@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
* 消息端点。
* 此控制器处理点对点,组及消息消息。为三类消息提供发送及查询功能。
"use strict";
let express = require('express');
let router = express.Router();
let http = require('http');
let log = require('../util/log.js');
let ObjectUtil = require("../util/object.util.js");
let ControllerUtil = require('../util/controller.util');
let Patient = require("../models/user/patient");
let Doctor = require('../models/user/doctor');
let Group = require('../models/group');
let Search = require('../models/search');
let Sessions = require('../models/sessions/sessions');
const APIv1 = require('../include/endpoints').APIv1;
const CONTENT_TYPES = require('../include/commons').CONTENT_TYPE;
const MAX_INT = require('../include/commons').MAX_INT;
const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = require('../include/commons').DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
* 发送System消息。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/sm
* 消息格式:
* {
* to: "Rose",
* title: "System Message",
* summary: "You have new job",
* contentType: "1",
* content: "The patient has been followed in the scheduler, please make new follow plan as soon as possible.",
* delay: 986123465
* }
* @param message
router.post(APIv1.Chats.SM, function (req, res) {
// 检查消息体及消息格式是否正确
let message = req.body;
if (!ObjectUtil.isJsonObject(message)) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Problems parsing JSON.'}
// 字段判断
let testing = ObjectUtil.fieldsCheck(message, "to", "title", "summary", "contentType", "content");
if (!testing.pass) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: testing.message}
// 消息处理
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
let test = req.query.test;
let page = req.query.page;
let pagesize = req.query.pagesize;
let user = req.query.user;
let sessionId =req.query.sessionId;
let sessions = new Sessions();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(sessions, res);
let sessions = new Sessions();
let page = req.query.page;
let pagesize = req.query.pagesize;
let user = req.query.user;
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(sessions, res);
let sessions = new Sessions();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(sessions, res);
let sessionId = req.query.sessionId;
let users = req.query.users;
let name = req.query.name;
let sessionType = req.query.sessionType;
let sessions = new Sessions();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(sessions, res);
let sessionId = req.query.sessionId;
let message ={};
message.contentType =1;
message.timestamp=new Date();
message.content ="test send message";
let sessions = new Sessions();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(sessions, res);
let sessionId = req.query.sessionId;
let user = req.query.user;
let type = req.query.type;
* 处理Private消息。处理流程分:
* 1 解析消息,并保存到数据库
* 2 更新消息统计数据
* 3 获取目标的状态并构建通知消息,如果用户在线就推送通知消息
* 请求URL:
* /chats/pm
* 消息格式:
* {
* from: sand,
* to: Rose,
* contentType: "1,2,3,4",
* content: "Please follow the patient as soon as possible."
* }
* @param message
router.post(APIv1.Chats.PM, function (req, res) {
// 检查消息体及消息格式是否正确
let message = req.body;
if (!ObjectUtil.isJsonObject(message)) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Problems parsing JSON.'}
// 字段判断
let testing = ObjectUtil.fieldsCheck(message, "from", "to", "contentType", "content");
if (!testing.pass) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: testing.message};
// 消息处理,患者与医生分开发送
function () {
let patient = new Patient();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(patient, res);
}, function () {
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
* 处理讨论组消息。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/gm
* 消息格式:
* {
* from: "sand", // 发送者id
* at: "Rose", // @人
* group: "DiscussionGroupId", // 所在组
* groupType: "1 or 2", // 组类型:行政团队或讨论组
* contentType: "1,2,3", // 内容类型
* content: "The patient mess me up" // 内容
* }
* @param message
router.post(APIv1.Chats.GM, function (req, res) {
// 检查消息体及消息格式是否正确
let message = req.body;
if (!ObjectUtil.isJsonObject(message)) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Problems parsing JSON.'};
// 字段判断
let testing = ObjectUtil.fieldsCheck(message, 'from', 'at', 'group', 'groupType', 'contentType', 'content');
if (!testing.pass) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: testing.message}
// 消息处理
let group = new Group();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(group, res);
* 获取参与的聊天列表,包括:点对点,@我,参与的讨论组,系统消息等。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/list?user_id=sand
router.get(APIv1.Chats.List, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
if (userId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Missing fields.'};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
* 获取与患者的聊天列表,包括:P2P,参与的讨论组和行政团队。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/list/patient
router.get(APIv1.Chats.ListWithPatient, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
if (userId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Missing fields.'};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
* 获取与医生的聊天列表,包括:点对点,参与的讨论组。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/list/doctor
router.get(APIv1.Chats.ListWithDoctor, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
if (userId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Missing fields.'};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
router.get(APIv1.Chats.MsgAmount, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
if (userId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Missing fields.'};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
* 获取最近聊天对象:包括患者,医生与讨论组。客户端自行根据需要提取患者、医生或讨论组数据。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/recent?user_id=0de7295862dd11e69faffa163e8aee56&days=7
* 参数:
* user_id: 用户ID
* target_type: 对象类型,1患者,2医生,3讨论组
* days: 最近天数,默认7天
router.get(APIv1.Chats.Recent, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let days = req.query.days;
if (userId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Missing field: user_id'};
if (days === null) {
days = 7;
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
doctor.getRecentChatList(userId, days);
* 获取私信。倒序排列。
* 参数:
* user_id 必须,医生ID
* peer_id 必须,对方医生ID
* content_type 必须,消息类型
* message_start_id 可选,消息的起始ID,如果为空从最新的一条开始获取
* message_end_id 可选,消息的结束ID,如果为空从第一条开始获取
* count 可选,消息数量,如果不指定、小于零或大于50,默认为100条。若message_start_id与message_end_id均不为空,则此参数无效,方法是设置为10000条
* closed_interval 消息范围是否使用闭区间
* 请求URL:
* /chats/pm?user_id=sand&peer_id=Rose&content_type=2&message_start_id=10000&message_end_id=0&count=20&closed_interval=false
router.get(APIv1.Chats.PM, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let peerId = req.query.peer_id;
let contentType = req.query.content_type;
let msgStartId = !req.query.message_start_id ? MAX_INT : parseInt(req.query.message_start_id);
let msgEndId = !req.query.message_end_id || req.query.message_end_id === 'null' ? 0 : parseInt(req.query.message_end_id);
let count = req.query.count === undefined ? DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE : parseInt(req.query.count);
let closedInterval = (req.query.closed_interval != false && req.query.closed_interval === "true");
if (contentType !== undefined && parseInt(contentType) === CONTENT_TYPES.Image) count = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
if (req.query.message_start_id && req.query.message_end_id) count = 10000;
if (!userId) {
throw {httpStatus: 400, message: "Missing field: user_id."};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
doctor.getPrivateMessages(userId, peerId, contentType, msgStartId, msgEndId, count, closedInterval);
* 获取未读私信。倒序排列。
* 参数:
* user_id 必须,医生ID
* peer_id 必须,对方医生ID
* 请求URL:
* /chats/pm/unread?user_id=sand&peer_id=Rose
router.get(APIv1.Chats.PMUnread, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let peerId = req.query.peer_id;
if (userId === undefined) {
throw {httpStatus: 400, message: "Missing field: user_id."};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
doctor.getUnreadPrivateMessages(userId, peerId);
* 按时间倒序获取群消息。
* 参数:
* user_id 必须,医生ID
* group_id 必须,组ID
* message_start_id 可选,消息的起始ID,如果为空从最新的一条开始获取
* count 可选,消息数量,如果不指定、小于零或大于50,默认为50条
* 请求URL:
* /chats/gm?user_id=D2016008240002&group_id=494&content_type=2&message_start_id=0&message_end_id=0&count=20
router.get(APIv1.Chats.GM, function (req, res) {
let groupId = req.query.group_id;
let memberId = req.query.user_id;
let contentType = req.query.content_type;
let msgStartId = !req.query.message_start_id ? MAX_INT : parseInt(req.query.message_start_id);
let msgEndId = !req.query.message_end_id ? 0 : parseInt(req.query.message_end_id);
let count = req.query.count === undefined ? DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE : parseInt(req.query.count);
if (groupId === undefined) {
throw {httpStatus: 400, message: "Missing field: group_id."};
if (contentType !== undefined && parseInt(contentType) === CONTENT_TYPES.Image) count = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
if (req.query.message_start_id && req.query.message_end_id) count = 100000;
let group = new Group();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(group, res);
group.getMessages(groupId, memberId, contentType, msgStartId, msgEndId, count);
* 获取未读群消息。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/gm/unread?group_id=discussionGroupId&user_id=sand
router.get(APIv1.Chats.GMUnread, function (req, res) {
let memberId = req.query.user_id;
let groupId = req.query.group_id;
if (memberId === undefined) {
throw {httpStatus: 400, message: "Missing field: user_id."};
if (groupId === undefined) {
throw {httpStatus: 400, message: "Missing field: group_id."};
let group = new Group();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(group, res);
group.getUnreadMessages(groupId, memberId);
* 获取所有群组未读消息总数。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/gm/unread_count?user_id=sand
* 参数:
* user_id:医生ID
router.get(APIv1.Chats.GMUnreadCount, function (req, res) {
let memberId = req.query.user_id;
if (memberId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Missing fields.'};
let group = new Group();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(group, res);
* 获取特定群组消息统计情况。
* /chats/gm/statistic?group_id=GGG&&user_id=sand
* 参数:
* user_id:信息所有者id
* group_id:群组id
router.get(APIv1.Chats.GMStats, function (req, res) {
let memberId = req.query.user_id;
let groupId = req.query.group_id;
if (memberId === null || groupId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: 'Miss fields.'};
let group = new Group();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(group, res);
group.getChatSummary(groupId, memberId);
* 获取与某人的私信统计。
* /chats/pm/statistic?user_id=sand&&peer_id=rose
* 参数:
* user_id:信息所有者id
* peer_id:聊天对端id
router.get(APIv1.Chats.PMStats, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let peerId = req.query.peer_id;
if (userId == null || peerId == null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields."};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
doctor.getChatSummary(userId, peerId);
* 获取所有未读私信总数。
* /chats/pm/unread_count?user_id=sand
* 参数:
* uid:信息所有者id
router.get(APIv1.Chats.PMUnreadCount, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
* 所有聊天消息未读数。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/chats/unread_count?user_id=sand
* 参数:
* user_id:信息所有者id
router.get(APIv1.Chats.UnreadMsgCount, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
if (userId === null) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields."};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
* 搜索患者相关的数据,包括患者信息与相关的私信记录。关键词不支持空格拆分。
* 请求URL:
* 参数:
* keywords: 关键词
router.get(APIv1.Chats.SearchAboutPatient, function (req, res) {
var userId = req.query.user_id;
var userRole = req.query.user_role;
var keyword = req.query.keyword;
if (!userId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_id."};
if (!userRole) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_role."};
if (!keyword) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: keyword."};
let search = new Search();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(search, res);
search.searchAboutPatient(userId, userRole, keyword);
* 获取某个聊天的关键字搜索记录列表
* 请求URL:
router.get(APIv1.Chats.SearchAboutPatientList, function (req, res) {
var userId = req.query.user_id;
var groupId = req.query.group_id;
var keyword = req.query.keyword;
var type = req.query.type;
if (!userId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_id."};
if (!groupId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: group_id."};
if (!keyword) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: keyword."};
if (!type) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: type."};
let search = new Search();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(search, res);
search.searchAboutPatientList(userId, keyword,groupId,type);
* 患者消息查询查看更多
router.get(APIv1.Chats.SearchAbountPatientMore, function (req, res) {
var userId = req.query.user_id;
var keyword = req.query.keyword;
var type = req.query.type;
var userRole= req.query.user_role;
if (!userId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_id."};
if (!keyword) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: keyword."};
if (!type) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: type."};
if (!userRole) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: userRole."};
let search = new Search();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(search, res);
search.searchAboutPatientAll(userId,userRole, keyword,type);
* 搜索医生相关的数据,包括医生信息与相关的聊天记录,包括私信与群信。
* 请求URL:
* /search/doctor?user_id=D2016008240003&keyword=黄
* 参数:
* keywords: 关键词
router.get(APIv1.Chats.SearchAboutDoctor, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let keyword = req.query.keyword;
if (!userId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_id."};
if (!keyword) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: keyword."};
let search = new Search();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(search, res);
search.searchAboutDoctor(userId, keyword);
* 医生搜索查看更多
* type = 1 查询聊过的医生
* type = 2 查询群组标题和人员包含的群聊
* type = 3 查询聊天关键字
router.get(APIv1.Chats.SearchAboutDoctorList, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let keyword = req.query.keyword;
let type = req.query.type;
if (!userId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_id."};
if (!keyword) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: keyword."};
if (!type) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: type."};
let search = new Search();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(search, res);
search.searchDoctorMore(userId, keyword,type);
* 查询医生聊天记录详情(单个聊天记录包含关键字的)
router.get(APIv1.Chats.SearchAbountDoctorContentDetail, function (req, res) {
let userId = req.query.user_id;
let keyword = req.query.keyword;
let type = req.query.type;
let groupcode = req.query.groupcode;
if (!userId) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: user_id."};
if (!keyword) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: keyword."};
if (!type) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: type."};
if (!groupcode) throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing fields: groupcode."};
let search = new Search();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(search, res);
search.searchDoctorContentDetail(userId, keyword,groupcode,type);
* 获取单条消息。
* URL:
* /chats/message?id=1234&type=1
router.get(APIv1.Chats.Message, function (req, res) {
let messageId = req.query.id;
let messageType = req.query.type;
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
doctor.getMessage(messageId, messageType);
* 判断当前会话是否已经结束。
* 请求URL:
* /chats/pm/finished?user_id=sand&peer_id=rose
router.get(APIv1.Chats.PMFinished, function (req, res) {
let doctorId = req.query.doctor_id;
let patientId = req.query.patient_id;
if (!doctorId) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing field: doctor_id"};
if (!patientId) {
throw {httpStatus: 406, message: "Missing field: patient_id"};
let doctor = new Doctor();
ControllerUtil.regModelEventHandler(doctor, res);
doctor.isConsultFinished(doctorId, patientId);
module.exports = router;