##如果有配置服务的话,远程服务器和本地服务器配置不一致的情况下,优先远程的为主 git上 svr-base -> git application ->本地 appliction ->本地 bootstarp server: port: 10050 spring: application: name: svr-iot #注册到发现服务的id 如果id一样 eurika会自动做负载 datasource: driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver max-active: 50 max-idle: 50 #最大空闲连接 min-idle: 10 #最小空闲连接 validation-query-timeout: 20 log-validation-errors: true validation-interval: 60000 #避免过度验证,保证验证不超过这个频率——以毫秒为单位。如果一个连接应该被验证,但上次验证未达到指定间隔,将不再次验证。 validation-query: SELECT 1 #SQL 查询, 用来验证从连接池取出的连接, 在将连接返回给调用者之前。 如果指定, 则查询必须是一个SQL SELECT 并且必须返回至少一行记录 test-on-borrow: true #指明是否在从池中取出连接前进行检验, 如果检验失败, 则从池中去除连接并尝试取出另一个。注意: 设置为true 后如果要生效,validationQuery 参数必须设置为非空字符串 test-on-return: true #指明是否在归还到池中前进行检验 注意: 设置为true 后如果要生效validationQuery 参数必须设置为非空字符串 idle-timeout: 30000 connection-test-query: SELECT 1 num-tests-per-eviction-run: 50 #在每次空闲连接回收器线程(如果有)运行时检查的连接数量,最好和maxActive test-while-idle: true #指明连接是否被空闲连接回收器(如果有)进行检验,如果检测失败,则连接将被从池中去除 min-evictable-idle-time-millis: 3600000 #连接池中连接,在时间段内一直空闲,被逐出连接池的时间(1000*60*60),以毫秒为单位 time-between-eviction-runs-millis: 300000 #在空闲连接回收器线程运行期间休眠的时间值,以毫秒为单位,一般比minEvictableIdleTimeMillis小 data: elasticsearch: #ElasticsearchProperties cluster-name: jkzl #默认即为elasticsearch 集群名 cluster-nodes:, #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode local: false #是否本地连接 properties: # Additional properties used to configure the client. enable: true # JEST (Elasticsearch HTTP client) (JestProperties) elasticsearch: jest: uris:, # uris: connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads. # username: # Login user. # password: # Login password. # proxy.port: # Proxy port the HTTP client should use. # proxy.host: # Proxy host the HTTP client should use. #hibernate 配置 hibernate: dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect show_sql: true ejb: naming_strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy fast-dfs: tracker-server: #服务器地址 connect-timeout: 2 #链接超时时间 network-timeout: 30 charset: ISO8859-1 #编码 http: tracker-http-port: 80 anti-steal-token: no secret-key: FastDFS1234567890 pool: #连接池大小 init-size: 5 max-size: 20 wait-time: 500 hadoop: hbase-properties: hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort: 2181 zookeeper.znode.parent: /hbase-unsecure hbase.zookeeper.quorum: node1.hde.h3c.com,node2.hde.h3c.com,node3.hde.h3c.com user: name: root yihu: admin: client: advice: sql: true --- spring: profiles: jwdev datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: root password: 123456 fastDFS: fastdfs_file_url: yihu: admin: client: server: ip: port: 8082 --- spring: profiles: jwtest datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: root password: 123456 fastDFS: fastdfs_file_url: yihu: admin: client: server: ip: port: 8082 --- spring: profiles: jwprod datasource: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: root password: 123456 fastDFS: fastdfs_file_url: yihu: admin: client: server: ip: port: 8082