"use strict"; var testConfig = require('../config'); var APIv1 = require('../../../src/doctor/include/endpoints').APIv1; var should = require("should"); var restTemplate = require('supertest').agent(testConfig.host); var userId = '0de7295862dd11e69faffa163e8aee56'; // var targetUserId = '37959ddf86f211e6b394fa163e424525'; // var adminTeamId = 5; // 行政团队ID: 黄庄家庭医生团队 var consultGroupId = 'bcfd47c57ea74ba19fa049222c76befd'; // 讨论组ID var at = ''; describe('API: Chat', function () { // 发送系统消息 describe('when send SYSTEM message correctly', function () { it('should return 200', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.SM; let now = new Date(); now.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() + 2); let delay = now.toUTCString(); restTemplate.post(path) .send({ to: 'x1', title: "系统消息", summary: "您有一条新的工作记录", contentType: "1", content: "患者已经签约,可以制定随访计划。", delay: delay }) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log(response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); describe('when send SYSTEM message that user not exist', function () { it('should return 404', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.SM; restTemplate.post(path) .send({ to: "Rose Unknown", title: "System Message", summary: "You have new job", contentType: "1", content: "The patient has been followed in the scheduler, please make new follow plan as soon as possible." }) .end(function (err, response) { response.status.should.equal(404); done(); }); }); }); // 发送私信 describe('when send PRIVATE message correctly', function () { it('should return 200', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.PM; restTemplate.post(path) .send({ from: userId, to: targetUserId, contentType: 1, content: "此患者白细胞如此高,中性粒值也高,同时感染细菌与病毒吗?" }) .end(function (err, response) { response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); // 向行政团队发送群消息 describe('when send GROUP of admin team message correctly', function () { it('should return 200', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.GM; restTemplate.post(path) .send({ from: userId, at: '', group: adminTeamId, groupType: 1, contentType: 1, content: "请问:居民签约人数是否达标" }) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log(response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); // 向讨论组发送群消息 describe('when send GROUP of consult team message correctly', function () { it('should return 200', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.GM; restTemplate.post(path) .send({ from: '0de705f962dd11e69faffa163e8aee56', at: '794f637bd3c64b948b112f16911a7883', group: consultGroupId, groupType: 2, contentType: 1, content: "庄医生,患者体征数据是否正常?" }) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log(response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); // 所有聊天列表 describe('when get ALL CHAT list', function () { it('should return 200 and all chat list', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.List + "?user_id=" + userId; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s all chat list: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); // 最近联系对象 describe('when get recent chat list, including ', function () { it('should return 200 and recent chat list in date span', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.Recent + "?user_id=" + userId + "&days=7"; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s recent chats: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }) }); }); // 与居民的聊天列表,包括含有居民的群 describe('when get patient contained chat list', function () { it('should return 200 and chat list with patients', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.ListWithPatient + "?user_id=" + 'D2016082203'; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s chats with patients: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }) }); }); // 与医生的聊天列表,不包含有居民的群 describe('when get doctor contained only chat list', function () { it('should return 200 and chat list with doctors', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.ListWithDoctor + "?user_id=0de7421c62dd11e69faffa163e8aee56"; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s chats with doctors: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }) }); }); // 所有未读组消息数 describe('when get ALL GROUP unread chat count', function () { it('should return 200 and group chat count', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.GMUnreadCount + "?user_id=" + userId; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200) { console.log("User " + userId + "'s group chat count: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }) }); // 所有未读私信数 describe('when get ALL PRIVATE unread chat list', function () { it('should return 200 and private chat count', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.PMUnreadCount + "?user_id=" + userId; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s private chat count: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }) }); // 所有未读消息数 describe('when get ALL unread message count', function () { it('should return 200 and all unread message count', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.UnreadMsgCount + "?user_id=" + userId; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s all unread message count: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); // 获取未读私信 describe('when get unread private messages', function () { it('should return 200 and unread private messages', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.PMUnread + "?user_id=D2016008240002&peer_id=D2016008240003"; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User D2016008240002's unread private message with D2016008240003: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }) }); // 获取未群消息 describe('when get unread group messages', function () { it('should return 200 and unread group messages', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Chats.Base + APIv1.Chats.GMUnread + "?group_id=2&user_id=D20160322000003"; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User D20160322000003's unread messages in group 2: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }) }); // 获取角标数 describe('when get badge number', function () { it('shout return 200 and badge number', function (done) { var path = APIv1.Application.Base + APIv1.Application.BadgeNo + "?user_id=" + userId; restTemplate.get(path) .end(function (err, response) { if(response.status === 200){ console.log("User " + userId + "'s badge number: \n", response.body); } response.status.should.equal(200); done(); }); }); }); });