var DEFAULT_INTERVAL = ['*']; var CronValidator = (function() { /** * Contains the position-to-name mapping of the cron expression * @type {Object} * @const */ var MeasureOfTimeMap = { 0: 'minute', 1: 'hour', 2: 'dayOfTheMonth', 3: 'month', 4: 'dayOfTheWeek' }, /** * contains every permissible 'measureOfTime' string constant * @const * @type {Array} */ MeasureOfTimeValues = Object.keys(MeasureOfTimeMap).map(function (key) { return MeasureOfTimeMap[key]; }); /** * validates a given cron expression (object) for length, then calls validateValue on each value * @param {!{ minute: Array.string, hour: Array.string, dayOfTheMonth: Array.string, month: Array.string, dayOfTheWeek: Array.string, * }} expression - rich object containing the state of the cron expression * @throws {Error} if expression contains more than 5 keys */ var validateExpression = function(expression) { // don't care if it's less than 5, we'll just set those to the default '*' if (Object.keys(expression).length > 5) { throw new Error('Invalid cron expression; limited to 5 values.'); } for (var measureOfTime in expression) { if (expression.hasOwnProperty(measureOfTime)) { this.validateValue(measureOfTime, expression[measureOfTime]); } } }, /** * validates a given cron expression (string) for length, then calls validateValue on each value * @param {!String} expression - an optionally empty string containing at most 5 space delimited expressions. * @throws {Error} if the string contains more than 5 space delimited parts. */ validateString = function(expression) { var splitExpression = expression.split(' '); if (splitExpression.length > 5) { throw new Error('Invalid cron expression; limited to 5 values.'); } for (var i = 0; i < splitExpression.length; i++) { this.validateValue(MeasureOfTimeMap[i], splitExpression[i]); } }, /** * validates any given measureOfTime and corresponding value * @param {!String} measureOfTime - as expected * @param {!String} value - the cron-ish interval specifier * @throws {Error} if measureOfTime is bogus * @throws {Error} if value contains an unsupported character */ validateValue = function(measureOfTime, value) { var validatorObj = { minute: {min: 0, max: 59}, hour: {min: 0, max: 23}, dayOfTheMonth: {min: 1, max: 31}, month: {min: 1, max: 12}, dayOfTheWeek: {min: 1, max: 7} }, range, validChars = /^[0-9*-]/; if (!validatorObj[measureOfTime]) { throw new Error('Invalid measureOfTime; Valid options are: ' + MeasureOfTimeValues.join(', ')); } if (!validChars.test(value)) { throw new Error('Invalid value; Only numbers 0-9, "-", and "*" chars are allowed'); } if (value !== '*') { // check to see if value is within range if value is not '*' if (value.indexOf('-') >= 0) { // value is a range and must be split into high and low range = value.split('-'); if (!range[0] || range[0] < validatorObj[measureOfTime].min) { throw new Error('Invalid value; bottom of range is not valid for "' + measureOfTime + '". Limit is ' + validatorObj[measureOfTime].min + '.'); } if (!range[1] || range[1] > validatorObj[measureOfTime].max) { throw new Error('Invalid value; top of range is not valid for "' + measureOfTime + '". Limit is ' + validatorObj[measureOfTime].max + '.'); } } else { if (parseInt(value) < validatorObj[measureOfTime].min) { throw new Error('Invalid value; given value is not valid for "' + measureOfTime + '". Minimum value is "' + validatorObj[measureOfTime].min + '".'); } if (parseInt(value) > validatorObj[measureOfTime].max) { throw new Error('Invalid value; given value is not valid for "' + measureOfTime + '". Maximum value is "' + validatorObj[measureOfTime].max + '".'); } } } }; return { measureOfTimeValues: MeasureOfTimeValues, validateExpression: validateExpression, validateString: validateString, validateValue: validateValue } }()); /** * Initializes a CronBuilder with an optional initial cron expression. * @param {String=} initialExpression - if provided, it must be up to 5 space delimited parts * @throws {Error} if the initialExpression is bogus * @constructor */ var CronBuilder = (function() { function CronBuilder(initialExpression) { var splitExpression, expression; if (initialExpression) { CronValidator.validateString(initialExpression); splitExpression = initialExpression.split(' '); // check to see if initial expression is valid expression = { minute: splitExpression[0] ? [splitExpression[0]] : DEFAULT_INTERVAL, hour: splitExpression[1] ? [splitExpression[1]] : DEFAULT_INTERVAL, dayOfTheMonth: splitExpression[2] ? [splitExpression[2]] : DEFAULT_INTERVAL, month: splitExpression[3] ? [splitExpression[3]] : DEFAULT_INTERVAL, dayOfTheWeek: splitExpression[4] ? [splitExpression[4]] : DEFAULT_INTERVAL, }; } else { expression = { minute: DEFAULT_INTERVAL, hour: DEFAULT_INTERVAL, dayOfTheMonth: DEFAULT_INTERVAL, month: DEFAULT_INTERVAL, dayOfTheWeek: DEFAULT_INTERVAL, }; } /** * builds a working cron expression based on the state of the cron object * @returns {string} - working cron expression */ = function () { return [ expression.minute.join(','), expression.hour.join(','), expression.dayOfTheMonth.join(','), expression.month.join(','), expression.dayOfTheWeek.join(','), ].join(' '); }; /** * adds a value to what exists currently (builds) * @param {!String} measureOfTime * @param {!Number} value * @throws {Error} if measureOfTime or value fail validation */ this.addValue = function (measureOfTime, value) { CronValidator.validateValue(measureOfTime, value); if (expression[measureOfTime].length === 1 && expression[measureOfTime][0] === '*') { expression[measureOfTime] = [value]; } else { if (expression[measureOfTime].indexOf(value) < 0) { expression[measureOfTime].push(value); } } }; /** * removes a single explicit value (subtracts) * @param {!String} measureOfTime - as you might guess * @param {!String} value - the offensive value * @throws {Error} if measureOfTime is bogus. */ this.removeValue = function (measureOfTime, value) { if (!expression[measureOfTime]) { throw new Error('Invalid measureOfTime: Valid options are: ' + CronValidator.measureOfTimeValues.join(', ')); } if (expression[measureOfTime].length === 1 && expression[measureOfTime][0] === '*') { return 'The value for "' + measureOfTime + '" is already at the default value of "*" - this is a no-op.'; } expression[measureOfTime] = expression[measureOfTime].filter(function (timeValue) { return value !== timeValue; }); if (!expression[measureOfTime].length) { expression[measureOfTime] = DEFAULT_INTERVAL; } }; /** * returns the current state of a given measureOfTime * @param {!String} measureOfTime one of "minute", "hour", etc * @returns {!String} comma separated blah blah * @throws {Error} if the measureOfTime is not one of the permitted values. */ this.get = function (measureOfTime) { if (!expression[measureOfTime]) { throw new Error('Invalid measureOfTime: Valid options are: ' + CronValidator.measureOfTimeValues.join(', ')); } return expression[measureOfTime].join(','); }; /** * sets the state of a given measureOfTime * @param {!String} measureOfTime - yup * @param {!Array.} value - the 5 tuple array of values to set * @returns {!String} the comma separated version of the value that you passed in * @throws {Error} if your "value" is not an Array<String> * @throws {Error} when any item in your value isn't a legal cron-ish descriptor */ this.set = function (measureOfTime, value) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw new Error('Invalid value; Value must be in the form of an Array.'); } for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { CronValidator.validateValue(measureOfTime, value[i]); } expression[measureOfTime] = value; return expression[measureOfTime].join(','); }; /** * Returns a rich object that describes the current state of the cron expression. * @returns {!{ minute: Array.string, hour: Array.string, dayOfTheMonth: Array.string, month: Array.string, dayOfTheWeek: Array.string, * }} */ this.getAll = function () { return expression; }; /** * sets the state for the entire cron expression * @param {!{ minute: Array.string, hour: Array.string, dayOfTheMonth: Array.string, month: Array.string, dayOfTheWeek: Array.string, * }} expToSet - the entirety of the cron expression. * @throws {Error} as usual */ this.setAll = function (expToSet) { CronValidator.validateExpression(expToSet); expression = expToSet; }; } return CronBuilder; }()); module.exports = CronBuilder;