123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116 |
- #The region code, where application deployed
- deploy:
- region: 3502
- #EHR platform user default password
- default:
- password: 123456
- redis-key-schema:
- std:
- version-table-prefix: std_cda_versions
- version-name: name
- data-set-table-prefix: std_data_set_
- data-set-code: code
- data-set-name: name
- meta-data-table-prefix: std_meta_data_
- meta-data-dict-id: dict_id
- meta-data-type: type
- dict-entry-table-prefix: std_dictionary_entry_
- dict-entry-value: value
- org:
- table: organizations
- name: name
- #Application error definition, this file define common errors,
- #if the error is used only in your application, please define it in your application configuration file.
- ehr.common.invalid.parameter: 参数解析错误
- ehr.common.query.not.found: 不存在该对象
- ehr.common.repeat.code: 代码重复
- #Application port, since 10100, 10 per step. Update max port if new application created. Current max: 10190
- svr-adaption.server.port: 10150
- svr-app.server.port: 10160
- svr-dict.server.port: 10050
- svr-esb.server.port: 10130
- svr-geography.server.port: 10090
- svr-health-profile.server.port: 9009
- svr-organization.server.port: 10070
- svr-pack-mgr.server.port: 10140
- svr-pack-resolve.server.port: 10170
- svr-patient.server.port: 10100
- svr-security.server.port: 10110
- svr-special-dict.server.port: 10180
- svr-standard.server.port: 10040
- svr-user.server.port: 10120
- ag-ehr-platform.server.port: 443
- ag-admin.server.port: 10000
- svr-family.server.port: 10190
- #Application acuator
- endpoints:
- restart:
- enabled: true
- shutdown:
- enabled: true
- health:
- sensitive: false
- spring:
- #JPA config for MySQL
- jpa:
- database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
- hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
- show-sql: true
- #block the inet address of nic, virtual card and so on. Need spring version: Brixton M5
- cloud:
- inetutils:
- ignoredInterfaces:
- - docker0
- - veth.*
- - vmnet.*
- eureka:
- client:
- serviceUrl:
- defaultZone: http://${eureka-server-ip}/eureka/
- ---
- spring:
- profiles: dev
- #If true, each application use ip to register it in eureka, eureka host is defined in "eureka-server-ip".
- #else the server must have host map.
- eureka:
- instance:
- prefer-ip-address: false
- eureka-server-ip:
- ---
- spring:
- profiles: test
- #If true, each application use ip to register it in eureka, eureka host is defined in "eureka-server-ip".
- #else the server must have host map.
- eureka:
- instance:
- prefer-ip-address: false
- eureka-server-ip:
- ---
- spring:
- profiles: prod
- #If true, each application use ip to register it in eureka, eureka host is defined in "eureka-server-ip".
- #else the server must have host map.
- eureka:
- instance:
- prefer-ip-address: false
- eureka-server-ip: