logging: level: com: netflix: INFO org: springframework: web: INFO hibernate: ERROR server: port: ${svr-quota.server.port} management: port: ${server.port} spring: datasource: driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver max-active: 20 max-idle: 8 min-idle: 8 validation-query: SELECT 1 test-on-borrow: true --- spring: profiles: dev datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: weifuwu password: weifuwu data: solr: zk-host: node1.hde.h3c.com,node2.hde.h3c.com:2181/solr # ZooKeeper host address in the form HOST:PORT. --- spring: profiles: test datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: weifuwu password: weifuwu data: solr: zk-host: node1.hde.h3c.com,node2.hde.h3c.com:2181/solr # ZooKeeper host address in the form HOST:PORT. --- spring: profiles: prod datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: ha password: jkzlxm data: solr: zk-host: node1.hde.h3c.com,node2.hde.h3c.com:2181/solr # ZooKeeper host address in the form HOST:PORT. --- spring: profiles: prod_fz datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: sr_healtharchive password: data!@)1 data: solr: zk-host: node1.hde.h3c.com,node2.hde.h3c.com:2181/solr # ZooKeeper host address in the form HOST:PORT.