svr-pack-mgr.yml 3.4 KB

  1. logging:
  2. level:
  3. com:
  4. netflix: INFO
  5. org:
  6. springframework:
  7. web: INFO
  8. hibernate: ERROR
  9. fast-dfs:
  10. pool:
  11. init-size: 5
  12. max-size: 20
  13. wait-time: 500
  14. connect-timeout: 2
  15. network-timeout: 30
  16. charset: ISO8859-1
  17. http:
  18. tracker-http-port: 80
  19. anti-steal-token: no
  20. secret-key: FastDFS1234567890
  21. spring:
  22. # REDIS
  23. redis:
  24. database: 0 # Database index used by the connection factory.
  25. port: 6379 # Redis server port.
  26. password: # Login password of the redis server.
  27. timeout: 0 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  28. #sentinel:
  29. # master: # Name of Redis server.
  30. # nodes: # Comma-separated list of host:port pairs.
  31. pool:
  32. max-active: 8 # Max number of connections that can be allocated by the pool at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit.
  33. max-idle: 8 # Max number of "idle" connections in the pool. Use a negative value to indicate an unlimited number of idle connections.
  34. max-wait: -1 # Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a connection allocation should block before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted. Use a negative value to block indefinitely.
  35. min-idle: 1 # Target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. This setting only has an effect if it is positive.
  36. datasource:
  37. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  38. max-active: 20
  39. max-idle: 8
  40. min-idle: 8
  41. validation-query: SELECT 1
  42. test-on-borrow: true
  43. ---
  44. spring:
  45. profiles: dev
  46. datasource:
  47. url: jdbc:mysql://
  48. username: weifuwu
  49. password: weifuwu
  50. redis:
  51. host: # Redis server host.
  52. port: 6379
  53. password: redis!@456
  54. metrics:
  55. export:
  56. statsd:
  57. host:
  58. port: 8125
  59. fast-dfs:
  60. tracker-server:
  61. public-server:
  62. ---
  63. spring:
  64. profiles: alpha
  65. datasource:
  66. url: jdbc:mysql://
  67. username: ha
  68. password: ha
  69. redis:
  70. host: # Redis server host.
  71. metrics:
  72. export:
  73. statsd:
  74. host:
  75. port: 8125
  76. fast-dfs:
  77. tracker-server:
  78. public-server:
  79. ---
  80. spring:
  81. profiles: test
  82. datasource:
  83. url: jdbc:mysql://
  84. username: weifuwu
  85. password: weifuwu
  86. redis:
  87. host: # Redis server host.
  88. metrics:
  89. export:
  90. statsd:
  91. host:
  92. port: 8125
  93. fast-dfs:
  94. tracker-server:
  95. public-server:
  96. ---
  97. spring:
  98. profiles: prod
  99. datasource:
  100. url: jdbc:mysql://
  101. username: ha
  102. password: jkzlxm
  103. redis:
  104. host: # Redis server host.
  105. fast-dfs:
  106. tracker-server:
  107. public-server:
  108. ---
  109. spring:
  110. profiles: prod_fz
  111. datasource:
  112. url: jdbc:mysql://
  113. username: sr_healtharchive
  114. password: data!@)1
  115. redis:
  116. host: # Redis server host.
  117. port: 6390
  118. password: redis!@456
  119. fast-dfs:
  120. tracker-server:
  121. public-server: