application.yml 1.9 KB

  1. spring:
  2. application:
  3. name: HosBrokerServer
  4. server:
  5. port: 8099
  6. contextPath:
  7. sessionTimeout: 300
  8. security:
  9. basic:
  10. enabled: false
  11. # the name of Camel
  12. camel:
  13. springboot:
  14. name: HosBrokerServer
  15. ---
  16. spring:
  17. profiles: dev
  18. activemq:
  19. broker-url: tcp://
  20. user: admin
  21. password: admin
  22. data:
  23. mongodb:
  24. host:
  25. port: 27017
  26. username: esb
  27. password: esb
  28. authenticationDatabase: admin
  29. database: log
  30. gridFsDatabase: dfs
  31. eureka:
  32. client:
  33. serviceUrl:
  34. defaultZone:
  35. log:
  36. path: D://logs/logback/dev
  37. level: info
  38. hos:
  39. filesystem:
  40. url:
  41. arbiter:
  42. enable: true
  43. url: http://localhost:10135
  44. rest:
  45. url: http://localhost:8088
  46. timer:
  47. period: 10000
  48. tenant:
  49. name: jkzl
  50. mycat:
  51. path: /usr/local/mycat/ ##mycat的安装目录
  52. #jcraft shell操作
  53. jcraft:
  54. host:
  55. port: 22
  56. user: root
  57. password: ceshi
  58. https:
  59. enable: false
  60. ---
  61. spring:
  62. profiles: test
  63. activemq:
  64. broker-url: tcp://
  65. user: admin
  66. password: admin
  67. data:
  68. mongodb:
  69. host:
  70. port: 27017
  71. username: esb
  72. password: esb
  73. authenticationDatabase: admin
  74. database: log
  75. gridFsDatabase: dfs
  76. eureka:
  77. client:
  78. serviceUrl:
  79. defaultZone:
  80. log:
  81. path: /usr/local/esb/logs/logback/broker
  82. level: info
  83. hos:
  84. filesystem:
  85. url:
  86. arbiter:
  87. enable: true
  88. url:
  89. rest:
  90. url:
  91. timer:
  92. period: 10000
  93. tenant:
  94. name: jkzl
  95. mycat:
  96. path: /usr/local/mycat/ ##mycat的安装目录
  97. #jcraft shell操作
  98. jcraft:
  99. host:
  100. port: 22
  101. user: root
  102. password: ceshi
  103. https:
  104. enable: false