package com.yihu.hos.standard.controller; import com.yihu.hos.standard.service.adapter.AdapterDictClient; import com.yihu.hos.web.framework.model.ActionResult; import com.yihu.hos.web.framework.model.DetailModelResult; import com.yihu.hos.web.framework.model.Result; import com.yihu.hos.web.framework.util.controller.BaseController; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; /** * Created by LLH on 2016/1/6. */ @RestController("AdapterDictController") @RequestMapping("/adapterCenter") //@Api(protocols = "https", value = "AdapterDictController", description = "适配字典管理", tags = {"适配字典"}) public class AdapterDictController extends BaseController { @Autowired private AdapterDictClient adapterDictClient; /** * 查询字典列表信息(get) * @param adapterVersion * @param condition * @param order * @param rows * @param page * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = "/searchDictList") @ApiOperation(value = "获取字典列表", response = DetailModelResult.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "获取字典列表") public DetailModelResult searchDictList( @ApiParam(name = "adapterVersion", value = "适配标准版本号") @RequestParam(value = "adapterVersion") String adapterVersion, @ApiParam(name = "condition", value = "查询条件:编码或名称") @RequestParam(value = "condition", required = false) String condition, @ApiParam(name = "order", value = "Order param,Must be json.ascending:asc,descending:desc") @RequestParam(value = "order", required = false) String order, @ApiParam(name = "rows", value = "Limit the size of result set. Must be an integer") @RequestParam(value = "rows", required = false) Integer rows, @ApiParam(name = "page", value = "Start position of result set. Must be an integer") @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) Integer page) { return adapterDictClient.searchDictList(adapterVersion, condition, order, rows, page); } @RequestMapping(value = "/getForDictId") @ApiOperation(value = "获取字典", response = Result.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "获取字典") public ActionResult get( @ApiParam(name = "adapterVersion", value = "标准版本号") @RequestParam(value = "adapterVersion") String adapterVersion, @ApiParam(name = "dictId", value = "字典ID") @RequestParam(value = "dictId") Integer dictId) { return adapterDictClient.get(adapterVersion, dictId); } @RequestMapping(value = "/delDict") @ApiOperation(value = "删除字典", produces = "application/json", notes = "删除字典") public void delDict( @ApiParam(name = "adapterVersion", value = "标准版本号") @RequestParam(value = "adapterVersion") String adapterVersion, @ApiParam(name = "dictId", value = "字典ID") @RequestParam(value = "dictId") Integer dictId) { adapterDictClient.delDict(adapterVersion, dictId); } @RequestMapping(value = "/updateDict") @ApiOperation(value = "修改字典", response = Result.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "修改字典") public ActionResult updateDict( @ApiParam(name = "adapterVersion", value = "标准版本号") @RequestParam(value = "adapterVersion") String adapterVersion, @ApiParam(name = "dict", value = "字典") @RequestParam(value = "dict") String dict) { return adapterDictClient.updateDict(adapterVersion, dict); } @RequestMapping(value = "/addDict") @ApiOperation(value = "保存字典", response = Result.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "保存字典") public ActionResult addDict( @ApiParam(name = "adapterVersion", value = "标准版本号") @RequestParam(value = "adapterVersion") String adapterVersion, @ApiParam(name = "dict", value = "字典") @RequestParam(value = "dict") String dict) { return adapterDictClient.addDict(adapterVersion, dict); } @RequestMapping(value = "/isStrategyDic", method = RequestMethod.POST , produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody @ApiOperation(value = "是否智能匹配", response = Object.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "是否智能匹配") public ActionResult isStrategy( @ApiParam(value = "匹配version", required = true) @RequestParam("version") String version ) throws Exception { return adapterDictClient.isStrategy(version); } /** * 智能匹配 * * @param version * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/strategyDic", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ApiOperation(value = "智能匹配", response = Object.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "智能匹配") public ActionResult strategyDic( @ApiParam(value = "匹配version", required = true) @RequestParam("version") String version, @ApiParam(value = "平台标准version", required = true) @RequestParam("std_version") String std_version, @ApiParam(value = "适配方案版本号", required = true) @RequestParam("adapter_std_version") String adapter_std_version ) throws Exception { return adapterDictClient.strategyDic(version,std_version,adapter_std_version); } @RequestMapping(value = "/getStrategyDicSize", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody @ApiOperation(value = "智能匹配进行", response = Object.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "智能匹配进行") public ActionResult getStrategyDicSize( @ApiParam(value = "匹配version", required = true) @RequestParam("version") String version ) throws Exception { return adapterDictClient.getStrategyDicSize(version); } @RequestMapping(value = "/endStrategyDic", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody @ApiOperation(value = "智能匹配結束", response = Object.class, produces = "application/json", notes = "智能匹配結束") public ActionResult endStrategyDic( @ApiParam(value = "匹配version", required = true) @RequestParam("version") String version ) throws Exception { return adapterDictClient.endStrategyDic(version); } }