svr-internet-hospital.yml 24 KB

  1. #通用的配置不用区分环境变量
  2. server:
  3. port: ${server.svr-internet-hospital-port}
  4. spring:
  5. aop:
  6. proxy-target-class: true
  7. datasource:
  8. max-active: 200
  9. max-idle: 200 #最大空闲连接
  10. min-idle: 10 #最小空闲连接
  11. validation-query-timeout: 20
  12. log-validation-errors: true
  13. validation-interval: 60000 #避免过度验证,保证验证不超过这个频率——以毫秒为单位。如果一个连接应该被验证,但上次验证未达到指定间隔,将不再次验证。
  14. validation-query: SELECT 1 #SQL 查询, 用来验证从连接池取出的连接, 在将连接返回给调用者之前。 如果指定, 则查询必须是一个SQL SELECT 并且必须返回至少一行记录
  15. test-on-borrow: true #指明是否在从池中取出连接前进行检验, 如果检验失败, 则从池中去除连接并尝试取出另一个。注意: 设置为true 后如果要生效,validationQuery 参数必须设置为非空字符串
  16. test-on-return: true #指明是否在归还到池中前进行检验 注意: 设置为true 后如果要生效validationQuery 参数必须设置为非空字符串
  17. idle-timeout: 20000
  18. connection-test-query: SELECT 1
  19. num-tests-per-eviction-run: 200 #在每次空闲连接回收器线程(如果有)运行时检查的连接数量,最好和maxActive
  20. test-while-idle: true #指明连接是否被空闲连接回收器(如果有)进行检验,如果检测失败,则连接将被从池中去除
  21. min-evictable-idle-time-millis: 3600000 #连接池中连接,在时间段内一直空闲,被逐出连接池的时间(1000*60*60),以毫秒为单位
  22. time-between-eviction-runs-millis: 300000 #在空闲连接回收器线程运行期间休眠的时间值,以毫秒为单位,一般比minEvictableIdleTimeMillis小
  23. http:
  24. multipart:
  25. max-file-size: 30MB
  26. # location: D:/work/soft_dev/IdeaWorkSpace/wlyy2.0/svr/svr-patient/temp_file/
  27. # resolve-lazily: true
  28. redis:
  29. database: 0 # Database index used by the connection factory.
  30. password: # Login password of the redis server.
  31. timeout: 120000 # 连接超时时间(毫秒) 60秒
  32. pool:
  33. max-active: 20 # 连接池最大连接数(使用负值表示没有限制)
  34. max-wait: -1 # 连接池最大阻塞等待时间(使用负值表示没有限制)
  35. max-idle: 20 # 连接池中的最大空闲连接
  36. min-idle: 5 # 连接池中的最小空闲连接
  37. mail:
  38. default-encoding: UTF-8
  39. #端口
  40. port: 25
  41. #协议
  42. protocol: smtp
  43. properties.mail.smtp.auth: true
  44. properties.mail.smtp.starttls.enable: true
  45. properties.mail.smtp.starttls.required: true
  46. host:
  47. #发送者的邮箱密码
  48. password: xmijk181016jkzl
  49. #发送者的邮箱账号
  50. username:
  51. es:
  52. index:
  53. servicePackLog: base_service_package_log
  54. type:
  55. servicePackLog: base_service_package_log
  56. fast-dfs:
  57. connect-timeout: 2 #链接超时时间
  58. network-timeout: 30
  59. charset: ISO8859-1 #编码
  60. http:
  61. tracker-http-port: 80
  62. anti-steal-token: no
  63. secret-key: FastDFS1234567890
  64. pool: #连接池大小
  65. init-size: 5
  66. max-size: 20
  67. wait-time: 500
  68. configDefault: # 默认配置
  69. saasId: xmjkzl_saasId
  70. express:
  71. sf_url:
  72. sf_code: JKZL
  73. sf_check_word: QkeIfIvQdheqIv2cVSgAUnBU29lfNbVk
  74. ---
  75. spring:
  76. profiles: jwdev
  77. datasource:
  78. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  79. url: jdbc:mysql://
  80. username: root
  81. password: jkzlehr
  82. elasticsearch:
  83. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  84. cluster-nodes:, #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  85. client-transport-sniff: false
  86. jest:
  87. uris:,
  88. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  89. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  90. activemq:
  91. broker-url: tcp://
  92. user: admin
  93. password: admin
  94. redis:
  95. host: # Redis server host.
  96. port: 6379 # Redis server port.
  97. # password: jkzl_ehr
  98. # zipkin:
  99. # base-url: http://localhost:9411 #日志追踪的地址
  100. fastDFS:
  101. fastdfs_file_url:
  102. fast-dfs:
  103. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  104. # 短信发送地址
  105. jw:
  106. smsUrl: http://svr-base:10020/sms_gateway/send
  107. myFamily:
  108. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  109. wechat:
  110. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段
  111. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  112. sms:
  113. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP
  114. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  115. demo:
  116. flag: true
  117. hospital:
  118. url:
  119. mqUser: JKZL
  120. mqPwd: 123456
  121. SourceSysCode: S60
  122. TargetSysCode: S01
  123. im:
  124. im_list_get:
  125. data_base_name: im_internet_hospital
  126. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  127. FileTempPath:
  128. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  129. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  130. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  131. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  132. es:
  133. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  134. index:
  135. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  136. type:
  137. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  138. host:
  139. tHost:
  140. clusterName: jkzl
  141. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  142. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  143. testPattern:
  144. sign: 0
  145. remote_inner_url:
  146. wlyy:
  147. url:
  148. qywx:
  149. url: 1
  150. id: 2
  151. ---
  152. spring:
  153. profiles: jwtest
  154. datasource:
  155. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  156. url: jdbc:mysql://
  157. username: ssgg
  158. password: ssgg@jkzl2019
  159. elasticsearch:
  160. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  161. cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  162. client-transport-sniff: false
  163. jest:
  164. uris:
  165. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  166. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  167. activemq:
  168. broker-url: tcp://
  169. user: jkzl
  170. password: jkzlehr
  171. redis:
  172. host: # Redis server host.
  173. port: 6390 # Redis server port.
  174. password: Kb6wKDQP1W4
  175. fastDFS:
  176. fastdfs_file_url:
  177. fast-dfs:
  178. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  179. wechat:
  180. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段 # todo 待配置
  181. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  182. sms:
  183. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP #todo 待配置
  184. myFamily:
  185. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  186. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  187. demo:
  188. flag: false
  189. hospital:
  190. url:
  191. mqUser: JKZL
  192. mqPwd: 123456
  193. SourceSysCode: S60
  194. TargetSysCode: S01
  195. im:
  196. im_list_get:
  197. data_base_name: im
  198. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  199. FileTempPath:
  200. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  201. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  202. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  203. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  204. es:
  205. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  206. index:
  207. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  208. type:
  209. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  210. host:
  211. tHost:
  212. clusterName: jkzl
  213. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  214. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  215. testPattern:
  216. sign: 0
  217. remote_inner_url:
  218. wlyy:
  219. url:
  220. qywx:
  221. url: 1
  222. id: 2
  223. ---
  224. spring:
  225. profiles: qytest
  226. datasource:
  227. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  228. url: jdbc:mysql://
  229. username: root
  230. password: jkzlehr
  231. elasticsearch:
  232. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  233. cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  234. client-transport-sniff: false
  235. jest:
  236. uris:
  237. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  238. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  239. activemq:
  240. broker-url: tcp://
  241. user: jkzl
  242. password: jkzlehr
  243. redis:
  244. host: # Redis server host.
  245. port: 6379 # Redis server port.
  246. password: Kb6wKDQP1W4
  247. fastDFS:
  248. fastdfs_file_url:
  249. fast-dfs:
  250. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  251. wechat:
  252. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段 # todo 待配置
  253. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  254. sms:
  255. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP #todo 待配置
  256. myFamily:
  257. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  258. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  259. demo:
  260. flag: false
  261. hospital:
  262. url:
  263. mqUser: JKZL
  264. mqPwd: 123456
  265. SourceSysCode: S60
  266. TargetSysCode: S01
  267. im:
  268. im_list_get:
  269. data_base_name: im
  270. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  271. FileTempPath:
  272. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  273. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  274. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  275. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  276. es:
  277. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  278. index:
  279. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  280. type:
  281. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  282. host:
  283. tHost:
  284. clusterName: jkzl
  285. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  286. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  287. testPattern:
  288. sign: 0
  289. remote_inner_url:
  290. wlyy:
  291. url:
  292. qywx:
  293. url: 1
  294. id: 2
  295. ---
  296. spring:
  297. profiles: jwprod
  298. datasource:
  299. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  300. url: jdbc:mysql://
  301. username: im
  302. password: 2oEq3Kf7
  303. elasticsearch:
  304. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  305. cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  306. client-transport-sniff: false
  307. jest:
  308. uris:
  309. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  310. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  311. activemq:
  312. broker-url: tcp://
  313. user: jkzl
  314. password: jkzlehr
  315. redis:
  316. host: # Redis server host.
  317. port: 6390 # Redis server port.
  318. password: Kb6wKDQP1W4
  319. fastDFS:
  320. fastdfs_file_url:
  321. fast-dfs:
  322. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  323. wechat:
  324. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段 # todo 待配置
  325. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  326. sms:
  327. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP #todo 待配置
  328. myFamily:
  329. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  330. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  331. demo:
  332. flag: false
  333. hospital:
  334. url:
  335. mqUser: JKZL
  336. mqPwd: 123456
  337. SourceSysCode: S60
  338. TargetSysCode: S01
  339. im:
  340. im_list_get:
  341. data_base_name: im
  342. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  343. FileTempPath:
  344. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  345. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  346. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  347. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  348. es:
  349. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  350. index:
  351. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  352. type:
  353. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  354. host:
  355. tHost:
  356. clusterName: jkzl
  357. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  358. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  359. testPattern:
  360. sign: 0
  361. remote_inner_url:
  362. wlyy:
  363. url:
  364. qywx:
  365. url: 1
  366. id: 2
  367. ---
  368. spring:
  369. profiles: jwOracleTest
  370. datasource:
  371. driver-class-name: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  372. url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
  373. username: normal
  374. password: normal
  375. jpa:
  376. properties:
  377. hibernate:
  378. dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
  379. show_sql: true
  380. database: oracle
  381. # url: jdbc:mysql://
  382. # username: root
  383. # password: 123456
  384. elasticsearch:
  385. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  386. cluster-nodes:, #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  387. client-transport-sniff: false
  388. jest:
  389. uris:,
  390. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  391. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  392. activemq:
  393. broker-url: tcp://
  394. user: admin
  395. password: admin
  396. redis:
  397. host: # Redis server host.
  398. port: 6379 # Redis server port.
  399. fastDFS:
  400. fastdfs_file_url:
  401. fast-dfs:
  402. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  403. wechat:
  404. id: 97ed8a0a-4f07-4b85-ab02-b716c611a464 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段
  405. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  406. sms:
  407. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP
  408. myFamily:
  409. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  410. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  411. demo:
  412. flag: true
  413. hospital:
  414. url:
  415. mqUser: JKZL
  416. mqPwd: 123456
  417. SourceSysCode: S60
  418. TargetSysCode: S01
  419. im:
  420. im_list_get:
  421. data_base_name: im_internet_hospital
  422. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  423. FileTempPath:
  424. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  425. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  426. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  427. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  428. es:
  429. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  430. index:
  431. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  432. type:
  433. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  434. host:
  435. tHost:
  436. clusterName: jkzl
  437. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  438. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  439. testPattern:
  440. sign: 0
  441. remote_inner_url:
  442. wlyy:
  443. url:
  444. qywx:
  445. url: 1
  446. id: 2
  447. ---
  448. spring:
  449. profiles: jwOracleProd
  450. ## ==眼科医院 数据库========================================================================
  451. datasource:
  452. driver-class-name: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  453. url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
  454. username: HLWYY
  455. password: Xmykzxhlwyy963
  456. jpa:
  457. properties:
  458. hibernate:
  459. dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
  460. show_sql: true
  461. database: oracle
  462. elasticsearch:
  463. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  464. cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  465. client-transport-sniff: false
  466. jest:
  467. uris:
  468. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  469. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  470. activemq:
  471. broker-url: tcp://
  472. user: admin
  473. password: admin
  474. redis:
  475. host: # Redis server host.
  476. port: 6380 # Redis server port.
  477. password: Kb6wKDQP1W4
  478. fastDFS:
  479. fastdfs_file_url:
  480. fast-dfs:
  481. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  482. wechat:
  483. id: 97ed8a0a-4f07-4b85-ab02-b716c611a464 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段
  484. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  485. sms:
  486. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP
  487. myFamily:
  488. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  489. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  490. demo:
  491. flag: true
  492. hospital:
  493. url:
  494. mqUser: JKZL
  495. mqPwd: 123456
  496. SourceSysCode: S60
  497. TargetSysCode: S01
  498. im:
  499. im_list_get:
  500. data_base_name: im_internet_hospital
  501. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  502. FileTempPath:
  503. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  504. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  505. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  506. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  507. es:
  508. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  509. index:
  510. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  511. type:
  512. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  513. host:
  514. tHost:
  515. clusterName: jkzl
  516. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  517. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  518. testPattern:
  519. sign: 0
  520. remote_inner_url:
  521. wlyy:
  522. url:
  523. qywx:
  524. url: 1
  525. id: 2
  526. ##==眼科医院 数据库end=======================================================================
  527. ---
  528. ##==心脏中心 ===============================================================================
  529. spring:
  530. profiles: xzprod
  531. datasource:
  532. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  533. url: jdbc:mysql://
  534. username: jkzl
  535. password: jkzl@2020
  536. elasticsearch:
  537. cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  538. cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  539. client-transport-sniff: false
  540. jest:
  541. uris:
  542. connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  543. multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  544. activemq:
  545. broker-url: tcp://
  546. user: jkzl
  547. password: jkzlehr
  548. redis:
  549. host: # Redis server host.
  550. port: 6380 # Redis server port.
  551. password: q4YaQemf
  552. fastDFS:
  553. fastdfs_file_url:
  554. fast-dfs:
  555. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  556. wechat:
  557. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段 # todo 待配置
  558. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  559. sms:
  560. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP #todo 待配置
  561. myFamily:
  562. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  563. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  564. demo:
  565. flag: false
  566. hospital:
  567. url:
  568. mqUser: JKZL
  569. mqPwd: 123456
  570. SourceSysCode: S60
  571. TargetSysCode: S01
  572. im:
  573. im_list_get:
  574. data_base_name: im
  575. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  576. FileTempPath:
  577. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  578. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  579. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  580. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  581. es:
  582. pwflag: 1 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  583. index:
  584. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  585. type:
  586. Statistics: hlw_quota_test
  587. host:
  588. tHost:
  589. clusterName: jkzl
  590. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  591. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  592. testPattern:
  593. sign: 2
  594. remote_inner_url:
  595. wlyy:
  596. url:
  597. qywx:
  598. url:
  599. id: xm_xzzx_wx
  600. ---
  601. ##==厦门卫计委 ===============================================================================
  602. spring:
  603. profiles: xmjwprod
  604. datasource:
  605. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  606. url: jdbc:mysql://
  607. username: wlyy
  608. password: qY#j2n5O
  609. # elasticsearch:
  610. # cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  611. # cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  612. # client-transport-sniff: false
  613. # jest:
  614. # uris:
  615. # connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  616. # multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  617. activemq:
  618. broker-url: tcp://
  619. user: jkzl
  620. password: jkzlehr
  621. redis:
  622. host: # Redis server host.
  623. port: 9206 # Redis server port.
  624. password: jkzlehr
  625. fastDFS:
  626. fastdfs_file_url:
  627. fast-dfs:
  628. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  629. wechat:
  630. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段 # todo 待配置
  631. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  632. sms:
  633. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP #todo 待配置
  634. myFamily:
  635. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  636. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  637. demo:
  638. flag: false
  639. hospital:
  640. url:
  641. mqUser: JKZL
  642. mqPwd: 123456
  643. SourceSysCode: S60
  644. TargetSysCode: S01
  645. im:
  646. im_list_get:
  647. data_base_name: im
  648. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  649. FileTempPath:
  650. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  651. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  652. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  653. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  654. es:
  655. pwflag: 0 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  656. index:
  657. Statistics: hlw_quota_prod
  658. type:
  659. Statistics: hlw_quota_prod
  660. host:
  661. tHost:
  662. clusterName: jkzl
  663. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  664. #文件服务器上传配置 0本地,1.I健康,2.内网调用
  665. testPattern:
  666. sign: 1
  667. remote_inner_url:
  668. wlyy:
  669. url:
  670. qywx:
  671. url: 1
  672. id: 2
  673. ---
  674. ##==厦门卫计委 内网===============================================================================
  675. spring:
  676. profiles: xmjwlocal
  677. datasource:
  678. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  679. url: jdbc:mysql://
  680. username: wlyy
  681. password: qY#j2n5O
  682. # elasticsearch:
  683. # cluster-name: jkzl #集群名 默认elasticsearch
  684. # cluster-nodes: #配置es节点信息,逗号分隔,如果没有指定,则启动ClientNode
  685. # client-transport-sniff: false
  686. # jest:
  687. # uris:
  688. # connection-timeout: 60000 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  689. # multi-threaded: true # Enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
  690. activemq:
  691. broker-url: tcp://
  692. user: jkzl
  693. password: jkzlehr
  694. redis:
  695. host: # Redis server host.
  696. port: 6380 # Redis server port.
  697. password: jkzlehr
  698. fastDFS:
  699. fastdfs_file_url:
  700. fast-dfs:
  701. tracker-server: #服务器地址
  702. wechat:
  703. id: d24d1367-7f4f-43af-910e-a0a43799e040 # base库中,wx_wechat 的id字段 # todo 待配置
  704. # 短信验证码发送的客户端标识,居民端
  705. sms:
  706. clientId: EwC0iRSrcP #todo 待配置
  707. myFamily:
  708. qrCodeFailurTime: 2
  709. # mq 是否获取his数据,flag代表获取演示数据,false代表获取his真实数据
  710. demo:
  711. flag: false
  712. hospital:
  713. url:
  714. mqUser: JKZL
  715. mqPwd: 123456
  716. SourceSysCode: S60
  717. TargetSysCode: S01
  718. im:
  719. im_list_get:
  720. data_base_name: im
  721. # 上传文件临时路径配置
  722. FileTempPath:
  723. upload_temp_path : /var/local/temp
  724. image_path : /var/local/upload/images
  725. voice_path : /var/local/upload/voice
  726. chat_file_path : /var/local/upload/chat
  727. es:
  728. pwflag: 0 # 1需要密码,0不需要密码
  729. index:
  730. Statistics: hlw_quota_prod
  731. type:
  732. Statistics: hlw_quota_prod
  733. host:
  734. tHost:
  735. clusterName: jkzl
  736. securityUser: lion:jkzlehr
  737. #是否开启i健康接口 0关闭,1开启
  738. testPattern:
  739. sign: 1
  740. wlyy:
  741. url:
  742. qywx:
  743. url: 2
  744. id: 1