"use strict"; var objectUtil = require('../../../src/server/util/object.util'); var assert = require('assert'); describe('Object utilities', function () { describe('When test isJsonObject with "Array" object', function () { it('should return false', function () { assert.strictEqual(objectUtil.isJsonObject([]), false); }) }); describe('When test isJsonObject with "Dict" object', function () { it('should return true', function () { assert.strictEqual(objectUtil.isJsonObject({age: 2}), true); }) }); describe('When test fieldsCheck with full fields', function () { it('should return false and missing fields.', function () { var testing = objectUtil.fieldsCheck({ from: 'Sand', to: 'Rose', data: 'Hello world.' }, 'from', 'to', 'data'); assert.strictEqual(true, testing.pass); }); }); describe('When test fieldsCheck with missing fields', function () { it('should return false and missing fields.', function () { var testing = objectUtil.fieldsCheck({ from: 'Sand', to: 'Rose', content: 'Hello world.' }, 'from', 'to', 'timestamp', 'expire', 'location'); assert.strictEqual(false, testing.pass); assert.strictEqual(true, testing.message.indexOf('timestamp') > -1); assert.strictEqual(true, testing.message.indexOf('expire') > -1); assert.strictEqual(true, testing.message.indexOf('location') > -1); }); }); describe('When test timestampToLong', function () { it('should return 200.', function () { var now = new Date(1479028394000); var val = objectUtil.timestampToLong(now); assert.strictEqual(1479028394000, val); }); }); });