(res){
            for(var i in{
            id =[].id;
function showList(rowData){
    var img='xuetangyi_icon.png';
    var bindUser ="自己绑定";
        bindUser = "医生绑定";
    }else if(rowData.agent){
        bindUser = "家人绑定"; 
    var showDomLi = '<li class="inp" device-id="'+rowData.deviceId+'" data-type="'+rowData.categoryCode+'" data-id="''">'+
                        '<div class="icon-div">'+
                            '<img src="../images/'+img+'">'+
                        '<div class="div-content">'+rowData.deviceName+'</div>'+
                        '<div class="div-sn"><span class="bullspan">&bull; </span>绑定时间:'+rowData.czrq+'</div>'+
                        '<div class="div-sn" style="top: 70px;color: #ff9526;"><span class="bullspan">&bull;</span> '+bindUser+'</div>'+
    $("#shebeiList .Equipment").append(showDomLi);
function queryListFailed(res) {
    if (res &&  res.msg) {
        dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup',bottom:true , content:res.msg}).show();
    } else {
        dialog({contentType:'tipsbox', skin:'bk-popup',bottom:true , content:'加载设备列表失败'}).show();
function getBJRecentDataPromise () {
	return new Promise(function( resolve, reject){
		sendPost("patient/health_record/recent", {}, "json", "get", function() {
			dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'数据查询失败'}).show();
		}, function(res) {
			if(res.status == 200) {
			} else {
				dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'数据查询失败'}).show();
function getLevelClazz(value,max,min) {
	if(!value||(!max && !min)) {
		return '';
	var value = parseFloat(value);
	if(value < min) {
		return 'low';
	} else if(value > max) {
		return 'high';
	} else {
		return ''
function bindEvents() {
  $(".pt-tab li").click(function(){
		var id = $(this).attr("id");
		$(".pt-tab li").removeClass("hit");
	$('#tizhengList').on('click','li',function() {
		var index = $(this).index();
		var dat = new Date(),
			nowD = dat.getFullYear() + '-' + (dat.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + dat.getDate();
		if(index == 0) {
			window.location.href = 'xuetang-view.html?dateT=' + (xtdt || nowD);
		if(index == 1) {
			window.location.href = 'xueya-view.html?dateT=' + (xydt || nowD);
		if(index == 2) {
			window.location.href = 'tizhong-view.html?dateT=' + (nowD);
		if(index == 3) {
			window.location.href = 'yaowei-view.html?dateT=' + (ywdt || nowD);
	$('#baojianList').on('click','li',function() {
		var index = $(this).index();
		var dat = new Date(),
			nowD = dat.getFullYear() + '-' + (dat.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + dat.getDate();
		if(index == 0) {
			window.location.href = 'yundong-view.html?dateT=' + (yddt || nowD);
		if(index == 1) {
			window.location.href = 'yongyao-view.html?dateT=' + (yydt || nowD);
		if(index == 2) {
			window.location.href = 'yinshi-view.html?dateT=' + (ysdt || nowD);
    		var activeItem = $(".pt-tab li.hit").attr("id");
    		}else if(activeItem=="shebeiLi"){
	   		var dat = new Date(),
                nowD = dat.getFullYear() + '-' + (dat.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + dat.getDate();'health-index-add-weight.html?dateT='+nowD);
	   		// 修复bug#2724
	   		window.location.href = 'add-diet-record.html';
function pushHistory() {  
    var state = {  
        title: "title",  
        url: "#"  
    setTimeout(function (){
    	window.history.pushState(state, "title", "#");  
setTimeout( function () {
    window.addEventListener("popstate", function(e) {'closeWindow');
	}, false);  
}, 300); 
function getRecordType(isDevice) {
	return isDevice === null ? "手动记录" : isDevice != null ? "设备上传" : '';
//	return isDevice == "0"?"手动记录":(isDevice=="1"?"设备上传":"");
function getBJRecordType(isDevice) {
	return isDevice === 0 ? "手动记录" : isDevice == 1 ? "设备上传" : '';
var html = template('tizheng_list_temp',{
function getRecentDataInit(){
	.then(function(res) {
		xuetangRecord = _.find(,function(o) {
			var d = new Date(o.recordDate.replace(/\-/g, "/"));
			o.recordDate = d.getFullYear() + '-' + checkDate(d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + checkDate(d.getDate());
			return o.type =="1";
		}) || {};
		xuyaRecord = _.find(,function(o) {
			return o.type =="2";
		}) || {};
		tizhongRecord = _.find(,function(o) {
			return o.type =="3";
		}) || {};
		yaoweiRecord = _.find(,function(o) {
			return o.type =="4";
		}) || {};
		var xuetangValue = "";
		var xuetangValueIndex;
		var during = _.find(xuetangDuring,function(v,i){
			xuetangValue = xuetangRecord['value'+[i]];
			xuetangValueIndex = i;
			return i>0&&xuetangValue;
		xtdt = xuetangRecord.recordDate;
		xydt = xuyaRecord.recordDate;
		tzdt = tizhongRecord.recordDate;
		ywdt = yaoweiRecord.recordDate;
		var duringIndex = xuetangRecord.value2 ? xuetangRecord.value2 : 0;
		return {
			xuetang: $.extend({},xuetangRecord,{
				during:  duringIndex ? xuetangDuring[duringIndex] : '',
				value: xuetangValue,
				levelClazz: (function() {
					// 不同时间段对应不同的血糖范围
//					var levels = [[],[7.0, 3.9],[11.1, 4.0],
//								[7.0, 3.9],[11.1, 4.4],
//								[7.0, 3.9],[11.1, 4.4],
//								[7.0, 3.9]][xuetangValueIndex];
                    var levels = [[],[7.0, 3.9],[11.1, 4.0],
                                [7.0, 3.9],[11.1, 4.0],
                                [7.0, 3.9],[11.1, 4.0],
                                [7.0, 3.9]][duringIndex]
					return getLevelClazz(xuetangValue, levels[0],levels[1])
				recordType: getRecordType(xuetangRecord.deviceSn)
			xueya: $.extend({},xuyaRecord,{
				levelClazz: getLevelClazz(xuyaRecord.value1, 139, 90)||getLevelClazz(xuyaRecord.value2, 89, 60),
				recordType: getRecordType(xuyaRecord.deviceSn)
			tizhong: $.extend({},tizhongRecord,{
				recordType: getRecordType(tizhongRecord.deviceSn)
			yaowei:  $.extend({},yaoweiRecord,{
				recordType: getRecordType(yaoweiRecord.deviceSn)
	.then(function(data) {
		var html = template('tizheng_list_temp',data);
	.catch(function(e) {
		console && console.error(e)
	.then(function (res) {
		yundongRecord =;
		yongyaoRecord =;
		yinshiRecord =;
		yddt = yundongRecord.recordDate;
		yydt = yongyaoRecord.recordDate;
		ysdt = yinshiRecord.recordDate;
		return {
			yundong: (function () {
				yundongRecord.recordType = getBJRecordType(yundongRecord.source);
				return yundongRecord;
			yongyao: (function () {
				yongyaoRecord.recordType = getBJRecordType(yongyaoRecord.source);
				return yongyaoRecord;
			})() ,
			yinshi: (function () {
				yinshiRecord.recordType = getBJRecordType(yinshiRecord.source);
				return yinshiRecord;
	}).then(function (data) {
		var html = template('baojian_list_tmp',data);

+ 86 - 0

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
 * 健康记录添加失败处理方法
function addHealthRecordFailed(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:res.msg}).show();      
	} else {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'添加失败'}).show(); 
 * 运动添加成功处理方法
function addSportSuccess(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
	} else {
 * 用药添加成功处理方法
function addDrugSuccess(res) {
	if (res.status == 200) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'保存成功'}).show(); 
		setTimeout(function () {
	} else {
 * 饮食添加成功处理方法
function addDietSuccess(res) {	
	if (res.status == 200) {
	} else {
 * 健康指标历史记录查询
 * @param {Object} type 健康指标类型(1血糖,2血压,3体重,4腰围)
 * @param {Object} page 当前分页
 * @param {Object} pagesize 分页大小
 * 健康指标历史记录查询失败处理方法
function queryListFailedAdd(res) {
	if (res && res.msg) {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:res.msg}).show();      
	} else {
		dialog({contentType:'tipsbox',bottom:true, skin:'bk-popup' , content:'加载失败'}).show(); 
var $member = $("#member");
var userAgent = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(agentName));
	var arr_code=_.pluck(data[0], 'code');
    var arr_name=_.pluck(data[0], 'name');
		var one = _.find(data[0],function(item){return item.code == userAgent.represented;})

+ 0 - 0

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff