123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314 |
- new Vue({
- el: '#main',
- data: {
- alertData1:'',//总人数
- alertData2:'',//新增人数
- alertData3:'',//门诊人次
- alertData4:'',//住院人次
- alertChart1:'',//左边第一块表格
- alertChart2:'',//右上第一块
- alertChart3:'',//右上第二块
- alertChart4:'',//右上第三块
- alertChart5:'',//右下
- bigData:'',//总数据
- alertType:0,
- alertTime:0,
- firstDay: "", //上月第一天
- lastDay: "", //上月最后一天
- firstMonth:'',
- lastMonth:'',
- code:[
- 'VIEW_16_0001',//新增人数
- 'VIEW_16_0006',//已生产人数
- 'VIEW_16_0002',//区县分布
- 'VIEW_16_0007',//年龄分布
- 'VIEW_16_0008',//疾病前五
- 'VIEW_16_0004',//就诊月趋势
- 'VIEW_16_0005',//就诊年趋势
- 'VIEW_16_0012',//就诊季趋势
- ],
- qushiMonth:'',
- qushiYear:'',
- firstDayYear: "", //本年第一天
- lastDayYear: "", //本年最后一天
- halfYearStartDate: "", //近半年开始时间
- halfYearEndDate: "", //近半年结束时间
- yesterdayDate:"",//昨天
- type:0,
- time:'',//42天前
- thirdJiDate:"",//三个季度前
- qushiSeason:"",//季度趋势
- },
- mounted: function() {
- var vm = this;
- updateFontSize();
- this.formatDate();
- var t = new Date(vm.firstMonth+'-'+'01');
- t = Date.parse(t)-3600*24*42*1000
- vm.time = new Date(t).Format('yyyy-MM-dd');
- this.initData(this.type);
- var myDate = new Date();
- var maxMonth = myDate.getMonth()+1; //获取当前月份(0-11,0代表1月)
- var maxYear = myDate.getFullYear();
- var max = maxYear.toString()+'-'+maxMonth.toString();
- console.log(vm.firstMonth,vm.lastMonth)
- var moren = vm.firstMonth+' 至 '+vm.lastMonth;
- layui.use('laydate', function(){
- var laydate = layui.laydate;
- //执行一个laydate实例
- laydate.render({
- elem: '#time', //指定元素,
- type:'month',
- range: '至', //或 range: '~' 来自定义分割字符
- theme: '#05273e',
- position: 'abolute',
- right:'200px',
- value: moren,
- max:max,
- btns: ['confirm'],
- done: function(value, date, endDate){
- console.log(value); //得到日期生成的值,如:2017-08-18
- console.log(date); //得到日期时间对象:{year: 2017, month: 8, date: 18, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0}
- console.log(endDate); //得结束的日期时间对象,开启范围选择(range: true)才会返回。对象成员同上。
- console.log(vm.firstDay);
- var t = new Date(date.year+'-'+date.month+'-'+'01');
- t = Date.parse(t)-3600*24*42*1000
- vm.time = new Date(t).Format('yyyy-MM-dd');
- if(date.month < 10){
- vm.firstDay = date.year+'-0'+date.month+'-01';
- }else{
- vm.firstDay = date.year+'-'+date.month+'-01';
- }
- if(endDate.month < 10){
- vm.lastDay = endDate.year+'-0'+endDate.month+'-'+vm.getLastDay(endDate.year,endDate.month);
- }else{
- vm.lastDay = endDate.year+'-'+endDate.month+'-'+vm.getLastDay(endDate.year,endDate.month);
- }
- vm.halfYearStartDate = getLastHalfMonthArray(endDate.year+'-'+endDate.month)
- vm.halfYearEndDate = vm.lastDay;
- vm.thirdJiDate = getThirdJiDate(endDate.year,endDate.month);
- vm.initData(vm.type);
- vm.alertTime = 0;
- }
- // showBottom: false
- });
- });
- },
- methods: {
- initData:function(type){
- var vm = this;
- if(type == 0){
- event_type = '';//全部
- }else if(type == 1){
- event_type = 1;//住院
- }else if(type == 2){
- event_type = 0;//门诊
- }
- var linkageFilter1 = "quotaDate >= '" + vm.firstDay + "' and quotaDate <= '" + vm.lastDay + "';";
- var linkageFilter2 = "quotaDate >= '" + vm.time + "' and quotaDate <= '" + vm.lastDay + "';";
- var linkageFilter3 = "quotaDate >= '" + vm.halfYearStartDate + "' and quotaDate <= '" + vm.halfYearEndDate + "';";
- var linkageFilter4 = "quotaDate >= '" + vm.thirdJiDate + "' and quotaDate <= '" + vm.lastDay + "';";
- console.log(linkageFilter1)
- var code = this.code;
- var urlNumber = '/gov/report/getNoChartTemplateData';
- var urlChart = '/gov/report/getTemplateDataByViewCode';
- var reqUrl = [
- {url:urlNumber,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCodeStr:code[0],linkageFilter:linkageFilter1}},//新增人数
- {url:urlNumber,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCodeStr:code[1],linkageFilter:linkageFilter2}},//已生产人数
- {url:urlChart,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCode:code[2],linkageFilter:linkageFilter1+'eventType='+event_type}},//区县分布
- {url:urlChart,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCode:code[3],linkageFilter:linkageFilter1+'eventType='+event_type}},//性别分布
- {url:urlChart,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCode:code[4],linkageFilter:linkageFilter1+'eventType='+event_type,'limitCondition':5}},//疾病前五
- {url:urlChart,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCode:code[5],linkageFilter:linkageFilter3+'eventType='+event_type}},//老年人就诊趋势-月
- {url:urlChart,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCode:code[6],linkageFilter:'eventType='+event_type}},//老年人就诊趋势-年
- {url:urlChart,reqType: 'get',data: {viewCode:code[7],linkageFilter:linkageFilter4+'eventType='+event_type}},//老年人就诊趋势-月
- ]
- $(".div-mask-layer").show();
- httpRequest.getReqPromises(reqUrl).then(function(datas) {
- console.log(datas);
- vm.alertData1 = datas[0].obj.VIEW_16_0001[0].HC_13_0033; //新增
- vm.alertData2 = datas[1].obj.VIEW_16_0006[0].HC_13_0034; //已生产人数
- var chart1 = datas[2].obj.viewInfos[0].options[0].option;
- var chart2 = datas[3].obj.viewInfos[0].options[0].option;
- var chart3 = datas[4].obj.viewInfos[0].options[0].option;
- var chart4 = datas[5].obj.viewInfos[0].options[0].option;
- var chart5 = datas[6].obj.viewInfos[0].options[0].option;
- var chart6 = datas[7].obj.viewInfos[0].options[0].option;
- vm.qushiMonth = chart4;
- vm.qushiYear = chart5;
- vm.qushiSeason = chart6;
- console.log(chart5)
- vm.setAlertChart1(chart1);
- vm.setAlertChart2(chart2);
- vm.setAlertChart4(chart3);
- vm.setAlertChart5(chart4);
- $(".div-mask-layer").hide();
- })
- },
- setAlertChart1:function(data){
- var options = JSON.parse(data);
- options = quxianChart(options);
- // var options = this.bigData[t]['区县分布'];
- // options.series[0].label = {show: true,position: "right",color: '#b5e1fc'}
- this.alertChart1 = options;
- },
- setAlertChart2:function(data){
- var options = JSON.parse(data);
- options = nianlingChart(options);
- options.color = ["#6576e0","#03fa6c","#ff616f","#0fa5f2","#00e6f3"];
- options.legend.formatter = function(name) {
- var index = 0;
- var clientlabels = options.legend.data;
- var clientcounts = _.map(options.series[0].data,function(item,idx){
- return item.value;
- });
- clientlabels.forEach(function(value,i){
- if(value == name){
- index = i;
- }
- });
- return name + " " + clientcounts[index];
- }
- options.legend.left = '58%';
- options.legend.top = 0.044 * window.screen.width;//85;
- options.legend.itemWidth = 0.005 * window.screen.width;//10;
- options.legend.itemHeight = 0.005 * window.screen.width;//10;
- options.legend.itemGap = 0.0078 * window.screen.width;//15;
- options.series[0].center = ['35%','55%'];
- this.alertChart2 = options
- },
- setAlertChart3:function(data){
- var options = JSON.parse(data);
- options = xingbieChart(options);
- options.color = ["#00E7F3","#ff616f"];
- options.legend.formatter = function(name) {
- var index = 0;
- var clientlabels = options.legend.data;
- var clientcounts = _.map(options.series[0].data,function(item,idx){
- return item.value;
- });
- clientlabels.forEach(function(value,i){
- if(value == name){
- index = i;
- }
- });
- return name + " " + clientcounts[index];
- }
- options.legend.left = '58%';
- options.legend.top = 0.0625 * window.screen.width;//120
- options.legend.itemWidth = 0.005 * window.screen.width;//10;
- options.legend.itemHeight = 0.005 * window.screen.width;//10;
- options.legend.itemGap = 0.0078 * window.screen.width;//15;
- options.series[0].center = ['35%','55%'];
- this.alertChart3 = options
- },
- setAlertChart4:function(data){
- var options = JSON.parse(data);
- options = jibingTopChart(options);
- options.series[0].label = {show: true,position: "right",color: '#b5e1fc'};
- options.series[0].itemStyle.normal.color = '#FFF71A';
- this.alertChart4 = options
- },
- setAlertChart5:function(data){
- var options = JSON.parse(data);
- options = qushiChart(options);
- // var options = this.bigData[t]['区县分布'];
- // options.series[0].label = {show: true,position: "right",color: '#b5e1fc'}
- this.alertChart5 = options;
- },
- alertTitle:function(type){
- this.alertTime = 0;
- this.type = type;
- this.initData(type)
- },
- alertChart:function(time){
- var vm = this;
- this.alertTime = time;
- if(time == 0){
- vm.setAlertChart5(vm.qushiMonth);
- }else if(time == 1){
- vm.setAlertChart5(vm.qushiYear);
- }else if(time == 2){
- vm.setAlertChart5(vm.qushiSeason);
- }
- },
- closeAlertClick:function(){
- parent.layer.closeAll();
- },
- GetQueryString :function (name){
- var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)"+ name +"=([^&]*)(&|$)");
- var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg);
- if(r!=null)return unescape(r[2]); return null;
- },
- chartArea:function(param){
- console.log(param);
- },
- clickBarItem:function(item){
- console.log(item)
- },
- formatDate: function() {
- //获取上个月第一天
- var firstdate = new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth() - 1, 1);
- //获取上个月最后一天
- var date = new Date();
- var day = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 0).getDate();
- var enddate = new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth() - 1, day);
- //格式化结果
- var year = date.getFullYear();
- debugger
- this.thirdJiDate = getThirdJiDate(year,lastMonth+1);
- this.firstDay = getLastMonthStartDate();
- this.firstMonth = firstdate.format("yyyy-MM");
- this.lastDay = getLastMonthEndDate();
- this.lastMonth = enddate.format("yyyy-MM");
- this.firstDayYear = getYearStartDate();
- this.lastDayYear = getYearEndDate();
- this.halfYearStartDate = getHalfYearStartDate();
- this.halfYearEndDate = getHalfYearEndDate();
- this.yesterdayDate = getYearEndDate();
- },
- getLastDay(year, month) {
- var new_year = year; //取当前的年份
- var new_month = month++; //取下一个月的第一天,方便计算(最后一天不固定)
- if (month > 12) {
- //如果当前大于12月,则年份转到下一年
- new_month -= 12; //月份减
- new_year++; //年份增
- }
- var new_date = new Date(new_year, new_month, 1); //取当年当月中的第一天
- return new Date(new_date.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24).getDate(); //获取当月最后一天日期
- },
- }
- });
- //数字格式化
- function toThousands(str) {
- if(!str)return
- str =parseInt(str);
- if(typeof(str) == 'number')str = str.toString()
- var newStr = "";
- var count = 0;
- if(str.indexOf(".") == -1) {
- for(var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if(count % 3 == 0 && count != 0) {
- newStr = str.charAt(i) + "," + newStr;
- } else {
- newStr = str.charAt(i) + newStr;
- }
- count++;
- }
- str = newStr;
- } else {
- for(var i = str.indexOf(".") - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if(count % 3 == 0 && count != 0) {
- newStr = str.charAt(i) + "," + newStr;
- } else {
- newStr = str.charAt(i) + newStr; //逐个字符相接起来
- }
- count++;
- }
- str = newStr + (str + "00").substr((str + "00").indexOf("."), 3);
- }
- return str;
- }